
Double Trouble II

Irwin could hear gunfire, monstrous screams, and grunts of pain from inside of the factory. Curiosity beheld him as he stood from his seat atop the raised platform and walked towards Andy.

The special child had been hard at work for the last two minutes as he tried to mentally command Jethro, the vampire with no genitals. Alas, the results were less than ideal. 

On the bright sides, there were results no matter how incrementally small it was. That was the main point of this hunt, after all.

"Andy. I'll be going inside. If you see anyone near you, shoot this at them or in the air." He took out the revolver from his shoulder holster and placed it on the ground next to Andy.

"A-alright! I'll try my best to order him. I promise." Andy didn't stop nor could he order him to do so. All he did was promise to do his best because he knew how weak he was.

Irwin hummed, jumping back into the platform and walking inside. Before he completely disappeared, he looked back at Andy and gave a reminder. "If you hear me screaming. Don't run… just continue working."

As soon as Irwin went past the dusty clear curtains, the smell of blood, gunpowder, and urine hit his sensitive nose. With a chuckle, he gently removed his suit jacket and shoulder holster, rolled back his sleeves up to after his elbows, and loosened his dark blue tie.

He strode forward, passing by the rusted foundry, metal fixtures, and broken window panes of the nearby managerial offices. The sound of gunfire and screams became louder as he grew nearer.

Suddenly, a gruff voice echoed to his right.

"Fuck! Tell Sir Monty to finish his meal. We have hunters in the front." Irwin craned his neck and saw the owner of the voice. Standing tall at seven feet, a dark-skinned man with an unhealed scarred face on his face ordered three young vampires.

The four vampires were standing atop a metal platform used to walk around the factory for inspections, the handrails were rusty and broken at parts.

Irwin smiled as he called out to the group. "Yo! I'm also a hunter."

He motioned for the two other vampires to accomplish their orders, before the gruff vampire scoffed at Irwin. "I don't know if you're stupid, arrogant or crazy-"

"I choose the fourth one." Irwin quipped with a grin as he re-strapped his padded gloves, checking its tightness.

The young vampire laughed at Irwin's words. "Yo, Em. This guy's fucking stupid, man. Let me handle this!"

The vampire named Em tried to stop the neophyte, but he had already leaped from atop the metal platform and down towards the nearest foundry. "Juan!"

Juan paid Em's words no heed as he glared at Irwin, fangs barely fitting his mouth. He jumped down to the ground, leveling the distance between him and his prey.

"I'm gonna enjoy eat-"

"Shut the fuck up, bitch." Irwin interrupted, putting up his fist and goaded Juan with his padded hands.

Juan, angered, rushed forward and slashed with his claw-like fingers, but Irwin merely skipped backwards causing the claws to miss by mere inches.

Having caught the vampire off guard, Irwin pressed his left arm close to his left ear and rotated his waist as he launched a full powered hook at Juan's face.

With a dull bang, bones cracked and blood splattered as the force of the blew Juan head-first into the metal foundry. Amidst the clattering of rusted metal and poisonous dust, he could see Juan's face was caved in by the punch as the vampire barely had enough strength to regenerate such a grievous injury.

Before Irwin could fully check the extent of the damage, a clanging echo reminded him of another vampire coming for him, though this was much older than the last three.

He leaped forward, rolling to the ground and facing Em, the leader of the small group. His bare hirsute chest fared better on a werewolf instead of a vampire, but his crimson eyes and toothy maw laid bare his vampiric curse, an old one at that.

No words were exchanged as Irwin rushed forward. His opponent did too, using his finger claws to increase his speed.

Em tried to swing his claw, but Irwin had accelerated faster, so he ducked against the former's attack.

Irwin, having crouched down but still moving, used his momentum to crash into the vampire as he elbowed Em's stomach.

Em tumbled to the ground, rolling once before he halted himself when he scraped the ground with his bleeding nail claws. He stood up shakily, nursing the fleeting soreness on his stomach.

"Y-you're strong for a damn hunter." He remarked.

Irwin said nothing in return, merely dashing forward in a lowered center of gravity. He jumped and did a sweeping kick, but Em blocked it with his left arm. 

The force still forced the vampire a few feet away, an opportunity Irwin took as he landed with his back on the vampire and followed the sweeping kick with a back kick.

The kick hit the vampire like a freight truck, sending him careening and tumbling down a few dozen feet away before his form crashed into a built-in office concrete wall.

The walls cracked in a web-like fashion as Em's form embedded itself half a dozen inches deep. The vampire grunted in pain as he fell down onto the paved floor, the sight of which alarmed a couple of roaming vampires.

"Shit! Someone took out Eman!"

"There's more hunters in the back!"

"Where's Sir Monty?"

Irwin moved forward, revealing his unbothered form to the vampires. He smirked at their sight, readying himself as he motioned for them to come at him.

Angered by his arrogance, one vampire rushed forward while the other left to call for help.

Unlike the previous fight, Irwin took it upon himself to catch the vampire's hands. Surprised by the hunter's actions, the vampire tried to free itself, briefly doing so, before Irwin's foot struck the vampire's stomach.

Much like Eman, the vampire hit the concrete wall but with much greater force causing more rubble and dust to billow out and create a cloud of dust that hid both vampire's forms.

He took out his silver sword, feeling the weight of his blade as he went inside the dust cloud and quickly beheaded both vampires. He didn't forget Juan, bringing the unconscious vampire into the receding dust cloud and chopped off his head too.

While he was still cloaked under the dust cloud, Irwin activated his system and selected the Trade Shop.


All tradeable items have been scanned. Please select which item to trade:

▪︎ Eman Navarro - Class 1 Monstrosity - Adult Vampire Variant: 17

▪︎ Erick Sanchez - Class 1 Monstrosity- Neophyte Vampire Variant: 7

▪︎ Juan Y Mendoza - Class 1 Monstrosity- Neophyte Vampire Variant: 9


You have traded [Eman Navarro], Erick Sanchez, and [Juan Y Mendoza] for [33 Trade Points]

Current Points: 68


Irwin closed the system and walked towards the sound of fighting in a calm, almost rhythmic pace.

He soon found Sam and Dean fighting off seven vampires with three more laying on the ground, beheaded.

He moved quickly, unsheathing his sword and swinging at a nearby female vampire, severing her head without so much as a signal.

The act was noticed by the other clan members, bestial anger overtaking their rational mind as they rush at the three hunters.

Sam, face bloodied and marked by a single finger nail, held out his machete as he blocked a vampire's fully powered attack.

Dean pushed off his own vampires, using his shotgun to delay them for a brief moment as he wielded his machete to behead Sam's opponents.

Sam nodded at his brother, his blade weaving through the air to cut a vampire's arm before it could reach Dean's body. Dean, noticing the blood dampening his clothes, reached out his shotgun and blew off the vampire's head.

The other four vampires backed off, their fangs bared at the hunters. A woman who seems to be the elder of the other three spoke to Sam and Dean.

"Leave at once! Sir Monty will end your existence once he smells your kind."

Irwin did not stay idle, either, weaving his own blade to slice and dice two more vampires into non-existence. His loose tie swung through the air as his body glided into one vampire after another, the blade easing through their skin like a hot knife slicing butter on a warm summer day.

"What's your name, vampire?" He asked as he silently motioned for the brothers to back down. They did so, but not without Dean voicing his disapproval.

The vampire leader scoffed back, gazing at her dead clan members. "You've already killed a dozen of us. Just go! We'll be leaving this place soon enough."

"No can do, amigo." Dean retorted, shaking his head as he used the conversation to catch his breath. "We need all of you dead."

"Gonzales!" The leader roared as the three vampires, much agile and stronger than the rest, rushed forward.

Sam met one of them, using his machete to match the vampire's claw slashes. "Ugh, crap. I-I got this!"

He was forced back, but steadied himself as he duck and rolled to the left, barely avoiding the Gonzalez vampire's attack from above.

When he saw the vampire's back, Sam did not hesitate and jumped on him and stabbed his machete down his neck. He used the momentum of his landing to not only pierce deep and fast, but to also twist his wrist and wring out the blade outwards and cause it to open up the vampire's neck.

The Gonzalez vampire shook off Sam, digging his fingernails into the upper part of his back and smashed him to the concrete floor.

Fighting through the pain, Sam latched onto his vampire as he roared, "DEAN!"

Without a moment's hesitation, Dean shrugged off his own vampire as he aimed his shotgun at Sam's vampire and blew his head off.

"Whoo! Let's do this, baby!" Dean duck and rolled, reloading his sawed-off gun as he did so.

His vampire saw his sibling's head get blown off and momentarily froze, just enough time for Irwin to come through and slice her head off. 

"Shut up and just kill them, man!" He softly admonished, taking note of the remaining Gonzalez and the leader of the vampire group.

Irwin swung his silver blade at the last Gonzalez, nicking him in the shoulder, but not deep enough to sever the arm whole.

Irwin used the bounce from the hard swing and cleaved using the back blade, but the vampire was more agile than he thought. Skipping back-and-forth Irwin's unguarded spots, the Gonzalez vampire cooperated with the vampire leader as they fended off Irwin's vicious attacks.

"Any help here?" He asked sarcastically.

"Right, my bad!" Dean quipped with a wink as he twirled his machete with a flourish. "So, which of you gets my blade?"

At last, after a minute of fighting, the Winchesters and Irwin tore and blew the seven vampires asunder. Blood pooled around the scene as a sickening stench of iron and guts permeated the area.

Dean, controlling his breath, wiped his face free of blood with his jacket's sleeve. He gazed around the vicinity. "Is that all of them?"

Before Irwin could reply, they turned their heads towards the sounds of six continuous gunfire. "That's Andy. Check it out. I'll handle the cleanup."

"Alright. We'll check up on Andrew. Take care." Sam nodded as he, too, breathed through his mouth, fearful of the stench. "C'mon, Dean!"

"Yeah, yeah." Dean shook his head and jogged forward, along with his brother. "Can't take a damn break."

Left alone with the dismembered bodies, Irwin steeled his mind and pushed through the nausea as he activated his system and traded the vampire.


All tradeable items have been scanned. Please select which item to trade:

▪︎ Stephanie Arrabal - Class 2 Monstrosity - Adult Vampire Variant: 19

▪︎ Abigail Valerio - Class 1 Monstrosity - Neophyte Vampire Variant: 11

▪︎ Juan Y Mendoza - Class 1 Monstrosity - Neophyte Vampire Variant: 6

▪︎ Juan Manuel Sarmiento - Class 1 Monstrosity - Neophyte Vampire Variant: 7

▪︎ Consuela González - Class 2 Monstrosity - Neophyte Vampire Variant: 14

▪︎ Diego Garrido - Class 1 Monstrosity - Neophyte Vampire Variant: 8

▪︎ Abraham González - Class 2 Monstrosity - Neophyte Vampire Variant: 15

▪︎ Alonso González - Class 2 Monstrosity - Neophyte Vampire Variant: 12

▪︎ Jennifer Dillard - Class 1 Monstrosity - Neophyte Vampire Variant: 8

▪︎ Keenan Reeves - Class 1 Monstrosity - Neophyte Vampire Variant: 5


You have traded [10x Vampires] for [105 Trade Points]

Current Points: 173


He quickly checked the list as the vampire's bodies turned to dust, melding with the blood.

He had found a consumable pill that would work on suppressing Ansem's powers and its only worth 50 credits.

With a nonchalant hum, Irwin cracked his neck. "Looks like we don't need to kill the Sire."

He rushed towards the side entrance and passed by Sam and Dean, fighting off three vampires.

"What happened?" He asked as he evaded a vampire's claws, punching him back in retaliation.

The vampire snarled at Irwin, intent on attacking him, but Dean's machete got in the way. "Son of a bitch. They're delaying us. Go to Andy. We got this!?"

"Are you sure we can handle this, Dean?" Sam asked sarcastically, evading another vampire's attack.

Irwin ran by them and drew the clear plastic curtains that separated the delivery platform and the inside of the factory, revealing the burning form of a wizened vampire whose body emitted smoke under the rays of the afternoon sun.

His gaze then went towards Andrew's body, blood pooling around his head.

Irwin gave a sigh and said. "You mind giving me a second before we fight?"

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