
377 Just Until They're Clear

As soon as Wolfe was visible in the air above the walls, the shooting started. The only problem was that at a hundred meters in the air and two hundred from the walls, the vast majority of it was not incredibly accurate shooting.


Small movements made the first tank shells streak by him into the woods, and most of the light gunfire was never going to hit him anyhow.


'Spray and pray as a targeting technique wasn't going to get them far today, but as long as the bullets flew near Wolfe, it was good enough to keep their Commanders happy most of the time. The problem was that they had relied on those odds their entire career, and they never got better at shooting.


Wolfe set up a soft [Gravity Barrier] around himself, allowing the artillery shells that would have hit him to be redirected wide of his position to crash into the forest, well away from the road where the others were travelling.


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