
the deal

In a dark room somewhere in the night wolf sect knelt a young figure covered in overall robe, before her sat a mid aged man who had the eyes of a serpent, he was foundling with his tea, starring at the kneeling figure

Master you have you have to take retribution for me, this is so unfair" the voice of a young lady resounded from the robe figure kneeling, her voice full of tears and pain, she was sobbing why she speaks

"Lara, your master won't let this go free, tell me everything that transpired, I've heard from the othersthat brought you back, while you were unconscious, but I still need to here from you"

The young lady recounted everything that had happened from the very beginning to the last, not hiding a single detail, when she was done, the mid aged man's walked up to her, taking off the hood she used to cover her face

Half of her face is a mess, her eye and eyes couldn't be seen, only scar and tiny piece was left in place, her eyes completely blind on one side, her hair too gone one one half, observing downwards, her body is the same

She is missing an arm, her left arm is gone, she doesnt look anything like the beauty that had charmed me at first sight, the anger of the man rose so high his aura was pushing the things close by away

"The Newman most pay for this, theor offspring dare hurt my personal disciple, it over for them" the man blurted out in rage, going back to his sit he halt his step immediately at the words of his disciples

"What didn't you say again" he turned back towards her demanding she repeat herself

"Master that kid is a demon"

"Not that, the other one" his brow knitted into a frown

"His strength kept increasing the long we fought" she repeated the last words she was recountjng to her master while he was returning to his sit after agreeing to avenge her

"What level of strength is he when you first start battling him" his face now had contort so much the young lady didn't know what the problem was

"When we first tailed them, he was having the strength of a peak nascent realm expert, lower than the other but, but he is a monster, I don't know if his martial spirit gave him more power or so" she stated confused of this aspect

Quick the middle aged man requested for the information of the mission brought in to them, after carefully scanning the detaksthe held his heart in place from beating off his chest turning towards a dark end of his quarter

Quickly he ushered the young lady away, cold sweat dropping from his back that his entire robe is already drench in sweat

From that dark end he stared at shakenly, a pair of green emeralds eyes shot open, glaring at him, "miss flora, seem....seem we've found the young master" he said giving a slight bow

"There was no reply from the eyes glaring at him, he quickly went in to explain everything and why he he had said what he said"

"So you are saying you found the young master and were about to take the life of his son" a female voice car from where the pair of eyes where

"Miss flora, it wasn't a deliberate act, if it wasn't for what she said, I wouldn't have caught winds of it" he explained

"Fine be glad nothing happened to the second young master, as a punishment you would go treat the regression done against him and bring both of them back, I don't not wish to get involved personally, you now what I mean"

The man nodded and quickly left the room, the emerald green eyes lingered there for a while before its disappeared


Back at the Newman main family mansion the patriarch was beaming with rage, he had just gotten the report sent by Noah and the deduction, he didn't know how to take it, yes Imos didn't die but this was the height of it

"Eric set send words to all side branch family, the Newman are in war with the Wilson, anyone of them they see, should be sent on an endless journey"

Eric nodded an went out to carry the instruction out, someone else stepped in the moment he went out, "patriarch what would we do if the Wilson fight back" he had gotten the word of the patriarch from Eric

"I don't care, if the other families wants to take side with him I don't give a damn, all I want is the Wilson wipe out for ever thinking of hurting young Imos, touch anyone else and it would be giving a consideration but touch this two it would be war"

He was referring to me and my dad, the figure that had just step in understands, it also concerns the oath he had taken long time agon to protect them

"Any word from the side of the white wolf, I sent the messager back to asked for their assistance and would gladly pay anything they asked"

"Thats the reason am here patriarch, the patriarch of white wolf is at the waiting room, she wishes to see you" immediately the patriarch hears that he hurried our to meet her, keeping such important figure waiting might angry her


"I thought you are top furious to spare me your time" she spoke the moment the patriarch step in the room followed by the other

"I djdnttknow you are here, sorry for the delay, please have your sit" he gesture her to take her sit, which she did majestically

"I got your message and decided to come over personally" she began the discussion after taking a sip from the tea offered to her by the maid called forth to serve them tea, "your grandson is quite talented, I went over to check the battle field and saw the mess he made there

Such a huge mess from such a weak figure, it made my wonder what is missing, the power of such damaged can't be wield by someone his level, that bring me to the question, what are you hiding

I noticed he is the one you gave the seven elements of lightning to too, from my point of view, he you wouldn't give that to just anyone"

"Its nothing really special, I discovered he had great talent and gave him that to cultivate, since I couldn't cultivate it, one of mine should than let it gather dust in my library" he answered nonchalantly taking a sip of his tea

"Hmm, well I won't force you, I thought we could work together and come to a mutual agreement on something, I guess I would have to visit other families or even the Wilsons" she drop her tea cup and was about to leave when he stopped her

" what is it you purpose" from the moment she cams over to talk about his grandson personally, he could already tell something is fishy

"You know my sect is an affiliation of a big family in the main land, and everyone once in a while we have a sect competition, the winner get more resources from the main family"

"Why are you telling me all this" he wants her to cut straight to the chase, he didn't get much time on his hands at the tough times

"I want to adopt your grandson as my personal disciple and make him one of the core members to represent our sect, in return, we won't just help you by standing behind you against the other families in taking your revenge

Our relationship would also strength that JM the future, your family and our sect would have a tie, a mutual tile, your descendants can attend the sect as a core family of the sect, what do you say" she went straight to the point

Grandpa was conflicted with this new development, he would have speedily accepted if the competition is about other sects from different part of the endless sea, waste land is one of the smallest places in the endless sea

Allowing his grandson go against some monster from other bigger better land would be suicidal, also he needs the help from this people, and the choices are good too

"We will have to asked him if he agrees" Grandpa finally gave in, he wouldn't want to force me either, so the choice had lastly been thrown to my court

"Great, I believed I can work with that, I would send the contract of our agreement over the moment he agrees and you would have my sect full support, one more thing, that kids body is amazing

He had lost almost all his blood essence but his body is slowly revitalizing, something that shouldn't be possible, does he had a Martial spirit related to vitality" her question had take grandpa by surprise, he has been mad with the report at the state k was confirmed to be in, now he is hearing mt vitals are slowly coming back, which means there is more hop than he thought

Don't be too assuring, the rate of repair are so little it would take atleast up to fifty or so years to get even as los as 10℅ the vitality, at this rate is simply as good as nothing, he would still look mummified even at that aged

You know cultivation journey is long and stressful, with this drop of vitality, I doubt he would achieved great realm, still he would be powerful enough to be considered a power house here in the waste land with me help" she added as if reading Grandpa mind

He nodded in pain after which try discussed a few other things and she is off heading back for the sect with great hope of me accepting her offer.

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