
Chapter 12 - Free from suffering and into pleasure

The steam rising off of the water had muffled the whole room in a hazy mist. Twice the size of Snow's bedroom, the bathhouse was just as extravagant as any hall in the castle. And with dragon head fountains spilling out water into the massive bath, it was the perfect place to enjoy some free time in leisure. However, with only a towel wrapped around his waist, Haruki was anything but comfortable sharing the bath with his personal maid.

She too had her body wrapped in a towel, and yet in an attempt to be freed, the weight of her assets tightly fought against the fabric. Glancing at Asuka's breasts squeezing upwards as they tried to burst out of the towel turned Haruki's whole body a deep shade of red.

"M-master, can I sit next to you?" Asuka mumbled, her twitchy lips reflecting just how nervous she was.

"Y-yeah…sit," His inexperience with women was quite apparent in the staggering tone.

As Asuka moved beside him and settled down, he quickly looked away embarrassed, but not before catching a glimpse of her plum-thick thighs brushing together. Up to this point he had tried not to dwell on her beauty, however now it was getting harder and harder with each passing second.

"Are you okay master?" Turning sideways, she looked at him with genuine concern in her eyes, "You know, since you've never asked to bathe together with me before."

Flustered by her own words, a cherry-red blush took over her face. As their eyes met in this embarrassing moment, they could hear each other's hearts pounding like pistons. A troubled breath escaped Asuka's lips and brushed against Haruki's face, its intoxicating odor left him even more bewitched by her beauty.

"Master Snow? I'm leaving your clothes in a basket," A sudden call from a maid right outside the bathhouse astonished them both in a state of panic.

Instinctively leaping into Haruki's arms, Asuka closed her eyes shut as her hands wrapped around him. Locked in a tight embrace, her soft body squeezed against his chest. Disoriented from the sudden warmth around him, Haruki's eyes revolved in circles.

"A-A-Asuka…" Calming himself, he grabbed Asuka by the shoulders before gently moving her off of his chest. "It's just a maid, she probably didn't notice we are here together."

"Oh…I'm sorry," glancing up at Haruki she realized just how close she was. "I-um…sorry!"

As her face turned completely cherry, her fluffy tail fervently flailed around. Whether it was from excitement or embarrassment from what she had done, Haruki couldn't be any less certain. The rest of their time in the bathhouse was simply spent relaxing in the hot water, at one point Asuka's head flopped over Haruki's shoulder, but instead of waking her up, he let her enjoy her brief nap.

"Asuka, we should get back to my room now," After having spent an exorbitant amount of time in the bath, Haruki decided to head back to his bedroom with her.

"Mhnmm, okay master…" She mumbled wobbling up from her nap.

"Thanks for making sure I didn't faint in the bath," Haruki trickled in his excuse so she wouldn't get suspicious.

In reality, however, the reason why he wanted her to accompany him to the bath was simply that he had never been around a naked woman. Just the thought of jumping directly into a sexual encounter was making him extremely anxious. Even now, despite Asuka having a towel wrapped around her, it still made him terribly subconscious about the situation.

'How am I supposed to go all the way, when I can't even look at her for more than a second?' With those thoughts, the two of them left the bathhouse together.

Right as they exited into the changing room another problem presented itself.

"I'm sorry master, I couldn't find Asu…ka?" The maid waiting outside for Snow caught them both coming out of the bathroom together. "I…I'll be off to my other duties!"

"Maya wait!" Asuka called out to her, but the maid with the appearance of a demi-human cat bolted out of the place without wasting a single second. "S-she went off…"

Visibly defeated, her head hung low, contemplating the kind of embarrassing rumors that would soon be floating around the castle. Haruki wasn't free from shame either. Caressing his forehead with his hand, he felt unsure about the kind of repercussion waiting for him on his path forward.

"Let's just get dressed and head back, I feel like I'm going to faint from a headache," Picking his clothes from the basket, he turned around to face away from Asuka.

For a brief moment, Asuka's eyes lingered over his open back. Staring at the frail yet defined frame of Snow's body, she found herself drawn towards him. Her hands reached forwards, inches away from touch, but slapping her own cheeks, she retreated away from her true feelings for him.

'I can't, I'm just a lowly maid…' Deterring her from chasing her love was her own self-perception. To her, Snow was her master, and she was his slave, and that's all there was. Nothing beyond that point was ever going to be fruitful, and in her mind, she had convinced herself of that reality.

While on their way to Snow's room, they noticed a few of the maids peeking out at them from every corner of the castle. The news of them going to the bath together had spread faster than wildfire, and as they finally reached the room it became much more apparent. Acting guard outside the bedroom door was Roselia Ironsfrost, the head maid of the Frost mansion. Devoid of any emotion on her face, she glared at Asuka to make her disappointment known.

"Young master, I've…" Pressing her lips shut, Rose gulped down her words. "We've tidied up your bedroom, you can do as you please inside. As for you Asuka, care to explain the situation?"

Fidgeting nervously, Asuka's eyes remained downcast. No explanation would have sufficed to justify taking a bath with her master. That is unless…

"I asked her to accompany me in the bath in case I fainted again," Taking charge Haruki broke the tension in the air. "Is that a problem?"

Forcing a smile on her face, Rose looked down on Haruki. Her expression seemed mild while her intimidating aura screamed murder.

"Of course not, young master," Clenching her fist tight, she took a long deep breath. "Go on now, do whatever you please."

Taking a hold of Asuka's hand, Haruki tried to walk past Rose, but with her giant arm resting on Asuka's head he couldn't move her a single inch.

"I'm no fool young master, if she has taken your fancy then I have no authority to hinder anything you two do together, however!" Glancing sideways towards the peaking maids, she scared them off before completing the sentence, "At least allow us to make her presentable."

"I told you they were in love!" A whisper from one of the maids echoed throughout the passage.

"Get back to your stations you morons!" Yelling out loud Rose grabbed Asuka by her arm.

"Master?!" Asuka squealed, unsure of what was about to happen.

Glancing back one more time before leaving, Rose couldn't help but ask.

"Do you love her young master?" She questioned her eyes as lifeless as ever.

Haruki knew that there was only one real answer, one that would set Asuka's as well as his feelings free.

"I do," he replied.

"Then it seems your father owes me a pot of gold," Mumbling to herself, she let out an uncharacteristic chuckle as she escorted Asuka away.

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