
Advertisers' Favor

Picking up a cup of coffee, Bruce continued to enjoy the TV series with a smile. Unlike the worry when he came here just now, after the beginning, he dared to affirm that this TV series must not worry about selling. With this level of filming, finding someone willing to pay for it is possible. If the storyline is better, it is hard to say whether ABC's decision is correct.

That guy Eisner is outdated, after all.

And the unfolding of the plot did not disappoint him.

On the shelf in the laboratory, the animal specimens soaked in jars easily create the image of the protagonist as a scientific researcher. The betting black and moderate white are contrasting pictures of the two contenders. The mother who didn't forget to kiss her daughter when she was late and a young woman who had just arrived and didn't know how to do things at all. All the characters of this team were introduced in a short period.

"Who is the protagonist among these people?"

"They are all handling a few cases at the same time. Maybe all of them are the protagonists."

"So many people acting all at once? It's not easy."

Sitting aside, Bruce had already heard the surrounding discussions. These comments made Bruce smile even more happily: Only when there are voices of discussion can the series attract more people's attention.

The quality of the TV series is indeed high. All the characters are introduced in less than five minutes, which is very good. Bruce looked at a group of people around him. Although the scientist lead is a freak, the black lead like to gamble, the handsome lead guys are good men, etc., he saw satisfaction from the face of the advertiser. These few people included almost all types of people, blacks, whites, scholars, and housewives. Such an arrangement was naturally satisfactory.

When people watch TV dramas, they always like the appearance of characters similar to themselves in TV dramas. They expect to see people who are similar to themselves, who have achieved remarkable achievements and amazed people. This is the sense of substitution.

However, with so many protagonists and cases going on simultaneously, isn't the show afraid of causing chaos?

In the multi-protagonist mode, every two or three people are in groups, each story is advanced in parallel, and they converge at the last moment. This kind of storyline is not uncommon in Hollywood TV dramas. Among other things, "Friends" is a typical model - multiple people share the scene, and multiple people weave the story, which makes the TV series have a good interlude. However, this kind of drama, compared to a drama where the main character is alone and everyone else is supporting, such a TV drama undoubtedly requires the skills of a screenwriter. A crime drama needs a case to attract the audience. Is it appropriate to make the audience remember the different processes of multiple protagonists? Is his brother not afraid that the audience is already tired of thinking about the case?

Soon, Bruce had his answer, not afraid. Although three cases were going on simultaneously, and five or six people participated in the main task, they weren't confused at all. The TV series is still playing, three different cases, and four parallel branches, could be quite dizzying. However, none of these cases were complicated. A murder that is known to be blamed at a glance, a simple case of an ecstasy party stealing money, and a murder that feigns to be a suicide are all cases that are too simple so that people have nothing to do in their minds. There is no room for confusion; the audience has the answers as soon as the case is laid out.

"Such a simple case..."

"Do you think there are Hannibals everywhere in Las Vegas?"

The discussion was about the case, and the audience could understand the case just presented. There is no reason for the confusion: because the cases are straightforward, even dummies can solve them.

The case was a bit simple, but Bruce didn't find TV shows boring. The case of fake suicide came up with a rather dramatic autopsy scene. With the astonishing newcomers, the characterization and story intensity are all there. In the case of the Ecstasy Party, the beauty who was involved in a car accident, although the modus operandi of the Ecstasy Party can be connected at a glance, with the addition of a handsome police officer, immediately makes people think about it. And the character Rick Warren's behavior in handling the case reminded people that this place is still Las Vegas. On the other hand, his behavior made the originally uncomplicated case a little more suspenseful.

"Can they solve these cases? It's so simple, but they can't solve it. They don't look serious enough."

"You live in Los Angeles, don't you? Don't you know the level of LAPD? Compared with them, these people are quite professional..."

The surrounding discussion is still going on, and the audience is also constantly brushing with pride in solving the cases.

Give the audience a sense of superiority: People who watch detective dramas hope they are more intelligent than the author, which is one of their driving forces.

Some scales are too large, which explains why ABC rejected this TV series... However, Bruce didn't care about that problem at all. Now, he is more concerned about the people in the play. Can they solve the case? Two people want to compete; one meets a beautiful woman, and the other starts gambling; who can win? They shouldn't be doing this. Shouldn't be finding evidence to prove that the perpetrator is guilty?

These are the things Bruce is thinking about. As for worrying about his younger brother? ABC should be worried about making this kind of TV series, not Levi.

Will they be able to collect evidence to prove that these people are guilty?

The idea turned here, which surprised Bruce, and he was also attracted unconsciously.

"These guys are slow at work; such a simple case needs to find evidence..."

"This is true. This murderer can tell at a glance that his living conditions are excellent. He just killed a homeless man. Do you think that such a person can be shot directly? This is the United States."

What is even more surprising is that People watching TV dramas seem to be subconsciously dominated by the characters in the drama. What they care about is not who committed the crime or how they committed the crime but how these people should be arrested and brought to justice.

When thinking of this question, Bruce suddenly realized it might be good for TV dramas to act like this. In doing so, real, simple crimes can be presented, and people feel less bored.

Reality and death are the two most important clues for people who like to watch crime dramas. A crime drama without death is a failure, and a crime drama that is not realistic enough is just a game.

When people watch this TV series, I am afraid they already have their ideas: who committed the crime and how; this cannot be hidden from the audience. But the audience didn't pay attention to that. They wanted to know how the investigators used their tools to convict the perpetrators.

Perhaps, the real protagonists of this TV series are not those few people but specimens, test tubes, microscopes, and maybe all kinds of sophisticated instruments and equipment. People expect to know how these devices work and how they convict the perpetrators.

"Fortunately, with these high-tech means, it's not easy to kill someone and get away with it."

"If Thompson had such good technology, wouldn't he have escaped? Damn bastard!"

People are still discussing - the purpose of a detective is to deliver justice and protect civilians, and as a civilian, what is more satisfying than seeing those criminals arrested?

"One question." The TV series hasn't finished yet, but the fat man sitting in the corner has already said, "What day of the week is this TV series going to air on ABC? I need to know your arrangements to consider the arrangement of commercials."

There are already impatient people who have opened their mouths to consult. The TV series has yet to be broadcast halfway, but some people have already seen its value. Bruce laughed: It seems that even if ABC doesn't know the goods, there are still people who know them.

"But, Mr. Brown, the episodes haven't finished yet." Richard, the ABC receptionist sitting in the front, obviously didn't expect such a result, "We have prepared a lot of episodes; you don't want to make any plans after watching them?"

"No need. I know how I should choose; just tell me what day of the week you plan to broadcast!"

"I still suggest that you watch all the programs before making a choice, this is more responsible for your company, you can also see if there are other TV programs that can be invested in advertising together. Moreover, this is a TV-PG series; you must consider this aspect..." Richard, responsible for the reception, is still working hard; just look at the sweat on his face to know how nervous he is now.

"Our products are not originally sold to those children. I don't need to consider the issue of grading. Remember that I was the first to propose buying advertisements. Don't ignore my reservation." Richard Brown looked at it and reasoned and sat down with some skepticism.

"I want to pre-order it too." Immediately, someone next to him said, and several people in the surrounding crowd were eager to try and pre-order this TV series.

This is the first episode that is yet to finish playing!

Seeing Richard with an embarrassed face, Bruce, sitting on the side, showed a somewhat smug and mocking smile: Presumably, ABC did not expect such a situation when they rejected this TV series. When they put this TV series here for screening, they didn't expect it to gain people's favor immediately.

This TV series is different from many TV series... Although, he still finds it hard to imagine his younger brother's abilities. But Bruce also has to admit that this TV series does have its own uniqueness.

In detective novels, people care whether the criminal can get what he deserves. People care about their safety and whether it can be guaranteed. Now, Levi's TV series directly skips the link of detectives solving the case and focuses on proving these people's guilt and how to sentence them. This approach naturally attracts people's attention.

As for why advertisers favor this TV series, do you need to ask? Everyone understands this truth: the most significant difference between a TV series that is closer to reality and a light comedy lies in the different audiences. No matter how good-looking light comedies are, the audience is primarily young. The closer to reality TV dramas, the more they can attract older people to watch; people around 35-50 years old are not interested in comedies and idol dramas. Those people pay more attention to social issues but have the most substantial purchasing power. Whose advertisements are not shot for people with purchasing power? It is basic common sense to aim your advertisement at the golden crowd.

Why is "Law and Order" popular? Isn't it because in solving the case, they have always emphasized being close to reality so that people are willing to follow it? The whole age group is not a problem, but to attract the attention of those children, ABC is ignoring the people with the most golden purchasing power. Eisner is really out of date if he cannot understand this problem.

Unexpectedly, Nick can do this step—with such ability, will he be afraid of offending ABC? Nick himself can also defeat Eisner and usher in a new era of his own! This TV series can change the era of crime dramas.


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