
Chapter: 22 (Juniors)

Now back to the past, where Natch D was going to be attacked by space pirates. The night had already passed with the arrival of dawn. Although the polar day(Night) was still cloudy.  No stars or moons shone upon the Natch D.

The pig pirate ship landed on the Natch D and made a hole in the electromagnetic shield. It slightly touched the building and shook the building's pillar. Unfortunately, 40% of the building had already turned to dust because of terrible parking. 

However, parking was done by a rookie space pilot, which made everyone puke, including the captain himself. "Captain, are you okay?" One of his wise subordinates asked him.

"Finally, we landed safely." The Captain exclaimed that suddenly he felt nauseous. The next second, liquid gushed out of his mouth. "Bleghg bleghg!" 

"Captain, is your stomach alright?" Captain Loyal's assistant asked in a concerned voice.

"What do you think, airhead? I am feeling nausea, and my stomach is grumbling like a giant wave." He complained, wiping his mouth with a napkin. "And who gave this permission to park like that?".

"Captain, you told him to park like that."

"⊙.☉."  He felt speechless after hearing this. The Captain had short-term memory syndrome; that is what he told his junior subordinate. Well, his true nature was indecisiveness. 

"Well, I was testing the driver's limit," he lied. "Fired that bastard and appointed new juniors." 

×Another wrong decision by him,× said the decision-making A.I.

"Captain, you can't fire them."


"We don't have enough money to hire another candidate as we haven't paid our juniors yet." Listening to this, the Captain's lips twitched as he looked down on the ground.

After a few seconds of sorrow, his mood cheered up. 

"Let's hunt that prince and get those 4 million sols. '' 10 men existed from the pirate spaceship with a laser gun in their hands.

Their height should be approximately 5 feet, and their faces had been covered with helmets and light-weight fireman's suits, so nobody could inspect who was who. 

"Captain, you have to give a speech to encourage their strength and morale." The assistant exclaimed.

The captain frowned and panicked at the thought of giving another speech. Despite his anxiety, he gave it a shot, like a true leader or pretending to be one.

"My fellow juniors, your job is to bring that 4 million brat here. Do whatever you want: kill, destroy, or steal. But don't come with an empty hand." The captain encouraged them with a lousy speech, and somehow this worked.

All the juniors made a queue according to increasing order, 1 to 10. Then juniors marched towards the entrance of the building. As they began searching for Augustya Pandora. The juniors followed the strategy and divided themselves into two groups. One group was going to search the lower ground, and the other was searching the upper floor. 

The first batch of juniors arrived at the cafeteria and began to fill their mouths with food. Moreover, they had been starving for a few days. Any edible products they could see and started digging. Seeing the feast, they couldn't resist the temptation of food.

On the other hand, Prisoners were getting annoyed and feeling insulted. Nonetheless, these gluttons were eating their food. Today was a really bad day for a Natch D prisoner.

"Listen, you puppeteers, leave the food or you will see our wrath," a prisoner in the front row growled.

One of the juniors replied, kissing their arms and signing V (peace) signs.

"He is saying come butthead." The second prisoner translated as he understood the juniors' sign language. Juniors did not have a voice box, so they used sign language to communicate. Their sign language was one of the most complex languages that anyone could learn. Even the hardest language on earth, Mandarin or Tamil, would fail. Besides, all juniors had a tattoo on their heads that indicated their rank. It was a universal Roman number.

"My friends, inmates, we need to fight for our rights and the food." The first prisoner roared and motivated his inmates.

Some might wonder where the guards and droids were. Those guards were busy protecting the gold-tier fighters and host of the show and evacuating to the safe house. They couldn't let something happen to their golden eggs. If a few lowly prisoners were dead, they would just skin their flesh and sell it on the black market. The dead had value, too. Natch D couldn't risk the golden eggs' lives.   

So, the riot started between five juniors and a mob of criminals with one purpose. Save the food! This war would be one of the messiest and most brutal fights, for sure. 

One of the juniors took the lemon and squeezed it into the prisoner's eyes.

"Wahhh!"  The prisoner screamed in groans as his eyes hurt like hell.

After a few minutes of fighting, half of the inmates lay on the ground with surrender in their eyes. They realised they couldn't match their speed, accuracy, or teamwork.

The leader of the prisoner smashed a steel pot at the number 1 junior head.

*Tan, Tan.* The steel pot bent it, but the junior head was unscathed. 

"Berrch!" Junior 1 scared him off. The prisoner fainted due to high blood pressure. So the junior won the match and started attacking the feast again.

5-8 juniors and prisoner 2 aka translator who could understand their language were going to the administrator's office to find out about Augustya. 

In just a few minutes, the Natch D had turned into chaos. The screaming and howling could be heard in every corner and alley.

The broken glass windows were scattered everywhere; the stages and gym were vandalized too.

The guards and prisoners were hiding from the monsters. Nobody had imagined that those juniors would be powerful.

On the other side, Stoney was badly injured. Every few seconds, he coughed up blood. His legs had been shot with a laser gun, and he was crawling like a weeping child. He recited a poem that his friend always told him. Not only had his leg been shot, but his abdomen and chest had been beaten by the guards too. 

"You come alone, and you will die alone.

Why are you crying over a loss?

Don't mourn or say goodbye.

They come for a purpose.

One day, they will leave.

Smile, knowing that they share memories with you.

"The only thing you can do is karma."

Stoney's legs couldn't handle his weight, and he collapsed on the ground. 


"Who would have thought that I would die soon?" Stoney scribbled something on the floor with his blood. "You still owe my money, Zwerg." 

His body was being tortured by every passing second, which felt like minutes.

"Be safe, kid!" He murmured his last words as he went into a deep slumber.

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