
Stupidity or Hatred?

No this wasn't an underground kingdom and neither did it look like anything that I had imagined. I turned my gaze over to Dav with a facial expression that said ' how can this be possible?' 

Now, I understood the reason for the old-fashioned clothes Dav had made me wear. There, my eyes were welcomed by a city or would I call it a village filled with vampires who didn't notice our presence but that didn't bother me.

I wanted Dav to explain to me why horse carriages were used as a mode of transportation or why the houses there looked like the one grandmother would describe to me. There was no form of electricity as the streets were also filled with fire torches 

The vampire were literally living the life of the old centuries but how? Didn't they have access to electricity and technology? Why choose to remain in such a situation?

" Dav, is this the vampire kingdom?" I asked but he didn't answer me and neither was his smile found.

" Yes Princess, this is our kingdom." This time, it was Leo that answered.

Good lord, this can't be happening but it was better I know the reason why they choose to dwell in the past before judgment.

" But–" 

" Trust me, wife, no matter what you say, this can never change. The vampires swore to never use anything made or introduced by the humans which included electricity, cars, or anything from technology. Rather, they chose to punish themselves." 

Dav's words shocked the hell out of me. It was at that moment I realized the level of hatred the vampires had for humans and the humans wouldn't mind returning such hatred. But what freaked me the most was the fact that if the vampires were ready to punish themselves because of the will to not use anything made by humans, what assurance did I have that I would be safe?

Of course, the humans were unaware that something like this was happening in the vampires' territory. I knew the humans well, they wouldn't last a day without their fancy gadgets or tools that made their work easy or the electricity that the humans massively depended on.

But at the same time, my thoughts traveled to the castle. The castle didn't portray the life of the old days, it had everything a human castle would have, and even the royal cars must have furnished their homes with gadgets made by humans.

My curiosity rose to the peak, I wanted to see more of what this place would bring.

" I think we should get away from here if we don't want to draw attention to ourselves." Again, Ray opened his mouth to speak.

" I think we will best view the city from a good height." The vamps nodded at Dav's words. Surprisingly, amid their awkward choice to stay away from technology, the vamps were able to make tall structures which some of them must have taken as home or marketplace.

I gave him a ' what do you mean?' look. There was no way we would be able to view the kingdom from a tall height since none of us could climb those tall buildings and it would be inappropriate to invade someone's property because of our desire.

But before I could vocalize my question, Dav swooped me off the ground in a bridal style. 

" Wife, hold on to me and don't let go," Dav said while staring at one of the tall structures. My suspicions started to rise, was he planning to jump to that massive height? Could vampires do that? 

" Dav, what are you doing?" I asked for the sake of all conflicts.

" What does it look like I'm doing? I plan on taking my wife to the highest building." Dav blurted out with a slight tone of sarcasm.

I turned my gaze to Seth, he didn't say anything but his weird smile proved that Dav was God damn serious. Again, I have learned a new thing about the vamps, they can jump high structures but my reasoning will be concluded when I see it for myself.

" See you there, brother," Seth said and without giving anyone time to draw back to reality, Seth jumped to the roof of a smaller building.

" Close your mouth, you wouldn't want flies to enter them." I heard Dav's masculine voice blurt out those words. I knew he was aware of my awed state. Seeing Seth jump such a distance brought goosebumps to my skin. It was only a matter of time before Dav jumped with me in his embrace. 

Seth jumped to another building and without wasting any more time, he jumped to our target building. Ray and Leo simultaneously followed suit until they got to Seth. It was just Dav and me that remained, Dav's eyes were fixed on mine. I didn't know how to tell him that I was scared of such distance or what if he drops me in the middle of the air. I wasn't ready to take that risk.

" Wife, are you ready?" He asked. 

" Ready or not, we will have to jump. It wouldn't be nice to back down." I tried to maintain my cool as much as I could but it seemed Dav could read through me as he gave me a 'not-so-fast' look.

" So why is your body so stiff or are you scared I might drop you?" He asked the most obvious question. I simply nodded my head as my answer.

Dav also didn't say anything, he simply took my hands and wrapped them around his neck. I felt safe as he did that, he was back to the vampire I first met.

" You don't have to worry about that, you aren't the first female that I had taken to a tall building, I won't drop you." I knew Dav meant no harm as he said those words but those words brought back the realization that I wasn't the first female in Dav's life and will not be the last. That thought brought back an undeniable jealousy.

Oblivious to the way I felt, Dav took the first jump, he stared at me after he did that but there was no reaction from me. He saw it as an assurance and took the second jump, when he also didn't see a reaction from me, he took the last jump but this time, with a creased eyebrow. 

Immediately we got to where the other vamps had stayed, I forcefully got down from Dav and walked up to Seth. 

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