
What the hell is going on?

The 375 men had prepared their defenses with barbed wire ditches and kill zones aimed with 3 MG-08s most, of them having their bayonets stuck on and ready for a horde of those savagery monsters they had seen.

With that in mind, John Rineman prepared his rifle as he shouted to his men, "COMPANY A AND COMPANY D FORM UP ON ME FORM UP AND SPREAD OUT 4 PACES EACH MAN!" When his men heard the order, the 2 companies moved out with them approaching slowly as he shouted. "FIX BAYONETS AND GAS MASKS." When the order was heard, they did this with the sounds of bayonets clicking and the sounds of leather, metal, and rubber being placed on.

John Rineman shouted another order to his men. "MOVE FORWARD!" When it was heard they advanced with them moving through the artillery craters and bodies seeing the chaos that had happened in the German trenches with still gunshots being heard and screams of terror with limbs separated apart from the owner of it's body and intestines scattered around which had caused even the most battle hardened man to be in shock.

When finally they did enter the trench multiple men German men ran to them with their rifles slinged on their backs booking it which so, gave the full realization to retreat back and regather the forces which so he shouted "MOVE BACK FROM THE TRENCHES SET UP BEHIND AND COVER OUR COMRADES AND GET SQUAD E COMPANY A TO MOVE THEM BACK TO THE BASE!" Upon this order squad, E moved the German soldiers back to base, covering hundreds of men fleeing to what seemed to be as terror itself coming for the great revenge it so desired.

A screech was heard, with then more screeches multiplied joining in which so replied to the situation John Rineman saying "PULL BACK TO THE OPEN AND OPEN FIRE WHEN YOU SEE THEM!" Which so they did as told as they moved back about 200 paces away from the trenches with their rifles loaded as well with one MG-08 moved up with reinforcements that was a regathered German force coming.

Then the blood howling screeches could be heard as it came closer. Before then, the screams, yelps, and screeches upon thousands charged over, with most falling in barbed wire traps charging to the companies.

Which so upon the order that John Rineman had given gave the deliever of its effect making a hundreds of gunshots flying with upon thousands of tracers flying smashing into limbs, ribcage, bones, eyes, and guts with the yelps of pain upon those savages who had been shot.

The savages had inched slowly and slowly with the horde of them lessening but not faltering with this in mind the Germans moved back with a scream of a order "MOVE BACK TO THE FRONTLINE OF THE BASE MOVE IT!" Which they had already had 4 trenches setted up there with two frontline trenches, one reserve trench, and a trench in the town itself.

The 2 companies jumped in the 2 frontline trenches with company B in there, firing thousands of rounds once again and lobbing stick grenades over with only a blood mist spreading across the fields.

It was silence that finally filled the air with bodies stacked up on the muddy field that layed the body liquids and solids of what remained to be of those savages.. finally, there was silence.. the great hope of silence itself.

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