
Chapter Sixty: The Devilish Pair

Lysette had been running herself to pure exhaustion, having no real idea as to where she was going. Ally was guiding her but giving her the most minimal amount of information which made Lysette feel unsettled. Ally could sense how Lysette was feeling but offered very little reassurance, instead she focused her attention on the destination. A power, that was familiar to Ally and yet something different at the same time.

A small creek resided in front of the two and Ally signaled for Lysette to stop who was more than happy to finally rest her aching body. She was use running more often than not but Ally refused to let her break the pace, and it wore her down.

Lysette collapsed to the ground as Ally climbed off her back and began walking up to the creek. " Why are we here.." Lysette breathed heavily as she looked up to see Ally kneeling down by the creek.

" We are here to meet someone. Someone that has made me curious " Ally looks down at the running water and runs her fingers through the cold current.

" I don't see anyone" Lysette crawled to the creek side and began scooping water into her mouth as she tried to catch her breath. " That's because she isn't here yet. But she will be soon. She wants to speak with me..I think our goals align" Ally smiled, as Lysette became increasingly more confused.

" What goals? For the Lycan Kingdom? " Lysette questioned.

" The goals for making sure the Underworld gets fixed. To make sure that everyone can actually live in peace for a change" as Ally finishes speaking, a voice calls from the other side of the creek.

" I am sorry I am late, I had some things to take care of" Adette smiled as she stood upon the other side of the creek in her dark hooded cloak.

" I'm glad you came " Ally smiled and waved happily. Lysette looked up and saw the girl standing before her but she couldn't understand how Ally would have known her.

" Can she be trusted? " Adette looked to Lysette and Ally smiled and nodded, assuring that Lysette would not be a problem them for them.

" So have you thought about the offer? " Ally asked, practically giggling to which Adette nodded. " I do think that us working together would be wise. My previous plan, has kind of fallen through. Not to mention, this would work much better for both of our interests " Adette and Ally had seemed to make some agreement behind Lysettes back and though she tried to intervene, Lysette discovered that she could not speak. She was not sure whether it was nerves, exhaustion or some form of magic being used by either Ally or this stranger.

" Then take what you need " Ally extends her hand out as a stream of energy begins to trail from her fingertips over to Adette who seemed to absorb the energy into her own hands.

" What is she doing " Lysette thought to herself as she continued trying to speak but found herself being incapable of being able to do so.

" Is this going to be enough for you? " Ally Inquired and Adette nodded. " This is going to be more than enough. I will keep you updated on the progress. Just make sure you handle everything on your end " Adette smiles and then turns and walks away, disappearing into the distance. Allys smile dissapears from her face as Adette fades away and she turns her head slowly to Lysette, glaring down at her which instilled a new level of fear into Lysette that she never knew she was capable of feeling.

" You will not speak on what you saw here today " Ally spoke, but not with her lips, but through her mind and Lysette could hear her loud and clear. " I don't wish to harm you, you are one of my favorites..but I need you to trust me that I know what is best for us" Ally reaches down and brushes her hand across Lysettes face and finally, Lysette was able to speak again.

" WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT " Lysette cried out. Ally refused to respond as she turned away from the creek. " It's time for us to go home " Ally stood patiently waiting for Lysette to transform back into her wolf form.

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