
Robar Belmont

"Loyalty may be hard to find, but it's not hard to instil." Prince Aemon

110 AC

A lone boy was hammering a wooden axe at a straw doll. With each blow, he seemed to hit harder, sweat pooling at his feet as his shirtless body glistened in the moonlight. He struck the doll again and again until


The axe handle snapped as the wooden weapon split in two and soared through the air, landing with a clomp on the ground. The boy looked unperturbed by this as he threw the broken axe into a pile of others, just like he did as he picked up another axe and went back to striking the doll.

"Don't you think Ser Straw has had enough of your onslaught?" an amused voice trickled through the air. The boy was frozen still as he quickly turned around and bowed. "My Prince, I am sorry I did not disturb you, did I?" the boy cried in an anxious voice.

"No, you did not. I did stop by your chambers to ask if you wanted to accompany me to the nursery, but I did not find you there. The maids informed me that you were in the training yard, so I came here, and Robar, you're my friend. When no one is around, I would prefer you simply call me Aemon," a gentle voice replied.

"Of course, I would love to accompany you, my prince," a jovial voice jovial replied instantly. The boy stopped kneeling and began to follow the prince through the red keep as they conversed.

Robar Belmont POV

While I accompanied the prince, I couldn't help but think of our first encounter six moons ago.

I was sitting alone in the corner of the orphanage in Fleabottom, lamenting my luck. It had been two years since I had been moved here after my father died and the debt collectors took our house. I was alone, with no mother or father, no friends, only clothes on my back, and my name belonged to me. The orphanage life was much harder than the one I was used to living. There were many days I went hungry, and my nights I feared losing my head or being taken in my sleep. The orphanage wasn't safe; it had a very small amount of food and a lot of mouths to feed.

Many of the other children stole food and coins from the vendors and even each other. Luckily, I was left alone since I was apparently freakishly large for my age. I was so tall, in fact, that for a child of 11 years old, I stood taller than most grown men. This was a double-edged sword, as although it kept me safe from the others, I also lacked my friends, as all the children were afraid of me. The requirement for more food didn't help.

So to fill my stomach, I decided to start stealing food as much as I could, but I was as subtle as the black paint on a white canvas. My size gave me away. I may have been agile for my size, but I was still not hard to miss, so I was caught by the gold clocks. It was there that I encountered him.


knock knock

Two gold clocks walked through as the wooden door swung open. Those two men carried a boy who stood 175cm tall (5'9). The boy was skinny and gaunt, obviously from a lack of proper nutrition. The two men walked through the door and kneeled before the three men.

"Lord Commander, we found this boy stealing from the butcher again. What should we do with him?" one of the men asked.

"This is his third offence; hang him," the man answered nonchalantly as he continued his conversation with the other man, who was dressed in a fine green tunic and black trousers with a golden pin displayed openly on his chest.

The boy's head sank low as he muttered curses at the world, at his luck, and yes, at even the very gods themselves. It was then that he felt a pat on his shoulder. He saw a young boy with long silky raven hair and glowing deep violet eyes staring at him. The boy only uttered a single sentence, How old are you? It was spoken in such a commanding tone that Robar found himself at a loss for words as he barely muttered out a sentence "One and ten name days old". The boy smiled as he walked away from Robar's bound figure and began to walk to the two men.

After a few words, Robar could not hear them. He found the gold clocks had gotten up at the instruction of their commander and moved towards him. He closed his eyes, preparing for his fate, yet he felt that held him back.

clink clink

fall to the floor. He opened his eyes after a few moments to see those same deep violets looking back at him. "I have stopped your execution. I have pardoned you. I do have an offer for you. Come join me, be my aid, become better, or you can go back to wherever it is you live." The boy spoke in a calm tone as he held out his hand.

Robar sat there for a few moments before he clasped the hand of the smaller boy, who had a victorious smirk now adorning his face.

flashback end

After that, I found out he was the prince, and my life changed forever. I was brought to the Red Keep and helped the prince in whatever way I could. He often required assistance; he was a very independent person, and the only one who helped him daily was his personal maid, Emilia.

It was two weeks after I was brought to the red keep that the prince asked me to spar with the other squires. I was shocked but obliged him and performed rather well, even if I lost. It was then that the prince told me his purpose: he wanted me to be his personal sword and asked me to train with the master at arms, and that became my routine: eating, sleeping, and training. I trained whenever I could, however long I could. I spent the better part of the night and day in the training yard.

On the day the prince asked me to be his sworn sword, I vowed I would defend him for all my life, as he had saved me from hell. I would use the rest of my life to aid him in any way I could, for I had realised my purpose when the prince saved my life. I had seen the god's divine plan: to serve him, the one they blessed and the one who saved me.

Even though I knew I could never hold a candle to his skills in martial combat, I would try to be the best I could be to serve him. I was broken from my thoughts as the prince gently tapped my side and handed me young Prince Aemond to hold. I did so with the utmost care as he picked up the young Prince Dearon from the crib.

the end

  my university is starting, so I'm trying to adjust updates to my timetable.

Follow my tictok account @Argent_mikealson_19

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