
Cool Uncle.

Arissa fixed an unblinking gaze on Geal as if she were mad at him for his choice of words. However, in the next second, she chuckled and began to laugh softly. 

Nicklaus's brows wiggled and Geal stopped laughing. He was surprised she took his joke to be funny and when both men stared at her with questions in their eyes, it made it look like she was crazy. 

Arissa stopped laughing after a while. "What kind of uncle would you become?" she directed her question to Geal. Her voice was soft and her expression welcomed the conversation. 

Geal's eyes sparkled when she forwarded the conversation, "I'd be the very fun and cool uncle with no kids. I'd attend all of their birthday parties, fly them across the world, and get them the latest video games, as well as anything they wanted. Even the whole candies in the world if they want," his voice sounded eager like a ten-year-old boasting about his toys. 

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