
Bonus Chapter: A Goddess's Dream (2)

In the distance, the lights of the Royal Army's camp was blazing in the darkness.

Even so, it took me several moments to realise where I was. Surrounded by a forest of dark trees and thick bushes, I knew that this was where our convoy had chosen to make camp beside the northern road. It was a scenic place to spend the night. Beneath me, the grass was tall and wild, while moonlight shone through the ceiling of leaves clouding the sky.

A warm, nightly breeze woke me from my initial shock.

Immediately, I smacked my hands across random parts of my body, before accepting that there was a 50/50 chance that I was either dreaming or that the Goddess had actually dumped me a considerable distance outside the carriage I was sleeping.

Despite the best, or perhaps the worst, intentions of my patron goddess, I remained apprehensive as I turned around. Nothing could be seen beyond the thick layer of trees other than what the moonlight allowed, which even then composed primarily of shadows.

The Goddess of Love said that she wished to show me a dream. But as I found myself surrounded by wilderness and the promise of an unwanted walk back to my carriage, I couldn't help but let out a wry smile at the knowledge that her dreams didn't come packaged with convenience.

Frankly, I hoped I was still sleeping.

I did not know how I was going to explain to the guards when I returned how and why I had left in the middle of the night.

Nor, I realised as I caught a voice drifting down from further within the forest, would I be the only one to have this problem.

Focusing on my listening, I could make out the distant sounds of soldiers going about their business, and the crackling of fires ringing the perimeter of the camp.

But even though it had merely been the faint whisper of a voice, I knew at once who it belonged to.

Nobody could make a voice as sweet as the girl I loved more than anyone.

Especially when she made a voice I was now intimately familiar with.

All of a sudden, the pounding dizziness in my head was swept away, replaced by the pounding of my heart as I found myself rooted to the spot.

The weight of the breeze, the rustling of the leaves, and the illuminating moonlight now felt crushingly real, as though nature itself was reinforcing to me that something about my presence here was incorrect. I felt like an intruder, here only at the whims of a Goddess who saw into hearts as though peering through a clear window.

I knew I should not be here.

And a part of me knew, that if I chose to turn around and walk only a few steps towards the camp, I would next find myself in the carriage, forgetting a dream that had not yet occurred.

But that was only a part of me.

After all, the Goddess had offered her reward. And I had willingly accepted it.

Forcing my frozen legs to move, I headed into the thick layer of trees.

The sound of my footsteps were hidden by the soft grass and the swaying of the leaves. But I knew that even if I were sprinting across a paved road, nobody would realise my presence over the intimate sounds that was echoing within these woods.

The only threat that I would be discovered, was if the sound of my heart could be heard over it.

".... hhanHHnn … mmnhHhn … aHhnhn … nnhHnnn ..."

I stopped once more as the sweet sound of my girlfriend flowed past me.

Even after so many times, hearing her voice as she moaned more lovingly than she'd ever done with me filled my chest with crushing jealousy. I didn't need to see her expression to already know what was there. I had viewed it many times, not because I'd seen it with her lying under me, but because I'd seen it from the distance of a memory stone.

If this was a dream, then it was the truest dream. More than the breeze of the moonlight, the reaction of my lower body easily attested to that.

For a moment, I wondered at the reason why I had been permitted to be brought here. There was nothing Iris would do that she wouldn't show me. And yet the Goddess had promised that this would be something I was not meant to see.

Envy and breathlessness struck me as I wondered about the possibilities of what this could mean.

I trusted Iris implicitly.

And yet, against a Goddess whose hands spun fate, where did that allow my doubts to go?

"... NnhhHhn …. mmhHnn … AhhHnhnn …. HhannNh ..."


The lustful moans of my girlfriend made all deliberations unnecessary.

The thing I was not meant to see.

I knew, that no matter what, it was something which I wanted to witness.

I swallowed a shaking breath, then allowed myself to peer between the gaps of two trees.

"... MhhnHhn … ahHnnh … nHhhnnn … mmhhMmmh ..."

I felt my breath get taken away.

It was a truly beautiful sight. Whatever doubts I had, and whatever fears may soon become realised, I knew that it was worth seeing the sight of Iris as she currently was.

Enveloped in moonlight, Iris's stunning figure was clearly displayed as though the Goddess herself was illuminating her frame.

She wore violet tonight. A violet bra tightly squeezing her huge breasts as they shook beneath the weight of Magnus thrusting himself inside her from behind. Her matching underwear was hanging around her thigh, perfectly revealing her cum-covered slit as it greedily took Magnus's hard shaft over and over.

She had both hands against a tree, her long legs remaining upright as she bent her slender back to accommodate the throbbing cock repeatedly pounding her. Between those delicious legs, an unending stream of thick cum was dribbling down, caking her violet stilettos and the grass beneath in a puddle of another man's seed.

I had caught them in their love making. But I could not tell if this was the beginning or the end of their session. They could easily indulge in each other's body until the dawn.

And judging by the strength of the moonlight enveloping Iris's beautiful figure, that dawn was many hours away.

"... Hhahnhh … NmhnnM … nnHHhnn ..."

Iris's expression was the picture of bliss as she moaned into the face of the tree. A scarlet blush coated her cheeks, while saliva dripped from the corners of her lips as she accepted the huge cock ramming inside her.

However, even as I saw the clear satisfaction she was experiencing, I noticed the smallest tinge of something else that was also present in her eyes.

It was guilt.

"HhnaHnN … I … nHHnn … I said … ahHnnh … I said wait … mhHmmh ..."

It was only then that I realised what that look meant.

Following the direction of her gaze, I spied a small stone, only barely visible courtesy of the moonlight.

It was at the foot of the tree just beneath where Iris's hands were planted on the trunk, as though it had fallen there by accident. This was not the sort of location Iris would usually place the memory stone used to record her immorality.

But more than that, I could see that the memory stone was not fully transparent. It was muddy and dim, as though it were a common pebble by the road.

It was inert. Iris had not activated it.

"MmhmHn … hhaanHn … pleaaschh … aHHnnh … pleaasch wait … mhHnn … I'm not … mhHhmm … I'm not … hnNhhn … ready … ahhnhNn ..."

Behind her, the handsome man chuckled softly.

"You were soaking wet before I even touched you. What are you not ready for? The entire camp to fuck you?"

Iris responded by trying to shake her head. All that did was cause more saliva to join the growing puddle of fluids in the grass.

"AhhnHhnn … mhhMmhm … juscht … mhHmm … wait a … hHnahnn … moment … AhhnNn ..."

In answer, Magnus slammed his hips into Iris's cum-filled cunt so deeply that she was forced to take a step closer towards the tree she was using as support. Her lustful groan filled the air, echoing within this small clearing.

Magnus wore a look of dark satisfaction as he peered down at the pure, slender back of the girl he was toying with.

"Damn, can't believe your cunt almost went to waste. Next time you want to shove your fingers in yourself, don't wait for us to go to sleep. Just tell me and I'll screw you until you're satisfied again."

"Thatschh … HhmmhHm ..."

Magnus grinned, his disgusting expression just as visible in the moonlight as Iris's was.

"So the princess actually touches herself, huh? Weird. Despite being a slut, I figured that was above you."

"Thatschh … mHhmnm … you weren't … ahhNHnn … meant to … nnhHnnh … schee … mmhHnmh ..."

"You're lucky it was me and not one of the useless soldiers. They wouldn't ask like I did. Not everyone's a gentleman like me, you see. Not that I had to do much asking. You started stripping before we even got here, you cheating whore. Not a single thought for your boyfriend, huh?"

Iris's eyes glanced towards the inert memory stone again.

However, she made no attempt to break away from Magnus's relentless pistoning into her.

Instead, she fully parted her lips, her tongue rolling out as saliva dripped almost as heavily as the sperm flowing down between her legs.

Even more than the look of guilt in her eyes was the expression of unadulterated satisfaction on her face.

It was enough to cause me to explode with jealousy.

If she wanted to, I knew she could stop. Instead, Iris was permitting a man other than me to indulge in her body, and none of it would ever be seen by me.

This was now their private sex.

It was enough to cause me to explode with envy. A part of me wanted to interrupt. To make some noise and disturb their love making. And yet the chance of seeing Iris's private side, knowing that each moment of this was not an act simply for my sake, was intoxicating.

I wanted to see what Iris was like, knowing that I wasn't watching.

I wanted to see how truly immoral she could become.

"HanhHnn … I … ahNhn … didn't want … mhHmhm … to … nhHnh … wake him … Ahnhnn ..."

Barely able to respond between her sweet moans, Iris turned her eyes away from the memory stone and stared into the tree she was facing with absent eyes, as though she'd completely given in to the pleasure she was feeling.

Magnus grinned as he squeezed his hands into Iris's slender waist. He leaned in closer, bringing his face near the side of Iris's as he fully shoved himself into my girlfriend's wet cunt.

"It's for the best. Not like that loser would do anything, anyway. But don't worry. I'll give you something good you can tell him later. Like how I can cum in you four times and you still won't let me go."

Suddenly, he pulled his cock back until it almost exited Iris's folds, then viciously rammed it back in.


Hearing Iris's sweetest moan yet, Magnus slowly pulled his cock back, enjoying the warm sensation of Iris's depths squeezing onto him as he almost exited, before slamming back inside.

"HahhNNmmmmmmm … that's scho …. nhHnnmmm ..."

Magnus smirked, delighting in every instinctive reaction he stole from Iris's heated figure.

"Yeah? You like it the harder I go, don't you? Well, if you're being honest, what can I do but give you what you want?"

Once again, Magnus threatened to pull his huge shaft fully out of Iris's wet folds. His seed mixed with Iris's juices formed a frothy white cream which fully coated the shaft.

Then, Magnus began repeating his motions. He violently rammed his entire shaft into Iris's waiting pussy, pushing the tip of his cock up against the entrance of her womb. And this time, he didn't stop just to hear Iris's response.

"MhhmmnhHmmm ... AhhnHhmmmm~"

Turning her face down to stare into the grass, Iris's expression became hidden as she groaned so loudly that I knew her voice must have reached far beyond this clearing. But even if I couldn't see what expression she was making, I could see the saliva dribbling down to coat what had been the memory stone meant for my use.

Now, it was nothing but an object as forgotten as the grass. Iris moaned in relentless pleasure as she accepted Magnus's huge cock hammering into her with slow and purposefully timed thrusts.


As Magnus buried himself into Iris, fresh cream began dribbling down her inner thighs and down onto the growing puddle below. It was immediately joined by a gushing spray of Iris's juices as she orgasmed to the latest shove of Magnus's cock inside her. Yet even as the man began emptying his seed into my girlfriend's inside, he continued his slow plowing into her.

"MhhmMmmmnNm … it's schoo … good … nhnHmmmm~"

Magnus grinned at the admission he didn't ask for, then finally pulled out.

At once, a torrent of creamy seed dripped out of Iris's slit, pouring out to land between her high heels. Iris breathed heavily, her panting like the mewing of a kitten as she twisted her face around to look at the man who had once again despoiled her.

There was no hint of a rebuke on her face. Instead, the look in her eyes was that of a lovestruck maiden who wanted more. Her cheeks were painted in red, her skin glistening from the sweat dripping down her brows.

"HannH … pleasschh … nnHnnm … more … don't stahp … ahnNn ..."

Magnus gave a dark smirk. At this point, he seemed to enjoy Iris's expression of complete obedience more than her body.

"Still want more, huh? That's five times now. But don't worry, I know that's not enough for you. Turn around. It's a waste not to see your tits when I'm fucking you. I'll have to go another five times to have you make up for it."

"Nhm… Hahn … anhnNn … yessch ..."

Still moaning from the strength of her latest orgasm, Iris immediately did exactly as ordered.

Without any of her usual rebuttals or arguments, she pushed herself away from the tree, twisted her high heels around, then leaned back against the bark. Her deep cleavage, squeezed by her violet bra, was fully revealed in the moonlight, especially so as Iris discreetly pressed her arms in slightly.

It was a view for Magnus's eyes only. And that thought made me more jealous than anything else.

"Your mouth is getting better. But it's your body that's always been perfect. Go on. You know what to do."

Magnus purposefully kept his arms to his side as his rock hard cock jutted against his stomach. He was content to merely take in the unhindered view of my girlfriend as she cutely presented herself to him.

For a moment, it was all Iris could do to lean back against the tree, her heavy panting indicative of how deeply she indulged in her love making with Magnus.

However, I knew from her intoxicated expression what would come next.

"Ahnn … I … I understand … hahn ..."

With a sweet bat of her eyelashes, she reached both hands out towards Magnus's waiting shaft. The man responded by taking a step forwards until the heat of his length was now shared by Iris's stomach as well. The cream coating the shaft smeared over her bare skin, marking even more of her as his.

Then, with her gaze lingering on the huge length, she willingly drew it towards her waiting cunt.


The moment the thick cockhead entered her soft slit, Iris let out a sweet moan. The smile on her face bloomed with an angelic quality. And yet the look in her eyes was that of a succubus indulging in her favourite pastime.

It seemed that with the memory stone not active, Iris had even less inclination to hide her wants. There was no play acting in this. As she took more of Magnus's huge shaft sliding inside her, all she did in response was to invitingly squeeze her arms closer together, displaying even more of that beautiful cleavage barely contained by her tight bra.

Magnus didn't need another hint. He lowered his head, burying his face into Iris's breasts before greedily tasting the sweat pooling in that wonderful valley. One hand rose to play at a puffy nipple poking the fabric of the bra, while the other hand went beneath Iris's knee.

Without any effort, the man lifted up my girlfriend's leg. Her underwear still around her thigh, I witnessed the erotic sight of Iris's high heel dangling in the air, her filled pussy clearly visible as Magnus dragged his throbbing cock in and out of her at a leisurely pace.

Iris's angelic smile never left her face, even as more of her eyes became clouded over in pure lust.

"MhhMMmm … nhhanHmm … more … aahHnnn … pleascch … mhHmmm … more … even more … AhhnhmMm ..."

Magnus lifted his head. The grin he wore as he took in Iris's pleading voice and mesmerising expression was disgusting in contrast, but not as much as the way his eyes had lit up like a feral beast not yet satisfied with his prey.

"You want more? Heh, don't worry. I'll give you more than just this."

"AhhMhm … mhhMHm … haHhnnnHm ..."

"We're heading north. And you know what that means? All hell and shit, and I'll be at the front of it. Not like your useless boyfriend. That's why I need to start thinking about the future. Aren't you glad? This is me being responsible, just like you wanted."

"HahnNhn … yeschh … I'm schoo glad … ahhNhnn … you're taking … mhhMmm … rescponsibility … AmhhmmMm … you careless … mhhMmm … beassst … AhhmmHmm ..."

Magnus's grin grew darker as he moved his face towards Iris's.

Immediately, my girlfriend cutely stuck her pink tongue out, waiting for the man's tongue to meet hers.

Instead, Magnus was content to admire the lustful expression of the beautiful girl in front of him while comfortably dragging his shaft in and out of her. He took in her blue eyes, even more dazzling while clouded in desire, then put on his most disgusting smirk yet.

"Yeah. I'll take responsibility, all right. It's all war and no whores up there. None except you, anyway. And who knows what'll happen up there? I need to leave my legacy behind. That's why, you're going to stop taking the medicine from the Sisters."

For a moment, Iris's eyes went wide.

However, whatever shock she felt at hearing the words, it was nothing compared to the sensations running through her body as she accepted the cock hammering into her.

Even as she moaned, the wet sounds of Magnus's shaft sliding into her filled pussy threatened to overtake the sounds of her sweet breaths.

"HhNaannhM … that'sch … aHHmmhm … I … I ..."

It was jealousy like no other.

Something crashed into my heart, leaving only the feeling of my lower body as it reacted to the fact that Iris did not immediately refuse Magnus's demand.

Here, alone in their own world, Magnus had just asked Iris to stop taking the medicine preventing him from impregnating her. His goal, I knew, had always been to patiently fuck his way through the Church's protections until all the seed he pumped into Iris's womb finally bore fruit.

Now, it seemed, he had decided that patience was no longer an asset he could afford.

He wanted Iris to have his child. And he wasn't willing to wait.

"AhhnHnn … I … I … HAhMmhn ..."

Magnus leaned his face even closer.

At this point, Iris's tongue was still desperately inviting Magnus's towards her lips. And yet the man was content to smile while driving his huge cock deeply into her.

If they kissed, he would not be able to hear her response.

And more than even her sweet lips, I knew that the man desired an answer.

"Stop taking that medicine, and I promise to fuck you every waking minute until I knock you up. You won't need to look for excuses or dress like a slut. I'll fuck you the moment you wake up until you sleep. And as a reward for bearing my child, I'll fuck you even more, just the way you like it."

"HhnaHHnnn … mhHhmmhMmm … nHhHmaah~"

Suddenly, Magnus let out a low grunt.

Gripping his hand around the underside of Iris's knee, he slammed his cock into Iris with such ferocity that the strap of Iris's high heel became loose. It separated slightly, the footwear bouncing against her sole as Iris let out a series of lust-filled groans.

"AhhHnmmHmm … MhhhmMnnHmm … nHhhnHnnnnhhnnn~"

Magnus smirked as the sweat dripped down the beautiful girl's face. He leaned in closer, allowing Iris's tongue to briefly lap against his lips, before he drew his face away again.

"Don't worry. We can keep it between us. It can be our little secret from your boyfriend. You'll love that, won't you? A cheating whore needs her secrets."

"AhhNmm … I … thatschh … mHhhmMmm~"

"But you don't have to lie to him. Once the bump starts showing, you can let him know. In fact, you should properly tell him how much you've been having unprotected sex when you do. He'll fucking start jerking off on the spot."

At first, Iris's moans were her only response.

However, as Magnus continued thrusting his huge cock inside her wet folds, Iris's face slowly lit up with both lust and a frenzied bliss. As she took in his words, her angelic smile became as beautiful as it was lewd.

"AhhnNhmm … yesschh … he … HhhanHm … he will … mhhmMm … he'll be … aahHnnmhnn … scho happy … HhahnnHmm … I think … mmhMmhn … he'll maschturbate … nnHHnmmm … a lot … AhhNnmmnN~"

I saw her glance down at the memory stone, dull and deactivated.

Then, her beautiful face became flushed with a shade of deep crimson.

"ahhNn … I'll … I'll … nHhmmm~"

Magnus slowed the pace of his thrusts, as though to fully savour the words of the girl in front of him. His hand shook slightly against the underside of Iris's knee, as though unable to hide his anticipation at his ultimate victory.

"You'll what? You need to say it properly, otherwise I might miss it."

Iris breathed in heavily, her moans intertwined with her panting as she desperately sought to take in enough oxygen to clearly get her next words out.

However, it was clear from her scarlet expression what they were, even had she not said it.

"I'll … haHhn … I'll stahp … taking … nnHmmm … the medicine … AhhnnHn~"

Immediately, Magnus slammed his hips forward. As though unable to stop himself, he rammed his shaft as deep into Iris's wet cunt as he could, drawing another heavy moan from my girlfriend.

"And why are you going to stop, you cheating whore?"

"AHHnnhN … Because … MhhmNAhn … I want you … HhaNHnn … to make me … NhhMMmhm … pregnant …. hahNNhhmmnn~"

This time, Iris didn't wait for Magnus to ejaculate.

Her entire body shivering, she let out a huge squirt of juices. She orgasmed without prompt, a spray of her nectar meeting Magnus's thrusts and gushing over his shaft and thighs. Any thought she'd hoped to keep hidden was revealed by the strength of her juices flowing out to the promise of becoming pregnant with Magnus's child.

"HhanNHHnnh … scho good … pleasschh … mhHhmmmm … cum …. cum inschide me … nmhHHmmm … I want …. hHahnnn … I want you … mhHmmmm … to make ... hAhhNnn … me pregnant … MhhnahHm … pleaaschh … cum lots … HhnannH … cum lots inshide me … NHhnnnnn~"

Magnus didn't need another invitation.

Finally drawing his face towards my girlfriend's, he was met by a pink tongue against his as their lips closed together. They tightly embraced, tongues desperately working within their mouths as the two lovers fully accepted one another.

Shoving his huge shaft deeply inside her, Magnus let out a low grunt as his cum once again spurted directly into Iris's womb. The creamy seed flowed copiously inside, matched by another spray of Iris's juices as they shared in each other's lust. The warm cum spewed freely into Iris's wet cunt, overflowing and dripping down the beautiful girl's white skin.

"HahHnnhnn … more … more … nnHnmmm … pleascchh … cum lots … NhhmMmm … cum inshide me lots …. AhhnNnn … make me pregnant … HhnmmM … cum even more … ahHnnnmN~"

In response, Magnus threw both arms behind Iris's back, them began hammering his still-hard shaft inside her. Iris erotically replaced Magnus's hand beneath her knee with her own, keeping her leg up as she accepted the other man pumping his semen into her.

"AhhNnnh … scho good … MhhmMn … pleaaschh … mMhHmmm … cum even more … don't stahop … HahHnnnhm … cum fully inschide me … MHhmmMhh~"

The puddle in the grass grew even greater as the white semen dribbled endlessly from Iris's cream filled cunt. Even so, neither Magnus nor Iris stopped.

With their tongues mashing together, Magnus continued driving his huge cock inside Iris to an endless flow of passion. As more and more semen continued to flow into Iris's womb, she responded with gushes of nectar meeting each powerful thrust.

Their lips pulling apart to a heavy strand of saliva, Magnus put on his darknest smirk yet.

"From now on, you'll never drink that medicine again. That means more than one child."

Iris slowly nodded, her face a contortion of pleasure and desire as she raised her leg even higher, inviting Magnus to continue driving his huge cock even more inside her.

"HanNHhnn … Yessch … AhhnnN ... I'll … mMhmn ... I'll do it … aHhnnH … I'll have … nHhnnnhnn … all your … HaNnnn … children … mHhnnhMm~"

"Good girl. We're gonna raise fine kids. Don't worry. Your boyfriend can help out when we're busy fucking. I need to properly reward you, after all."

"HhanNhnn … yeschh … mHhmmM … I can't …. nhhNmmmm … wait … ahHnnn~"

Iris's tongue freely peeked out from her lips as she experienced another gushing orgasm. Juices poured out to mix with the copious amounts of semen filling the entrance to her slut, and yet it was clear from the strength of her moans that she wasn't close to finishing tonight.

She was going to allow Magnus to impregnate her, and it would start by ensuring that starting now, her womb would be filled as many times as the man driving his throbbing cock into her wanted.

It was the most intoxicating sight I had ever seen.

My girlfriend, as she fully offered her body over to another man.

And I knew that I would give anything to watch every moment of it.

Which is why--

"Aaaaaand … that's enough of a show for tonight."

I heard a snap like the clicking of two fingers

Patreon chapter

This story isn't mine; it belongs to someone else. You can find the original here: [https://netoraseswordprincess.wordpress.com]

Polygamycreators' thoughts
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