

Bella's wound was still there, but she had enough strength in her that she didn't feel as much pain as before. 

She looked around her at the people that stared at her from a distance as Stanley ran with her in his arms.

She could feel herself getting stronger, and with that the man that was carrying her dying.

"Stop it!" she shouted at Stanley, but he didn't listen to her.

Stanley was out of his mind, focused on only one thing and one thing alone. Taking the girl to the mayor's mansion.

He did not hear her voice at all. 

He started getting sluggish, each passing moment making the girl he was carrying feel heavier and heavier.

A deep ringing sound played in his ears, as not even the voice of 'Varinox' registered in his mind. The cries of the crowd were simply not something he could hear at the moment.

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