
93. They'll come back


A flaming portal opened up, and matching out of it was Reuel. He was back in his home, in the world he knew and was familiar with. 

"If you're really my dad, does this mean that I'll no longer find you in your cottage?" He had asked Ligo before he left. 

"You're not a little boy anymore," Ligo said while calmly patting his shoulder. "So I don't have to keep an eye on you or be around you all the time. So If you wish to see me son, you'll have to come find me... Here. Since this is my original place, this is where I will be." Were the words that Ligo had told him.

He had also said, "I know everything about this place is quite... extraordinary. The people, the powers they possess, even the food. And I know this might sound like I'm putting pressure on you but, these people need you."

Slowly, Reuel walks over to the chair where he was previously sitting before the entire fiasco began. He lifted it back up and sat himself down. 

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