
Chapter 169

I stared at Chris, this sixteen year old version of him that now filled me with fear and nerves. There was a time when I'd look at him and I'd just shake my head and pray for patience to endure him, but nowi just wanted to run. He was holding my gaze, smiling as if the sight of me had made him happier than anything else could have. Then....he hugged me. Out of the blue, like the weird and unpredictable individual that he was. He just stepped forward and wrapped his arms around me. I took about two seconds to load what was happening, then I pushed him off me and took some steps back. I wondered whether it was actually some sort of mind game. He was very much capable of messing with my mental stability just to achieve some crazy goal of his. I couldn't let my guard down when he was that close. I looked around once again, trying to get my mind to work and come up with ideas on what I could do. 

" You don't have to worry,he's not around. He won't be able to come in between us, "

My face fell and I stared at him with wide eyes. Not actually sure whether I had heard him correctly but knowing that whatever my ears had heard wasn't fiction. He had just said that. And in that moment what I really wanted to ask was what the hell was wrong with him, but doing so would help me out. He was clearly not on his right senses, and I recalled how I'd always act whenever he was like that ages ago. Back then I had assumed he was just a peculiar young boy that liked to mess with me for fun but it was obvious I had been wrong. And in a way, we had somehow gotten along back then, so I decided to treat him exactly how I used to. 

He was capable of doing anything, if I said or did the wrong thing it could end up ticking him off. 

" Were you following me?" I cautiously asked. He hang his head and I watched as a small smile appeared on his features. 

" I was just watching over you. Incase he does anything to hurt you." 

" Who? You mean Austin?" 

He nodded and I turned towards the direction I had come from. Then I looked at Chris once more and quickly thought of what else to say. 

" He's the reason that you left, isn't he? He didn't want us to be friends so he made you leave. He's always been selfish!" 

I managed to be more confused in those few minutes than I had ever been before. Not only was my guess about him correct, but I also got to confirm that he was indeed not right in the head. And knowing that he had a trait for serious violence didn't help either. Austin was out there worrying about me when technically, he was the one in danger. 

" We were... friends?" I cautiously asked. To be honest, that came as a shock to me. We had never been that close. We only ever spoke a few times when he wasn't doing something to annoy me. No, we had definitely never been friends and it was puzzling that he had thought so. 

" Of course we were!" He seriously informed me, then he took a step towards me and I had to encourage myself to stay out and not attempt to run off. 

" You liked spending time with me, but he'd always get in the way. You liked me, right?" 

I didn't respond. If I said what I was really thinking then he was going to get enraged and there was no telling what he'd decide to do after that. His expression brightened up, then he reached for my hand and firmly held it in both of his. It was a really tight grip, painfully tight, as if he was trying to break my bones or something. But I didn't do anything because I had no clue how to treat him or what sort of reaction he wanted me to give. So it was better if I reminded neutral, I could have went along with what he was saying but I didn't have the energy to tolerate such utter nonsense. 

" Can I come over and stay with you? I was planning on surprising you the other day but I thought he'd find out and try to hurt you. "

" That was you? You picked my lock, " 

I had already known that he was responsible, but actually hearing him confess to it, and in such a blatant way as well, it just made me feel horrified all over again. 

" You know he doesn't actually love you, right? He's too selfish for that. But I do, I've always cared about you and I'll be better than he is. "

Whoa, I needed a break. It was all getting too much. And it didn't even make sense, none of it. I was even considering that maybe he was tricking me somehow. That he wanted me to believe he was crazy when in truth he had something up his sleeve for when I fell into his trap. But if that was the case then he was an extremely believable actor. Because everything he was saying actually sounded legit, as if he believed every word that came out of his mouth. 

" You love me?"

" Of course I do! Have you forgotten, we used to have so much fun together. "

" But... didn't you and Austin, I mean, if you hate him then why did you two.."

I didn't know the most logical way to ask that, he and Austin had had something going on. And if everything he was saying was true then why had he been friends with Austin in the first place. Right after I left that too, and the two of them even....well, they had been up to a lot. If he actually did hate Austin then why had he been rolling in the sheets with him. God! Just the thought of it made me mad. 

" He was the only thing left that could remind me of you. So I had to have him, otherwise there wouldn't be anything left."

" Wh..What?"

No way he had actually just said that with a straight face. Austin had promised that he wouldn't be long, and I hoped he was on his way over so that he could help me out. What mental condition was Chris suffering from anyways? Because whatever it was, it definitely needed to be checked and cured. So back then, when he had been teasing and toying with me, he had actually assumed that we were some great friends? In his head we had been this great pair? And because of whatever it is he felt, he had just simply decided to go ahead and date my best friend because he needed something to remind him of me after I had left? I mean, he could have easily broken into my old locker and found something I had left in there but no, he chose to settle for a whole human being instead. 

How refreshing. 

" Should I go back to your place? You'll find me there when you--"

" No!" 

His smile instantly disappeared and I knew I had to think first. One wrong word and it could possibly cost me my life. 

" I mean, it's not that I don't want you over there, but--"

" Austin!" He angrily said and I shook my head. His expression suggested he was planning some very dark things and no way was I going to let him harm Austin in any way. That would shatter me completely. And before this realization, Austin had been the one not wanting to get me hurt because of his mess, but things had just changed entirely. If anything happened to him then it would be my fault. 

" It's not about him, "

" Then what? Why can't I stay with you?" 

" It's just... risky. My neighbors might see you and you've been all over the news -"

" I have?" 

" Yeah, don't you know? "

It was a lie but he wouldn't know. He innocently shook his head. Then he quietly cursed and tightened the hold he had on my hand. 

" Why are they making such a big deal out of it? It's not like I meant to kill him in the first place. And he was the one who insulted me first anyway. "

Hearing that just confirmed how crazy he actually was. 

" Then what if we stay at a motel together? Just you and me?" 

I saw that as an opportunity to get him arrested. He clearly trusted me more than he was supposed to, and if I told him anything he was definitely going to believe it. So I could just use that to my advantage and manage to put an end to all that craziness. 

" Not today though, but if you tell me where, I can find a way to get there. Tomorrow maybe?" 

" Really?" 

I finally saw Austin in the distance, and Chris must have realized my reaction because he immediately turned around, then he just quickly ran off without saying another word. I couldn't keep that information to myself, there's no way I'd be able to lie to Austin about it. And he needed to know, it wasn't only right, but also necessary that he know whatever the weird hell was actually happening. 

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