
A Second

4 men rushed toward Stanley as fast as they could, but to Stanley they were sitting ducks, waiting to be killed.

He spun the arrow around in his hand and threw it flying in the direction of one of the men. The arrow flew at what Stanley could only imagine was an incredibly fast speed and pierced through the right shoulder of the closest man.

He had been going for the head, but it seemed his aim was slightly off this time. 

The man slowly showed a reaction to the damage he had taken and his face changed while he stumbled to the ground. 

Stanley switched his attention to another silhouette that was running at him with a wooden staff. Stanley was about to attack him, but he stopped as his eyes went wide.

As the man came closer to the light, Stanley could see his face more clearly now.

It was White.

'How…' Stanley questioned his eyes. He wasn't sure he was seeing correctly. 

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