
Chapter 548: Gradually Unshackling Chains [2/2]


A huge scream filled the air as a bright red light in the sky got sucked into something big and dark. Everything went black. Inside this Soul Demon, all Yumo could sense was a nasty smell, a mix of different powers, spiky stuff all around, and hot, gross walls of flesh.

It looked like it was trying to digest her.

The interior of the Soul-Devouring Demon began to churn instinctively, trying to tear Yumo into pieces and consume her. A never-ending dark green digestive fluid oozed from the walls of flesh, completely enveloping Yumo. The strong acid, after corroding her clothes, began to try corroding her body.

Just like a meat grinder, combined with acid that could instantly melt an eighth-level warrior, it instantly crushed hundreds of bloody butterflies, corroding them completely...


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