
Education [3]

Luna had to act fast. Her tail started glowing as she spun and charged directly at the Ipili on her left.

Nadal brought his serrated blade around in a big arc to intercept her. as she went to duck under the sharpened brown scales of the blade he landed a resounding kick to her midsection. THUNK. Nadal smiled as he watched her wilt and tumble across the ground in front of him.

Suddenly, he heard his captain shout "Don't forget her Glamour Nadal! Pay attention this is a Huli not a Duna!"

Nadal's face was puzzled for a moment before he felt a sharp burning sensation in the back of his knee. He collapsed to one knee and turned behind him to see a radiant smile eye to eye. Before he could say anything he saw a dirk aimed straight at his eye. He reflexively closed his eyes and pulled away, but the expected pain did not come.

Instead, a series of clanging sounds brought his eyes back open. Kito had stepped in at the last moment and was trading blows with the Huli, saving his life. Grateful, Nadal focused his energy to recover his hamstring. In a short 30 seconds his ligament had reattached, and the wound closed into a puckered scar that would disappear on its own in only a few days.

Such was the power of the Ipili regeneration. If they did not suffer a lethal blow, they could regenerate almost any damage to their body.

Kito was amazed. He was a foot taller and at least twice the weight of the seemingly frail Huli, yet his sheer might was constrained to doing his best to block her lightning fast blade from his vitals. He ignored the wounds that wouldn't kill him, but it still slowed him down. The Huli dove under his arm and moved to his left to go for his liver before suddenly vanishing.

Kito spun his head like a swivel to look for her, but then he felt a sharp agonizing pain to his liver. The huli had faked him out. She used her Glamour to act as if she was somewhere else and then hit him straight where he was initially defending. If Kito wasn't in so much pain he would have been awed. Her combat senses were incredible.


Before Luna could capitalize on the opening the big guy had left her, she ducked and rolled to dodge two blades coming for her.

This was getting bad. She couldn't fight so many by herself. The Captain hadn't even moved, just watching her like a snake watches his prey…'which I basically am' she thought bitterly.

'I only have one shot left, I have to go there.' Luna thought with grim desperation. She couldn't be caught. She had too important of a mission to complete. It was the entire reason she had been traveling discreetly by herself so long.

Luna burst from the ground with a glow as her tail split from one to two. Her eyes radiated an almost holy soft light as she suddenly turned into two…then four.

All 4 copies of Luna ran in different directions, but the real her was covered by Glamour as she sprinted past the monument of the Death God.

Just as Luna thought she had fooled them, She let out a cry of pain. She felt a burning sensation in her left knee. When she looked down she saw a savage arrow piercing through her knee through and through.

Kito suddenly laughed behind her, "Captain Baofa's arrows are always accurate. His eyes can't be tricked by your Glamour Huli."

Luna turned around to face her enemies and grit her teeth bitterly. Just as she was going to defiantly stand and try to fight for even another second of life, she heard a strangely melodic voice from behind her…from the inside of the valley.

"You young people sure are quick to break the law. Couldn't you see my sign there?"

Luna turned her head and froze. In front of her was…the most perfect Huli she had ever seen. His ears were a little short and she didn't see his tail, but his flawless physique radiated power and his jawline looked like it had been carved from granite. Her eyes took in his bulging biceps and the strange sword he had strapped to his left arm.

Luna heard the captain's voice behind her with a sneer, "Impressive Huli, I didn't realize there were two of you on this journey. No matter, I'll harvest that one's tail as well."

Liam looked around confused. He scratched his head with his free hand and said, "Uh, I'm still not 100% on you guys' language. What's a Howlie?"

<A Howlie is a slang term for a Caucasian that originated from Hawaiian natives according to Starlink.>

"Oh, I got it. I had no idea you were from Hawaii, Aloha!"

The captain looked at Liam and thought he was making fun of his pronunciation of Huli "Run your mouth all you want Huli, I'll see if you can hear me better when I cut those furry ears off your skull."

Liam's eyes brightened up at the remark. He understood now, they thought he was a fox man since he was wearing his fox skin overcoat, with the hood pulled up over his head. Well, a little misunderstanding like that wouldn't be a problem since he was here to stop them from killing the foxy girl. Erm… Huli woman.

<I knew it!> "hush, I gotta focus."

Luna mustered her strength and started to stagger toward Liam. Another arrow flew from behind with the clear intent to pierce her other knee. Liam whirled into motion, breaking the arrow in mid-flight.

"We have to go deeper to escape them!" Luna cried out, but Liam shook his head. If she went any further in she would set off the turrets and while he would be fine, she wouldn't.

The captain's arrow supply seemed unlimited as his tail rattle grew back as fast as he could pluck it off. Arrow after arrow came flying toward Liam and Luna, but Liam seemingly effortlessly broke them all.

Wary, the other Ipili moved in and began to attack Liam as a group. Liam feinted and rolled, slicing a leg off neatly at the knee before coming up behind the soldier in front of him and stabbing him just beneath the left armpit. This left Liam's flank open and Kito swung his sword at him with all the strength he could muster.

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