

"So?" Jackal eats with a casual expression as Lili grins mischievously and raises her spoon to Jackal's face, "Jackal-sama~! Say Aaaaaa!"

Jackal ate from her spoon without missing a beat and then looked at Maria who held her head low while sighing constantly as she ate quietly.

'O- Oh... t-that... that was an indirect kiss!' Lili squirms and grins while staring at her spoon. A naughtier, 'mature' part of her wanted to rub the spoon in 'special' places. It would be the same as Jackal kissing her in all those places. But... she digresses.

No, those moments should be special. Instead, Lili smiles sweetly and eats her bento, feeling that the food tasted even more delicious!

'Of course, it's delicious~!' Lili mewls softly, 'Jackal-sama kissed me~!'

"I just couldn't let him search for a Familia willy-nilly," Maria sighs softly, "Well, Rye and Ossian hate me for sure... I think, until dinner time," she exhales a faint sigh and shakes her head.

"Maria-sama, if you want, I can talk with them. I've been dungeon diving since I was 8. Lili can scare them really well!" Lili stuffs her face with rice as Maria smiles at the girl. Lili is the kind of girl whose past and nature, her true nature, to be exact, makes others want to spoon her into sleep and protect her every day.

"Thank you, Lili-chan," Maria smiles, "But it's just a phase. Rye tries to search for a Familia every month or so and Ossian would follow him quickly. And... I don't think the rejection from other Familia is bad for them."

"Huh, well, why not have other kids of yours talk to them? The ones who did get into Familia?" Jackal questions.

Maria has been caring for many orphans and many, after they grow, leave the place. A few of them that do return once in a while mostly consist of adventurers who stayed in Orario for the dungeon itself.

Maria's brows sink a bit and sadness develops on her motherly face, "That would be useless... all those kids want to pay me back. I keep telling them that Dungeon isn't the answer but... they don't listen and sometimes they don't live long enough to understand..."

"Lili should reaaalllly talk to them!" Lili sets her bento and frowns, "They don't know how lucky they are to have you caring for them! I wish I had a mother like you, Maria-sama!" Her chestnut irides flicker with envy.

Maria smiles and sets her bento on the counter before waving her over. Quick to her feet, Lili jumps on the counter and leaps into Maria's embrace, much to Jackal's fondness and envy, a look that Maria catches on. Or to be precise, she had been watching him the entire time, and she pouts a little with her cheeks heating ever so slightly.

Burying her face into Maria's chest and enjoying her loving embrace, Lili smiles, "Lili likes your hugs just a little less than Jackal-sama... it is very comfortable!"

Maria's gaze sinks a bit while Jackal puffs his chest out.

'Sweet Lili, you can motorboat me whenever you'd like!' Jackal grins before stating, "How about you keep the kids busy?"

"Busy how?" Maria questions.

"Orario isn't built on adventuring alone. There are many professions that involve diving into the dungeon but that's only out of necessity and other adventurers can form a party like smithing. Or apprenticing under a mage. Granted, the latter is harder to apply so a smithing apprenticeship under Goibniu or Hephaestus Familias should do the trick, right?"

He muses, "The kids get to glimpse at other adventurers and their losses firsthand. They might not listen to you because that's just how children are but they are smart. They tend to be so. And a wailing adventurer is quite the sight, a sight that is common in the outer rings of the Hephaestus Familia because they lose people almost daily."

Maria chews her lips in frustration and questions, "Why don't... you teach them? That way, you get to be busy with the children and not enter the dungeon..."

Lili pulls away slightly and looks back at Jackal who smiles gratefully, "Thanks for the gesture, Maria-san... but I can't."

Her shoulder slumps ever so slightly.

Everyone has a story in this city. And that story might not be a happy one. Her viridian orbs glisten slightly as she nods in understanding.

Quiet fills the air within the shop as Lili returns to her seat and picks her bento up to eat without interfering. Why should she? If Maria-sama wants Jackal-sama safe, that's a good thing. She wants the same thing.

Every morning he's not in bed, a small part of her sparks in fear that it's the last time she will be feeling his warmth.

It's nerve wreaking.


'Maria-sama must have faced this exact feeling,' Lili looks down.

"Isn't just being a store owner better?" Maria smiles softly and breaks the silence.

"Having a store is cool. My own business. My own connections. It is distinct from adventuring but just as explorative," Jackal smiles. This is just another thing he should get over with while he can. What use is it to walk on eggshells around each other?

"But dungeon exists," Jackal heaves with a hearty grin, "And I'm drawn to it. So, all I can do is get stronger and return safely every time I enter its depths."

Maria nods but doesn't speak much.

"Here, cheer up," Jackal passes her a gemling and winks at her, "It's on the house."

Brightening the slightest bit, Maria pockets the candy and sighs softly, "Just candies? Jackal-san, you can't keep on treating me like a kid."

"Huh, weird. Lili says the same thing," Jackal shrugs as Lili groans, "That's because you do!"

"I won't let a kid drink ale," Jackal shoots back.

"Ale?" Maria questions.

"Oh, yeah, we met that girl, Syr, who volunteers here every now and then. Turns out, Mia-chan has great ale!"

"Mia-chan... you called her Mia-chan?" Maria pales visibly.

"Yeah?" Jackal nods.

"And she let you live?" Maria gasps.

"What can I say? It's my charm," He points his nose to the sky, "She'll be the vanguard of my harem!"

Both women choke on their chicken as Jackal giggles, "She's got thick hands, too~! Oh, and her shoulders~ I think she uses her charm to keep most of the customers hooked!"

Maria sends a 'Is he serious' look to Lili who chews her lips in anger and nods.

"Jackal-san... how can you talk about suicide after JUST saying that you want to come alive from the dungeon?" Maria shakes her head.

'Who says I want to come out of Mia's dungeon?' Jackal smirks internally. What man doesn't desire being spooned and handled?

"Anyway," Jackal places his bento on the counter, "I won't be dying! I've got too much to live for!"

"Exactly, your store is finally earning traction. A few more high-quality products and then you can even think of exports to other cities and kingdoms that tackle the monsters on the surface," Maria nods.

"Huh? Not the store," Jackal shrugs, "I meant Mia!"

Lili takes a deep breath.

'You mustn't feel angry. Jackal-sama saved you, Lili. You must support his choices— Aaaaghhhhh! That dwarven, ale-filling mother of a skank!' Lili rages internally as Jackal winks at Maria, "And some more."

This stills Lili's thoughts while Maria merely smiles a bit fondly, "Do think of anything that keeps your motivation to live. Surviving is the most important thing."

Jackal nods as his heart do warm up for a rare moment. It's hard to find such sincere affection and worry in any world.

With the mood lightening up, all thanks to Mama Mia's thick hips, the trio ate heartily. Talking always helps and Maria is quite glad she didn't hold back from stating her worries at least once.


The bell on the door chimes as a loud and rash redhead with denim 'panties' barges in alongside a war-like cry!

"Jackal, you damn bastard! How dare you impede on the privacy of my imagination! How dare you sully Riveria and others?! YOU BASTARD!"

"Oh... it's the no-boob goddess," Lili scoffs and eats calmly, not having any good impression of the goddess while adopting Jackal's mannerisms of taunting her.

"Good evening, Loki-sama," Maria smiles wryly but she does shift to a farther seat.

Meanwhile, with his eyes locked with Loki's, Jackal picks a piece of the chicken wing and begins to slowly chew on it.

"It's great that I live rent-free in your head. I may be your best tenant yet, dipshit," Jackal huffs and smiles, "So... I did Riveria good, huh? I should give her the good news once she returns from the expedition."

Snarling and clenching her fist, Loki snatches Jackal's bento and stuffs her face with it, "It's all this damn bento's fault! You manipulative freak! I know you're sinking your teeth into my girls with your food! And it's crap at best!"

"Just your girls' taste then," Jackal shrugs with a mocking grin.

"Nnnnghhhh!" The goddess growls as Jackal cocks his head sideways. For once, he drops the hateful act that feels so right and questions, "Oi, you alright? I mean, compared to the usual? You're acting like a true bitch."

'That's not how you calm anyone...' Maria and Lili sigh collectively.

"Huh? Oh, dandy," Loki replies calmly with a bit of 'pep' in her tone, "Just thought I'd snatch a few of your bento to heal my burns!"

'She is calm...' Lili and Maria take a deep breath.

Orario is filled with eccentric individuals. Anything can set them off, anything can calm them. The problem is that most individuals with mental problems are adventurers who have seen too much.

Adventurers who have FELT too much.

This makes them dangerous to the ordinary population.

Now think of some Gods and Goddesses like that... but a dozen times worse.

"Your escort out there want anything?" Jackal questions, "I'm almost sold out."

A level 2 adventurer of the familia dips his head in at the call and smiles wryly at Jackal, "No, it's fine, Jackal. We didn't even get to use our potions from before."

"Even the love potion?" Jackal questions as he sets another bento on the table which is promptly snatched. Yet, he is the bento daddy. Bento is one thing he keeps in stock!

His question makes the adventurer laugh awkwardly as he walks out of the store without replying.

"So, if you're done, you can leave," Jackal looks at Loki while pointing at the door, "We were conversing about life before you interrupted us."

'No, we weren't.'

Sniffing, Loki smirks, "Way of life? What the hell is that? If you want some experience of life, all you gotta do is ask, kid. I've lived way more than you can imagine!"

"Didn't the Gods scamper here for 'fun?' Why do I need your experience when the lot of you are here?" He smirks.

"Goldi-chan," Loki calls out, "I'll be here for a while. You guys can have fun down the bar~!"

"Yes, as you say, Loki-sama!"

The groups shuffle out while Loki grins at Maria, "Speaking of life..." her smirks turn every bit illicit as Maria's smile cramps up, "We have some tools that nurture life. I wouldn't be bold to ignore them~!"

She leaps forward and Maria gives out a rather girlish squeak before bouncing away. She anticipated such a thing and now shared a seat with Lili behind the counter.

"Huff, be that way! But mind you! When it comes to massages, Jackal's got nothin' on me!" She puffs out her chest... cause her breasts are on an indefinite vacation while Maria rolls her eyes and explains hastily, "It's nothing like that!"

Grinning victoriously, Loki leers at Jackal, "Heh, your dumbass got rejected!"

"I—" Maria shoots Jackal a slightly awkward look filled with guilt and helplessness as he smirks equally impishly and shrugs.

"Just my luck then. But I'm the kind of guy who persists and takes a hint only after the tenth rejection!"

Maria stills before smiling slightly while Lili 'shooketh' with rage.

"Ho? Your chibi's getting the flames," Loki pulls a chair across Jackal through the counter and sits down with a cross of her legs. Her undeniably soft and plush thighs squish together as she eyes Jackal with a witch-like cackle.

"Flames? Oh, no. Lili is just fine," The pallum hisses, "At least, I am growing. And will grow. You're just... set in your flat stone."

'My! That's fucking awesome!' Jackal laughs, his hand patting the top of the adorable girl, "Great job! I expected nothing less!"

"Yes, Jackal-sama!" Lili squints her eyes and leans a bit more into his touch while nuzzling her head against his hand ever so slightly as if intoxicated.

"Hmph, is she from your familia?" Loki questions while picking a drumstick and biting on it.


"Ohhh, say, Pallum-chan~ Want to join my familia? I'll make you the second strongest pallum, right after my Finn!"


'Wow,' Maria enjoys the show and lets the conversation unfolds. In fact, the offer may be sudden but a God's offer into their familia is as serious as it comes.

Instantly put into a spot, Lili has no idea what to say.

But she thinks about it nonetheless.

Loki may be doing this to get a rise out of Jackal but the Goddess is completely serious.

'If it's the Loki familia...' Lili hesitates, 'They can solve my issue. Jackal-sama wouldn't have to get hurt in the process.'

"Of course, when you join my PRESTIGIOUS familia, you won't be working for this piss poor store. As for whoever you've got the falna from, I'm sure I can make things work!" Loki grins wider, her face almost splits in half but she's got a perfect face. Even such tomboyish acts hardly feel out of place.

This new condition makes Lili squirm a bit. She looks down while biting her bottom lip.

'I don't want to leave but... but Jackal-sama will be safe. I know he's strong. I know he will get stronger but would they wait for him to get stronger? I can't even get my status update before being pulled into that hell again...'

An arm coils around her shoulders and pulls her in. The familiar warmth grazes her cheek. The familiar scent soothes her mind and emotions. But the distinctly cold voice jolts her out.

"Oi, Loki," Jackal smiles kindly but the murder in his eyes is anything but warm. Maria stiffens up while Loki opens her eyes slightly to match his gaze without an ounce of fear.

"What? You'll deny the girl a brighter future because you got kinks for her? You've only known her for a few days, right? What gives? I can recruit anyone I want!" She waves her index finger condescendingly as Lili feels Jackal's arm squeeze a little tighter.

"Brighter future? Sure. That's all cool," Jackal musters with a look of conflict. The murder in his fades ever so slightly and so does the firmness in his embrace.

Loki nods at this. This really got her respect. Being selfish at the expense of others is the peak of bitchiness.

However, Lili hates every second of the gradually loosening embrace.

"Just think about it," Jackal looks down and sighs softly, "Although I will kick Loki's familia out of the park... it will take time. A lot. You need to focus on yourself, too... after all, I'm not always there, am I?"

Lili glares at Loki but still keeps quiet.

And enjoying their struggle, their emotional turmoil, Loki leans forward. She doesn't push them, however. That's no fun.

Letting their minds do all the work is.

"I'm thankful," Lili begins after a while before practically smashing herself into Jackal and hugging her waist tightly, "But I will stay with Jackal-sama and do my best!"

"Tch," Loki leans back with a huff, "Don't be mistaken, Pallum-chan. I really wanted you. Finn is always on about getting a pallum harem so I thought I'd ready you for him," as she speaks, the vermilion-haired goddess slips her middle finger into the hole created by connecting the thumb and index finger of her right hand.

"Kekekeke! That would've gotten Tione her punishment, too!"

Lili flushes fiercely and she hisses, "I'll never do that with anyone!"

"Whew," Loki whistles and glances at Jackal, "Rejected again. You're going 2 for 2. Let's see... yeah, I won't fuck you either. There's your hattrick."

"Lili didn't mean that!" she looks up at Jackal who shrugs, "Don't worry. 9 more times and I'll take the hint."

He then looks at Loki, "What do you mean by pallum harem? And... isn't Tione one of your best? Why punish her?"

"Because she wagged her ass for you!" Loki screeches!



Maria breaks out into a coughing fit while Jackal offers her a bottle and then looks at Loki, "When?"

"In my imagination," she remarks indignantly.

"Huh... so I have a harem in your imagination. Hey, if you think so highly of me... maybe I CAN pull it off..."

"No, Jackal-sama, you must resist the temptation!"

Even Maria offers, "You hear a lot of young adventurers trying it. In fact, a few familias cultivate young girls just for this so that they can suck other adventurers dry."

"Heh, that's bullshit," Loki scoffs, "Why shouldn't children dream big? Don't get me wrong. This bastard can grill in hellfire for all I care but that's the children's best attribute— the ability to make dreams come true," The Goddess kicks back and relaxes, "And what else, those harem familias you're talking about is merely a test. Tame those girls and you'll even get the goddess or god that raised them, that kind of deal."

Maria's lips part open while Lili is shocked.

"Any names?" Jackal, ever the pragmatic, questions.

"Artemis," Loki grins, her vermilion eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Oh... I'll remember that," Jackal nods.

"Jackal-sama! You idiotic womanizer!" Lili tussles again.

'Heh... what do ya know. This is fun...' Loki grins and glances at the silent Maria, her gaze practically stripping the matron, 'But it could be more fun~!'

Maria leans back and puts her hand up defensively.

"Now, now," Loki gives a harmless smile, "I was just staring~ Nothing wrong, right?"

When Maria met Loki for the first time, fear and awe were evident in her being but now...

"There is plenty wrong in staring. I teach my children to display good manners and I won't tolerate bad behavior."

"Woah... rejected again!" Loki laughs and looks at Jackal, "Cause you're built on filthy habits, I can see it at a glance."

"Please stop doing that time and again," Maria sighs and Jackal points out, "So it's alright if only I stare?"

"What? I never said that!" Maria seethes and huffs, "Maybe I should punish you, too, Jackal-san!"

"Mmmgh~ now I wanna be punished, too~!" Loki flicks her tongue across her lips, a bad habit she picked from one of the many amazoness in her familia.

"And I am leaving now," Maria closes the bento box that was already empty for a while and she grumbles, "You two are impossible!"

As Maria passes Loki, she swats away the Goddess' hand before her ass could be groped.

"What a feisty one, huh... makes me think of Riveria," Loki puffs her cheek, "A touch doesn't hurt, does it, you asshole?" She looks at Jackal before observing him, "But you must have quite a unique skill. Your body really is filling nicely. Why don't you tell me about it? Promise! I'll keep it a secret."

Jackal scoffs and looks down at himself, "I really am growing, huh... I'm kind of worried that I would grow TOO big. Like some giant or something..."

"Ho? Your deity didn't describe your skill to you completely?" Loki questions with an odd twinkle in her eyes. Knowing that pulling a fast one on the goddess is harder said than done, Jackal merely smirks and stays silent.

"That reminds me, Jackal-sama," Lili looks over curiously, "When do you get the time to have your status updated?"

'Lili... dearie... now's really not the time.'

He can feel Loki's gaze sharpen like a predator who caught onto a prey's weakness.

Falna provides basic abilities and at times, development abilities during level-ups. But it also provides skills and magic. Skills, as the name suggests, are the crystalization of powers within oneself that is built by circumstances. There are many well-known skills and the process of acquiring them is, at times, bread and butter for some Familia.

But... at times, there exists adventurers with Rare skills. Skills that make them stand out compared to the masses. Skills DEFINE an adventurer's talent. Even though it is left unsaid, all the executives of grand familias like Loki, Freya, and Ganesha have rare skills.

And users of Rare skills are similar to gemlings. The scent of one can have other gods acting up like they've entered a store with free candies.

Seeing Jackal retain his silence, Lili cocks her head in confusion while Loki wags her brows in a challenge.

"How about I just keep this to myself?" Jackal laughs.

"Why, your deity's particularly secretive?" Loki smirks.

'I'm afraid... I have no deity,' he sighs internally.

"You're really planning to stay here the entire evening?" He huffs.

"I experienced doubt when Maria left but... yeah, grilling you and seeing you stew in your discomfort is more fun."

"I can throw you out," Jackal narrows his eyes.

"Now, now, we both know it— that's no fun!"

'I hate her...' Jackal grins.

'I hate your shit-eating grin,' Loki grins, too.

Lili shudders at the sight of their predatory smiles, feeling small and weak. Her little heart can take no more.

And so started the evening of silent interrogation.

Loki had questions upon questions with some inventive insults. And bored by all this... Lili quietly made herself comfortable by leaning against Jackal and napping.


Alternate Title: The Hate Boner Rises; Blooming Affection; Tione's Got the Short Stick of the Deal; Offer; Maria's Milkers Nurture Life, period; Lost Reverence of Matron


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Shoutout to Thefrobro, Navjyot, Ring Of Fire 14,, Leo, and Dad

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