
Chapter 12

*Cyrus POV*

Cruel and unusual punishment. I participated in one battle and for like 20 sec tops. Sure a castle crumbled, I blame the builders. They should've been more forward thinking or whatever.

Not my problem, it's not like I intended to ACTUALLY blow it up. I was after the soldiers, I cant help they always seemed to congregate by all the bigger pillars thus forcing me to throw multiple bombs on the main support many times.

What doesn't she understand about maximum effort brings maximum results?

My armor that I FINALLY managed to get was confiscated, I don't care about the weapons I have plenty available.

Those were all of just rare quality. I had 2 epic grades available, [Dazzling Longsword] which was a one hand and the [Fiery War Axe] a large 2 handed axe. But those are emergencies and kill them all scenarios.

There are plenty of other rare weapons I can choose from, but the armor I am limited to my sets so next wont be till level 20.

Well on the plus side I was able to move up into artisan levels in all professions during my confinement. Thankfully I had some help from my brothers. I can't wait till I can get a chance to try out the new boots I recently made.

[Goblin Rocket Boots] : These dangerous looking boots significantly increase your run speed and limited flight for 20 sec. They are prone to explode however, so use caution. (5 min cooldown)

Flight baby, oh yeah just wait till Robb sees these, maybe I can have that bard at the bar the soldiers drink at watch Robbs expression and have him draw it for me on a picture.

Father will be home any day now, mother said I was grounded till he came home. Hopefully I can get my armor back. I got bandits to hunt.

*Knock* *Knock*

Quickly putting his formulas and schematics he was drawing away. Cyrus found Jon outside his room, hunched over with his hands on his knees catching his breath.

"Father is waiting for you in his solar and said for you to head straight there, no side trips."

"I know, I know that only happened like twice ok. You should really learn how to regulate your breathing when you run, you sound like Hodor when he's taking a dump. So Angry."

Running off to my fathers solar to hopefully get my armor, it doesn't take long. After entering and seeing both my parents, Maester Luwin and Ser Rodrik Cassel I take my usual seat. Yea I'm sent here enough to warrant me having a chair.

As soon as I sit down, I put my best smile on "Can I have my armor now?"

Not getting a response after a minute, maybe not yet?

"How about in 5 minutes I can get my armor back or 10 minutes is fine too, but no more than 30 minutes."

"Well it's good to see you too son. Your mother has informed me of your good behavior after returning. Do you have any idea what you did wrong?"

"Yes. I talked, I should've never talked then everything would've been fine."

Seeing my father's eyebrow raise and the look I was receiving from mother I knew I was missing something but I couldn't think what. oh maybe

"Aaand next time let someone know I'm leaving."


"Uuumm, and be careful..?"

"Can I get my armor now?"

Nothing... Why am I receiving those looks?

Hearing father clear his throat bringing my attention to him.

"I want you to listen to me son. One your too young for war, most kids your age would be having nightmares after seeing something like that. With the way things are looking there will be time in the future. No more sneaking off, I don't need that added to my worries every time I get called off. Understood?"

Giving him a nod, I try to keep my eyes from moving to my armor.

"You can have the armor and weapons after you tell me where you got them."

"I just want the armor, you can keep the weapons I can always make more."

"You made this sword?"

Seeing him point to the [Platinum Sword] I give him a nod.

"Show me."

"Then ca-"

"Oh shut it on your armor, yes after you show me how you made this sword you can have it back."

"Well that's an issue, I can't make that sword again cant I just make a different one?"

It'll be a real issue if he wants another of those, I only had one.

"What do you mean?"

"Well that sword uses special materials that as far as I know I used the last, we would have to collect the required material first. But if you just let me use whats available now I can do it now."

"Makes since, alright lets head to Mikken's workshop."

Seeing Rodrik grabbing my armor I lead the way down to the blacksmith of Winterfell.

I easily made a very good weapon using the Blacksmith profession for my father handing him the sword I grabbed my armor and went to run off but was stopped by father.

"Maester Luwin says you have some ideas on traveling when your older, travel takes coin and he says some of the things it that folder of yours could you do that. Why don't you let us take a look at it so if there's anything that can make some coin when your ready you don't have to wait."

Not seeing and issue with them taking a peak. Just ideas on products like soap, different alcohols for fuel and beverage, paper, glass, gun powder nothing too bad.

"Sure, sure can I go? I had something to show Robb and Jon."

Getting his approval I run off to find my brother to show of my rocket boots.

Finding them both wasn't hard, they were in the training yard.

"Hey you two wanna see something awesome? Then follow me and be amazed."

Making our way past father and mother who are still talking with Rodrik and Maester Luwin, I lead us to the open field just outside the walls.

"Alright so you two stand over there and just watch."

Walking to about 15 feet away I turn so I can see their faces when they see I can fly.

"You guys ready?"

"Ok 3...2....1 Initiate."

*Ned Stark POV*

After the boys past by while I was speaking to Rodrik about the sword Cyrus made, Maester Luwin pointed out Cyrus might be up to something.

Looking to Cat and seeing the playful smile she gave, I knew she was up for some covert spying.

Rodrik stayed behind to test the sword more.

The three of us watched the boys, we weren't close enough to hear them but we could see them.

Cat and Maester Luwin bantered about what they think the boys were discussing.

We watched as Cyrus walked away from the boys and turned around.

Just when I thought they were about to play a game, Cyrus lifted off the ground and floated.

Two fires coming from the bottom of his feet.

I froze.. What the hell is happening?

But suddenly the boots he had on made some sounds and then he shot like a star falling from the sky into the Wolfswood into the canopy.

Cat's scream woke me up and I started running in the direction he went, Robb and Jon still jumping around in amazement. Don't they realize how injured their brother could be?

*Cyrus POV*

Well that definitely could've gone better. Luckily a few branches broke the fall, definitely not my best work.

What hurt worst then the fall was the smack I got from Father after I seen him running towards me.

Having to try to explain the mechanics of how the boots work was a difficult task, after a few sentences in he stopped me and told me to tell it to Maester Luwin instead.

Getting a second slap from mother as soon as we got back was just as hard, but then she hugged me tight.

Damn I wish she would make up her mind, at least it's consistent with Father, all hits. Tough love he calls it. Mother, it's like she doesn't know whether to hit me or smother me. Make up your mind.

Now that I have my armor back, tonight will be the start of the power train. Hopefully I won't run out of bandits anytime soon.

May have to go north of the wall if that happens. Well that'll be a decision for the future me. Sometimes I envy that guy, he gets to make all the good choices. While I'm stuck with Bandits, one day. I'll get to make good choices too.

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