
Chapter 11: A Mother's Worry (I).

Chapter 11: A Mother's Worry (I).

Francisca's POV

I'm training in the snow family training course. It's been five minutes since our talk and brief hug, we wanted to further test my abilities on how I can copy magic and now we're practicing on the new spell mom taught me.

"Okay francisca try the new spell [Restoration], since I'm a bit worried why not try doing the long chant first? You memorized when I showed you the chant right?" (Mom) told me the chant, one that would be easily done for beginners since a caster would need intense focus on imaging the spell just by chanting its name.

'To bring back what's broken, fix what has been lost, all the pieces be renewed. May my hands hold what's left- to keep the past once due.'

There were three more verses of the lines about the restoration spell, but I didn't want to memorize them.

"I don't need to long chant mom. I can do the spell just by saying its name." I said confidently, raising my hands to get ready to short chant the spell.

"Well if you say so honey, I'll break the vase for you to fix then." She walks over to the front, breaking the vase in pieces by letting it fall into the ground.


Mom backs away and waits for me to cast my spell.

I took a deep breath, focusing all my mana- imaging the vase whole again and I want it to be brand new.

Focus… focus…

The vase… is all new. Imagine it!

The vase is all brand new!

"[Restoration Magic: Restoration]!" I chanted, glow emitting from my palms. A bright magic circle appeared making the pieces glow and then fixing itself to how its current state was from before.

The vase was fixed again, it's as good as new.

"Hah…" I panted, feeling exhausted from that one spell but- I did it!

"I… did it! Hell yeah!"

Mom rushes over and swings an arm over to me. "Great job! I can't believe you did it on your first try! I may be dealing with a genius over here! Moma gotta hide you from scary scholars now."

"Mom! Wait, what scholars?"

Scholars- Mom is afraid of them?

"Yeah, the scholars of the kingdom are geniuses." She rolls her eyes and she leads me outside of the training facility of our home. "They have a school and what not but if they know I have a genius on my hands… they'll recruit you by wearing those horrible looking turbans."

"Pfft!" I covered my mouth trying not to laugh.

"Ya liked that joke don't ya?" Mom smiles, having successfully made me laugh she pinches my cheek before holding my hand. "Now that's it for the night. Maybe tomorrow we can continue training. I'll be teaching you more now than your father, and when that time comes call me Ma'am."

I have to learn from the best.

Mom has made me her apprentice and from what I saw today she could teach me well- better than Dad that's for sure.

"So… about that John boy you brought home. I'm still unsure if we could trust him, I get that he saved you but- it might take a while before we get used to another person inside the house." (Mom) tells me and I understand, I don't even know what to do with John either.

He felt like one of those golden retriever puppies you can't just shoo away.

"Ahahaha you're right… but Dad approved of him being our guard for now." I tell her trying to convince her to possibly drop it but she softly pouts.

"At this point after seeing your magic, it looks like you'll be guarding him instead." She continues on pouting, huffing and puffing her chest.

I really didn't know what to do when he told us he needed a place to stay.

A few hours ago, I was walking looking for the way back home when Mom found us not too far, with her other acquaintances in the search party they were all worried.

"Hi- Mom-! Urk!"

"Oh you- you three! Where did you go?! We were looking all over for you at the party!" (Mom) gave the three of us a big warm hug. Aubrey couldn't breath and she asked to be let go while Glenn- well he didn't look okay.

"Aubrey!" (Aunt Mila) was at the search party, hugging her daughter. She stares at all of her scratches and bruises looking so hurt. "Oh… Aubrey, what did they do to you?"


Rustle… Rustle…

The sound of bushes rustling caught our attention. I have forgotten that there are monsters everywhere deep inside the forest- strong ones like a [Direwolf] and [Goblins] but their entire settlement would be rare to spot.

Mom must've sensed danger because she quickly ordered for the search party to fall back home. "Let's get somewhere safe first, everyone. We should continue our talk back home. The forest is surrounded by monsters we should move."

We all nodded following the instruction, Dad carried Glenn who was quiet the whole time while Mom held me by the hand being so protective.

I could feel her warmth, and sweat from her skin- she must've been looking around everywhere for us.

Home was not far now, only a half hour walk away.

When we did get home, I was asked so many questions that I couldn't possibly answer them all at once.

"Where have you been?! We were so worried! Who took you? Where are they? I have to give a word or two about kidnapping children!" (Mom) was definitely out to kill John's brother.

Dad sat down at his chair sighing, tired because Glenn had fallen asleep by his shoulder. "We looked for you everywhere, the garden, house and the party venue- we thought you were playing… I have to make sure the perimeter will be safe next time."

"Actually we actually brought our savior with us-"

"Yes, the blonde boy standing right over there by the corner." (Mom) was quick to point out, John flinched standing still as everyone turned their attention to him.

"Well..." (John) nervously gulps looking towards my intimidating parents who were keeping their cool.

"I can't believe we didn't see those bandits lurking around, I've been growing too soft it seems… Thank you young man for rescuing our children." (Mom) gave her thanks to John and the boy shakes his head with a faint smile.

"No, it is not I who saved your daughter. It is her who saved herself and defeated my brother. We… my brother- he was not a good person, I had no choice but to become his accomplice for he was my only family left." (John) didn't look too proud of confessing his sins, after all if one could count how long he has been an accomplice they might've sold more than a dozen.

"B-But I will atone for my sins, I will change please I just need a place to stay… please sir and ma'am."

Mother and father looked at one another looking hesitant by his request.

I, on the other hand, owed him for introducing me to my overpowered abilities.

"You helped me escape knowing what your brother was capable of, I think you're well enough to stay in one of our guest rooms then John."

"T-Thank you!" (John) reaches out to hold my hand and Aubrey saw, she was pouting- taking my hand away from John's grasp.

"My... body hurts big sis, I don't feel so well." (Audrey) was now the one holding my hand instead, my little baby cousin seemed to have wanted my attention and I smiled.

"Where does it hurt?" I asked, holding Aubrey close and then I could hear her giggling happily now after she clings onto my arm.

"Hehehe, it hurts everywhere." (Aubrey) tells me and I nod keeping her close. She might've been laughing but both her and Glenn have been horribly beaten up… scratches and bruises were left as evidence of it.

I also had a few of my own from crawling on the ground.

My Aunt Mila, her mother on the other hand heard that her daughter was not feeling well and attacked John holding him by the dirty collar of his clothes.

"What happened to my Audrey?! I'll kill whoever did this! Where is your brother?!" (Aunt Mila) began intimidating the boy and his whole body was shaking.

After John hears that he gulps and lowers his head in apology.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't stop my brother from hurting your daughter. He didn't listen to me. I tried to stop him." (John)

Aunt Mila came and glanced at the cowering blonde boy. Then I looked at Audrey in worry, she was the only child that she has- I understood her anger and I didn't stop my aunt from releasing her feelings.

"So then where is your brother? I'll kill him… I'll send my guards and kill that bastard!" (Aunt Mila) was serious, she could easily bring half of the military power of the academy with one command-

John asked for a piece of paper and tried routing the place to which we meant, a few landmarks and cliffs he drew a little circle where we were kept before.

Aunt Mila takes the detailed map looking impressed, and stores it in her [Storage Ring].

She was a woman that stood high wearing her knightly armor, an intimidating aura clenches on the hilt of her sword looking determined. "He better be there for me to beat up. If he's not there, you're going to take the punishment under the law of the kingdom for being an accomplice of a criminal."

Aunt Mila tells him seriously, but I didn't worry much because John was a minor under adult influence. It's a tactical technique she uses to make her enemies fear her, and most likely some revenge on the side too knowing my aunt.

"I-It's right there, it's not too far. I just hope he didn't die yet." (John) mutters looking away.

With my magic, we could safely say he might've survived.

I… probably didn't hurt him too badly.

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