
Chapter 158

Chapter 158 Return

  "Come and see, come and see! This is the dragon-slaying sword used by the 'Serwyn of the Mirror Shield' "

  At a market in the north of Steel Street in, a peddler held up a shining brilliant long sword, bragging loudly.

  It's a pity that no one passing by stopped to listen to his flicker, except Samwell Caesar.

  The peddler looked at Samwell's attire and the attendants behind him, and suddenly his eyes lit up—

  the fat sheep is here!

  "My lord, this sword is most suitable for a heroic knight like you! only Ten gold dragons, and this sword is yours!" Samwell took the sword with a smile, looked it over, and shook his head . :

  "It's too expensive."

  "Then how much do you think is appropriate?"

  Samwell pointed out five fingers.

  "Five gold dragons?" The peddler struggled a bit before gritted his teeth, "Okay! That's five gold dragons!"

  Samwell still shook his head: "I'm talking about five copper coins."

  "Copper coins?" The peddler jumped , "are you kidding!"

  Samwell squeezed the blade of the sword slightly, this "Dragon Slaying Sword" actually made an unrepeatable creaking sound, as if it would break in the next second.

  "Is this 'Serwyn of the Mirror Shield' dragon-slaying sword?"

  The peddler's face changed immediately, but he still insisted: "Of course! Ser Serwyn used this sword..." "

  "Serwyn was not a knight , he was a hero in the era of the ancestors." Samwell poked at him unceremoniously, "At that time, the chivalry system was not yet established. Can you use brag little less?"

The peddler's face turned red, Gritting his teeth, he said, "Okay! Then five copper coins!"

  "Now there's only four."

  "Four?" The peddler called again.

  "Wait a little while, three coins."

  "That's four copper coins!" The peddler said dejectedly.

  "Katu, pay." Samwell waved to the servant behind him, and then threw the "Dragon Slaying Sword" into the small cart.

  It was already full of piles, full of all kinds of strange things.

  After paying the money, the master and servant continued to stroll around.

  Not long after, Samwell stopped again.

  A peddler in front of him was bragging about a white bone carved with distorted patterns in his hand, saying it was the leg bone of a dragon.

  Samwell smiled and asked the vendor to show the "bone" to himself. As soon as he took it, he heard a familiar voice behind him: "Lord Caesar, that is the leg bone of a buffalo. Don't be fooled by him."

  Samwell turned his head and saw Garlan Tyrell, and behind him, his younger sister Margaery Tyrell and Natalie Dayne, who has recently became Margaery follower.

  The two girls wore floral dresses of a similar style, with the same bright smiles on their faces, like sisters.

  Samwell greeted a few people, and then saw Natalie approaching, poking the bone in his hand curiously with her finger: "Lord Caesar, do you want to buy this bone?"


  Hearing Samwell say yes, the peddler immediately became excited, and hurriedly said:

  "My lord, this bone was left by Balerion, the 'Black Death' back then! It was worth thousands of gold dragon! If you want, I will only accept about hundred gold dragons."

  Before Samwell could speak, Garlan said in disdain: "One beef leg bone sells for one hundred gold dragons, do you think we are fools?"

  The peddler stuck his neck: "Master, this is really a dragon bone ! I swear to the Seven Gods!"

  Samwell seemed to believe Garlan words, and returned the bone, ignoring the vendor.

  Seeing the small cart in the hand of Samwell's servant and all the messy things inside, Margaery held back her smile and said,

  "Sam, are you here to hunt for treasure?"

  "Yes." Samwell nodded solemnly .

  "Then you have to be careful. King's Landing has the most liars in the Seven Kingdoms."

  And the best. Samwell knew it all.

  "Don't worry, I'll pay attention."

  Margaery didn't try to persuade him, but instead said,

  "By the way, Sam, we plan to return tomorrow from Rose Avenue all the way south. Lady Natalie has agreed to go with us. Do you want to come with us too?"

  Natalie immediately added: "Yes, Sam, Lady Margery invited me to be a guest in Highgarden to see the sea of golden roses on the banks of the Mander River, I heard it is very beautiful !"

  Samwell shook his head with some regret: "Sorry, ladies, I have made an appointment with Sir Horas to visit Arbor Island. However, I will go to Highgarden to meet you immediately after I return to the territory of Duke Mace. If Natalie is still here, maybe we will see you again."

  Natalie was a little disappointed when she heard that, so she said: "Okay, then you have to come to Highgarden quickly, I will wait for you."

  "Okay, Sam, remember to come, grandma has been talking about seeing you." Margaery winked playfully at Samwell.

  Hearing that the "Queen of Thorns" wanted to see him, Samwell touched the tip of his nose uncomfortably, feeling that the old lady was going to settle the score with him.

  "Okay, I will visit as soon as possible."

  "Then, see you in Highgarden ."

  "See you in Highgarden ."

  Samwell stood where he was, watching them leave.

  In fact, it's not that he doesn't want to go accompanying beautiful woman's , but that he has more important things to transport back by sea, and he doesn't trust others, so he lied about going to Arbor island.

  what he wanted to transport was the skull of a dragon's.

  Now that he knew that these things could add attributes, Samwell would naturally not let them stay in the Red Keep to collect ashes.

  He has already hired a cargo ship to transport these giant dragon skulls back to Eagle Island.

  In order to deceive others, Samwell came to the major markets in King's Landing and bought a lot of things related to dragons, such as statues, oil paintings, handicrafts, and even the so-called dragon sword and dragon eggs and the like…

  Even knowing that these were fake fakes, Samwell pretended to be taken advantage of and bought them all.

  When time comes , he will mix the real bones among these fakes and send them by cargo ship to avoid unnecessary attention.

  Thinking of this, Samwell picked up the beef leg bone again, and said:

  "I want this 'bone'."

  The peddler's eyes lit up immediately, but before he could be happy, Samwell went on to say: " Three copper coins and I'll take it . "

  The peddler pretended to struggle for a while before saying: "Deal!"

  After speaking, he quickly stuffed the bone over, as if he was afraid that Samwell would go back on his word.

  Watching Samwell throw the "bone" onto the cart, the servant Katu couldn't hold back anymore and asked, "

  Master, since you know these are fake, why did you buy them?"

  Samwell shook his head and said: "Fake, real, real, fake, can you really tell the difference? Since you can't tell, then the fake is real, the real is fake, true and false, why bother to compare the answer ."

  Katu dazed by the words, didn't dare to say much, so he had to push the cart, keep up with the pace of the owner, and continue this big treasure hunt.

  It was not until the evening that Samwell finally stopped and "returned with treasure's ."

  When he directed the guards to load all these dragon treasures onto the cargo ship, the captain looked at Samwell like he was looking at a fool.

  So when night fell, the "fool" in the captain's eyes swaggered and carried the real dragon skull onto the boat without causing any disturbance.

  However, Samwell failed to remove all nineteen sets of keels. This was not because of his conscience, but because they were too large.

  Twelve keels were too large to reach Blackwater Bay by secret passage.

and it is impossible for Samwell to move the keel out of the gate of the Red keep swaggeringly.

  That was too ostentatious.

  Although the Baratheon family didn't care about these relics from the previous dynasty, it was impossible for them to tolerate such unscrupulous stealing.

  So Samwell ended up removing only seven smaller skulls.

  This should be enough for him to eat for a while, after all, until now, the first keel can still be boiled to bone soup to add attributes.

  As for the rest of the bones, sooner or later, he will come back to get it.

  Early the next morning, Samwell went to see off Margaery and her party, then returned to the residence, and began to pack his luggage and prepare to leave.

  But before leaving, Samwell went to see Duke Eddard Stark.

  After all, the Hand of the King had issued him a secret mission. Although he didn't plan to complete it for the time being, he still had to greet him.

  Although Duke Eddard cannot be relied upon as a backer, it is still necessary to have a good relationship.

  When he came to the Hand of king , he was told by the servant that the Hand of the King was holding an council meeting, so Samwell waited patiently waited.

  After waiting for a while, he heard the clicking sound of wood hitting outside.

  Out of curiosity, Samwell came to the window, and saw in the courtyard below, the second daughter of the duke, Arya Stark, was learning swordsmanship.

  "Go!" cried her teacher, Syrio Forel , slashing at her head with his wooden sword.

  Arya raised her sword to block, and it clicked again .

  "Left!" Syrio kept swinging his sword, "Right!"

  "Left! Down! Right! Left! Up!"

  He spoke faster and faster, and the wooden sword in his hand was almost invisible, forcing Arya to retreat embarrassingly .

  The clicking sound resounded throughout the courtyard.


  Arya cried out in pain, her hands were bruised, and the wooden sword fell to the ground.

  "You are dead." Syrio said in a cold tone.

  Arya shouted unconvinced: "You cheated! You said the left side, but you hit the right side!"

"Yeah , so you are a dead girl."

  "But you lied!"

  "My mouth lied , but the eyes and hands tell the truth, but you didn't see it." Syrio's tone became serious, "Arya, you need to learn to see."

  Arya looked at the bruises on her hands, pouted, Just about to say something more, she suddenly found Samwell standing by the window, and immediately shouted:

  "Lord Caesar! Can you beat my teacher !"


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