
The Lord's work must be done

Micheal POV:

As I floated above the forest that surrounded the camp, I heard the spirits of the plants whispering to one another, gossiping and laughing. I heard the giant ants of greed moving near the grove of the beginning, created by Rhea, while the trees cried out to one another, speaking nonsense like an orchestra of insanity.

But most of all, I heard the children of the gods playing capture the flag, not so different from the war games in which the children of the Roman pagans participated. Their cheers and tears rang out across the valley. I watched as the child of Athena assigned Percy Jackson to a creek, and I knew something would happen soon. So I floated closer to him, and my intuition proved correct when an aura of death appeared from the forest, slowly approaching Percy. I landed in front of it and lifted it up, asking, "Do you want a better view?" It violently shook its head no and trembled in my arms, like a puppy being grabbed for the first time. "Shhh, I will not hurt you, child of Cerberus, for you have a very important role in this story. So while the demigods fight each other, join me, and let us have patience, for it is one of the seven heavenly virtues." I gently set the beast down, and it immediately sat still. Together, we watched the battle between Percy Jackson and the children of Ares.

Eventually the beast got up and started walking back towards the forest I waved my hand as a goodbye gesture and told it to go in peace. It turned its head backwards every so often to check if I was following it and eventually disappeared out of sight no doubt going back to its master as it realized attempting to kill the demigod was a futile effort.

I turned back just in time to see Percy fall into the rocky water and I knew Poseidon would have to claim him now. He got back up and quickly dispatched the children of Ares as the child of Hermes crossed the line with the flag of the opposite team and they all started cheering and celebrating. The unclaimed children along with the children of Hermes lifted Kronos's disciple into the air in celebration oblivious of what he truly was.

As Percy walked out of the water he collapsed instantly and when the child of wisdom asked him to go back into the water he was suddenly fine. Both the child and Chiron quickly realized the true reason Percy was able to heal and had better fighting skills he was a son of Poseidon. All the demigods turned each one had a shocked look on their face as above Percy Jackson the symbol of Poseidon floated. I descended towards the creek stopping just above the water as to not make a splash. As I folded my wings shut my armor transformed into a red cassock and a black saturno hat, while my sword morphed into a golden crozier. Approaching the group of campers I heard the young girl murmur to herself "this is really not good". Percy's fellow campers, alongside Chiron, began to kneel before him, and then Chiron proclaimed, "The bloodline has been revealed. Poseidon, the Earthshaker, Stormbringer, and Lord of Horses, hail Perseus Jackson son of the Sea God." I knew the time of patience had concluded; now, the Lords work must be done.


Hi :) heres another short chapter. I kinda got a job so my typing time is limited so don't be surprised if i miss a couple uploads. Also as always leave don't be afraid to comment your thoughts and opinions on the fic.

As always thanks for sticking around and reading

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