
Chapter 116

Chapter 116 The Crow's Eye

"What Is Dead May Never Die!"

  The dexterous longboats cruised among the huge waves, shouting excitedly and frantically.

  "What Is Dead May Never Die!"

  "What Is Dead May Never Die!"


  Under the light of the lightning, small boats surrounded them like a pack of wolves.

  And that "Wolf King" happened to come to the right side of Arbor Island's flagship Purple Grape, sailing side by side with it.

  Samwell clearly saw a flag of a golden sea monster flying on a black background , and the crew members on the deck were brandishing machetes and roaring silently - none of them had tongues in their open mouths!

"The dead don't die, they will rise again, and will be stronger!"

  The only man with a tongue on the Serenity shouted.

  His skin was as pale as snow, and his appearance was as handsome as a prince in a fairy tale. His blue right eye were smiling, while his left eye was covered by a pitch-black eyepatch.

  Euron Greyjoy the Crow's Eye!

  Samwell immediately recognized the person's identity.

  The Greyjoy family is the ruling family of the Iron Islands. The people under their rule call themselves "Iron People". Farming and fishing are menial jobs, but plundering is the most honorable career.

  Because of this, the ironborn have always been the most feared and murderous pirates in Westeros.

  When the Targaryen family conquered Westeros, the Greyjoy family also bowed their heads to the Iron Throne and restrained the iron people under their rule, forcing them to abandon the "ancient road" of plundering and live a life of farming, fishing.

Hard and unremarkable life like mining.

  However, the ironmen never gave up their pursuit of the glorious and beautiful "ancient road". The looting gene has always existed in their bodies, and forcible suppression will only accumulate dissatisfaction and lead to rebellion.

  During the rule of the Targaryen family, the Iron Islands set off rebellions many times, but they were suppressed again and again.

  After the Robert's rebellion , the Greyjoy family surrendered to the new king Robert Baratheon, but only six years later, the Iron Islands could not bear the hard and boring life and rebelled again.

  However, this rebellion was also suppressed, and the Iron Islands fell silent again.

  Samwell didn't expect that he would meet the ironborn pirates in the narrow sea, and the leader was the craziest and most dangerous "Crow's Eye" Euron in the Greyjoy family!

  He remembered that Euron should have been exiled by his elder brother, Balon, the current lord of the Greyjoy family, and then he led his men to travel and plunder all over the world.

  However, I am afraid that this encounter must be "thanks" to Hobber Redwyne .

  "Crow's Eye" Euron probably didn't want to attract too much attention, so he didn't dare to plunder on the main route. He just hid in this sea area near the Stepstones Islands and robbed some passing small merchant ships.

  Unexpectedly, they encountered five ships flying the flag of Arbor Island and decided to accept them .

  Although the current Iron Islands is still in a state of being suppressed, Euron "Crow's Eye", a lunatic exiled by his brother, obviously will not abide by the laws of the Seven Kingdoms.

  "Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh—"

  The sound's of piercing air was heard as the spears were thrown by the pirates with the help of wind.

  Samwell squatted decisively, hiding himself behind the side of the ship. There is no other way, this night made him blind and he can't see the spear of the opposite side at all.

  Then, he heard the sound of spears piercing the hull of the ship, and the screams of the sailors on the ship.

  "Hit back , Hit back!"

  This is the voice of Horas commanding the battle.

  Unfortunately, the pirates cleverly gained the upper hand, and the soldiers on Arbor Island had to throw spears against the wind or shoot bows and arrows if they wanted to fight back.

  But in this way, the power will be greatly reduced.

  In addition, pirate ships were small and flexible, and it was difficult to aim at them.

  Seeing that the counterattack could not achieve results, Horas simply ordered the soldiers to stop and wait for the pirates to board the ship before counterattacking.

  Taking advantage of this time, Samwell gathered several of his guards.

  He only brought fifty guards with him this time, but none of them had any experience in naval battles. In such a storm, there were only a few of them who could climb up to the deck and successfully find him.

  On the contrary, his first vassal, Knight Lucas Dayne, performed very well. He obviously had sailing experience, and he could walk on the ground even on a violently shaking ship.

  "Lord Caesar, you'd better go back to the cabin, I'll guard you outside." "

  " No, we will fight side by side ."

  Lucas didn't try to persuade him anymore, but just handed the oak shield in his hand to Samwell .

  Samwell didn't refuse. He didn't expect a battle when he came out just now, so he didn't bring a weapon at all.

  However, he has already asked his attendants to go to the room to get the giant sword [Dawn].

  "The pirates are boarding the ship!"

  Lucas reminded suddenly.

  Samwell shivered slightly, and then saw the first pirate appear on the side of the ship.

  Lucas rushed up with his sword first, and chopped down the pirate, but the pirate still hooked the climbing rope when he fell, shook a few times in the storm, and started climbing again.

  The sharp whistle sounded at the same time, and with it, there was the roar of Horas commanding the battle again .

  After a while, more and more pirates appeared on the side of the ship.

  They wore gray leather armor, held half-moon-shaped scimitars, and a few even held battle axes. They jumped nimbly on the side of the ship and on the deck, as if the violent wind and waves had no effect on them at all.

  The fighting sounds became dense all of a sudden.

  Samwell also had to carry his shield to join the fight.

  But he didn't just rush forward, but let himself adapt to the violently shaking and slippery deck, trying to find his balance.

  It wasn't until a blind pirate ran up to Samwell that he swung his shield and smashed it into the opponent's chest.


  The pirate's scimitar hit the shield, but was knocked out of his hand instead. Before he could cry out in pain, the shield smashed into his chest with great force.


  The pirate's chest was completely sunken, and blood mixed with viscera spewed out from his mouth crazily, splashing Samwell all over.

  Before Samwell could catch his breath, another pirate rushed over with a tomahawk.

  This time, he controlled his strength well, first dodged the opponent's slash, and then swung the shield to smash the opponent until he spit blood from the mouth and collapsed to the ground.

  Snatching the tomahawk from the opponent's hand, Samwell took advantage of the opportunity to make another blow.


  a big wave hit, and the turbulent sea flooded the deck.

  Both sides in the battle were overturned by this huge wave.

  Samwell slammed his ax into the side of the ship, trying to hold himself steady.

  Looking up again, He saw a vigorous figure appearing from the huge waves. That person stood firmly on the narrow side of the ship, his feet seemed to be nailed to it, no matter how violent the shaking was, he could not lose his balance.

  The strong wind blew up the black cloak behind him, revealing the golden sea monster's coat of arms.

  "Sheep of the Green Lands, we have come to take the iron money! Put down your arms, and I will give you a decent death."

  Euron Greyjoy the Crow's Eye was on board too.

  Samwell looked at this arrogant figure, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and slowly he narrowed his eyes .


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