
Chapter 102

Thanks for power stones

+1 Bonus chapter

  Chapter 102 Wanted

  After Prince Oberyn left, everyone also dispersed.

  As Samwell walked out, he was stopped by Earl Randyll .

  "Father ?"

  Earl Randyll nodded, motioning his son to follow him.

  The two came to a small room and closed the door.

Earl Randyll said, "There is something I want to tell you. In order to get the Florent family to agree to send troops to support you, I have already promised Earl Alester that after the war, you will marry his eldest granddaughter, Elo Florent."

  Samwell frowned when he heard this.

  Why do so many people want to marry their girls to me?

  First there was Sunflower City, then there was Arbor Island, and now there is Bright Water City...

  Am I so popular ?

  Although the Florent family was a good marriage partner, Samwell really didn't want to marry a girl whom he had never even met, and this girl was still his cousin in terms of blood relationship.

  What's more, he has already aimed at greater target...

  "Ahem, father, how old is that Miss Elo?"

  Earl Randyll thought for a while, and said,

"I remember she was twelve years old."

  Samwell face turned blank.

  That is my underage cousin, father, you must be punished!

  "She's a bit young..."

  "We won't let you get married right away." Earl Randyll seemed to see his son's reluctance, and frowned, "Get engaged first, and then you two will get married when she has menarche."

  What kind of tiger wolf world is this!

  Samwell felt that although he had been in this world for a year, he still couldn't adapt to the way of thinking of these great lords.

  "It's not good..." Samwell said reluctantly, "Why don't we use other methods to compensate the Florent family? How about brandy?"

  After all, the Florent family has made great efforts this time. It will be really embarrassing to reject them directly.

  Earl Randyll stared at his son for a while:

"Why won't you marry Elo? Afraid that she is not beautiful? You don't have to worry about it, I have seen her before, she is a very cute little girl."

"Why don't you give them some more Golden Dragon, deduct it from my share of war indemnity."

Samwell continued to discuss.

  "Why are you so reluctant? Do you have another object of admiration?"

Earl Randyll seemed to understand something when he thought of the intimacy between his son and the girl from the Dayne family. "It can't be Natalie Dane, right?"

  What the hell?

  Before Samwell could refute, Earl Randyll nodded in a serious manner: "Natalie is actually a good marriage partner. Marrying her will allow you to better control Starfall City and High Hermitage City."

Samwell closed his mouth decisively .

  He felt that it was good to let his father misunderstand like this, otherwise if he really said that he wanted to marry the daughter of the Duke of Highgarden, he was afraid that Earl Randyll would knock his head.

  "Okay." After some consideration, Earl Randyll decided to support his son's idea, "Then you can go after Natalie. As for the little girl from Florent's family, I will let your brother marry her ."

  Relieved, Samwell smiled and said,

  "Yes, Father. I'm sure Dickon will be very happy."


  night fell.

  Samwell finished his supper and was strolling back to his room.

  The moonlight was like water, filling the silent courtyard.

  Samwell walked on the winding path paved with gravel, his head bowed in thought.

  "Hey, Sam."

  A crisp voice pulled him out of his thoughts, and Samwell stopped, only to find a plump girl sitting on a hanging chair in the yard, swinging on a swing, her long black hair blowing in the wind, her charming face was facing the moonlight, making her even more alluring.

  "Princess Arianne." Samwell smiled politely, "I didn't expect you to be still awake ."

"Would you like to sit together?" Princess Arianne warmly extended the invitation, and at the same time moved to the side of the hanging chair, pointing Samwell to sit next to her.

  "I'm Okay 👍!"

  " too crowded?"

Princess Arianne smiled, "Then I can sit on you."


Samwell was unmoved, "I'm worried that the swing can't support the weight of two people "

  Princess Arianne rolled her eyes: "Are all you men in the Reach so incomprehensible?"

  Samwell put his hands on his chest and retorted: "Are all you Dorne women so bohemian?"

  Who knew Princess Arianne Unexpectedly smiled and nodded: "Yeah, the hot weather and hot diet make Dornish men grumpy and Dornish women wild, hot pepper and hot wine are flowing in our veins, which makes us unable to control ourselves.

She licked her red lips, and added in an extremely charming tone: "Especially on the bed."

  Samwell's Adam's apple rolled, and it was impossible to say that he was not moved. Facing such a stunner, No man will not be moved.

  But he knew very well that this was a woman who was very good at controlling men with lust.

  What's more, the two of them are now in a state of hostility, and even the lower head can figure it out that she must have bad intentions.

  "Then you can try a colder bed tonight ." Samwell leaned over and saluted, "Good night, Princess ."

  Seeing that Samwell was really about to leave, Princess Arianne became anxious, and hurriedly called:

  "Stop ! Samwell Caesar!"

  "What else do you want? Arianne Nameros Martell."

  Princess Arianne jumped off the swing and walked up to Samwell. She was not tall, so she had to look up , but this angle was also not bad for her, because it allows her to show off her full breasts to her heart's content.

  Seeing that the man was deliberately avoiding his gaze, Princess Arianne smiled triumphantly: "I have a proposal for resolving the current dispute between Reach and Dorne."

  "What proposal?" Samwell had to admit, she smelled good.

  In addition, there is was a slight smell of wine. It seems that the Dorne princess has been drinking a lot just now.

  "It's very simple." Princess Arianne smiled brightly, "I will marry you."


  Samwell was really powerless to complain, why do everyone want's marry him?

  Could it be that my charm is already so irresistible?

  He thought smirking in his mind.

  However, this woman is as beautiful as she is thorn , so he will never marry her.

  Too dangerous, too troublesome, and too wanton.

  Seeing that the man didn't respond, Princess Arianne frowned immediately and asked,

  "What's the matter with you? Shouldn't you be overjoyed that a Dorne princess is willing to marry you?"

  Samwell glanced at her , calmly said:

  "Your Highness, Prince Doran will not agree to this marriage."

  The light on Princess Arianne's eyes dimmed suddenly: "You are right, father will definitely not agree."

  She said through gritted teeth: "Ward Foyle, Gales Rosby, Ben Beesbury... My father's fiancés have always been these dying old men! I don't understand, I don't understand why he hates me so much!"

  Samwell knew the real reason.

  Prince Doran has actually arranged a secret engagement for Princess Arianne, planning to marry her to the former prince who is still in exile on the other side of the Narrow Sea——Viserys Targaryen. That's why he used these old objects to perfuse his daughter, because he knew she would refuse.

  In this way, he can prevent her from marrying someone else in advance and breaking the secret engagement.

  Poor Princess Arianne has been kept in the dark, thinking that her father hates her and even wants to deprive her of her inheritance.

  Of course, Samwell would not tell these secrets to the girl in front of him, after all, he couldn't explain how he knew it.

  Could it be that he say he read in a book?

  Princess Arianne was not overwhelmed by grief, she quickly raised her head again, looked at Samwell with piercing eyes, and said, "Sam, let me give you a child!"


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