

       I held the shower ray trying so hard not to slip and fall cause of how weak my legs had turned from the movement of his tongue down on my sensitive flesh. My both legs felt like jelly as my grip on the ray tightened. Alex moved and got up staring at my reaction from the mirror just before us, "I know I've said this like a million times, but you're the most beautiful woman in the world sweet." He said for my face to turn red.

          I couldn't stare at those dark eyes staring hungrily at me from the mirror like it was ready to devour me. He moved my hair to the side pressing his lips on my back his tongue escorted his lips leaving hot traces down to my a** before tracing it back up. He was right, this was quite new, we've never really done this under the shower before and I loved this feeling. Especially the new sensation that came with him cupping and spanking my a**.

        I bit my lower lips throwing my hair backward from the feeling. He grabbed my waist firmly keeping it in place before slowly sliding into me, he didn't give me the chance this time to please him as it felt like he wanted to be in control.

          And there was nothing sweeter than feeling him slowly thrusting into me under the running water. His movement was gentle as I heard him sip the air burying his face in my back.

       "Damn you feel so good Hazel can you please bend that a** a bit." I did what he said only to feel him fully inside of me, I moaned. "I told you there are lots of things we still need to try." He said close to my ears, I gripped the bathtub firmly cause of the pleasure I felt trying so hard not to fall cause of how weak my legs turned. Beneath the running water was my cry and his little groan that filled the entire room.

       Alex picked me up before I could fall taking me back into the room as he placed me on the bed carefully. We had no care if the bed had soaked wet from water dripping from my hair and body and his too. He spread both my legs before diving his head back into my sensitive flesh. I grabbed his hair urgently, "Hmm, I love that sweetheart." He groaned deep in his throat as he held both my legs from closing.

       He hopped back on the bed before gradually sliding into me again. My back arced eyes were short and my mouth flew open from the intensifying pleasure I felt. "Look at me Baby, show me those colorful eyes." I opened them to best his black ones, he never for once deviated his eyes from mine as he paced in and out of me. He grabbed both my hands enticing his fingers into mine as he continued his movement.

       I could barely hold his gaze anymore as I closed my eyes and was taken to another universe automatically. I cried louder in his arms as he finally let my hands go for me to hold his shoulder as he thrust into me. I could feel pleasure around my body reaching my peak, till I collapsed on the bed.

       He stayed still a little before falling on the bed. We both were out of breath staring at the ceiling, it was a fun exercise one that can get you out of breath. I still couldn't believe we were still acting like a newly married couple even if now we have kids around. Alex closed the gap between us as he kissed me softly, "I love you." He said between his kisses.


        The next day came by with us getting out of bed towards the afternoon. I wondered why the kids didn't bother to come to wake us up as usual. It was strange cause they were usually the ones that woke us up every morning, their annoying early morning shouts and kisses were all I longed for now. Who knew I'd used to it?

       "Mama." They greeted already in their swimsuit ready to swim since it was weekend they had swimming class this morning and later on the boys have their music class while Leah has her royalty class. Afterward, they all have lessons with their home tutor, Alex didn't give them time to play much as he said they have every other day Of the week to play.

        "We have family meeting tomorrow it's okay if you're not in the mood to attend," Alex said while eating at the table. As usual, he placed more of the see protein food on my plate and I ate them. Recently I've had a great appetite to eat a lot and I didn't hesitate to have as many foods as I could. "It depends on what the meeting's for."

       "Arrangements of her funeral and other things, I guess." "Then I should be there," I said finally. "Are you sure?" Alex asked. "Yes, of course." I should be there to support his family for their recent loss, Great-grandma was a huge part of everyone's life. I loved her like I would love my great grandma, she was simply the best to me and the kids. Her advice was heavenly, I still don't know what to say to her if they eventually ask to see her.

         I know while they don't see her anymore, they would naturally forget about her. I had nothing to do for the rest of the day, except exploring the new hobby Alex introduced me to while he was out. I discovered many things his mother owned, things I never thought existed. Her manual on how to treat her husband and lure her husband into her trap. The right lessons to win his heart completely.

       I'm pretty sure she would want me to have this wonderful book if she was alive. I hope she understands her son needs some taming too, I desperately want him to listen to my words, all of it. Maybe I should focus more on being a better wife and partner than always fighting with him. 

       I wondered what type of woman she was, maybe the calm, humble, and collective type. The type that always supported his father no matter what he does. Or maybe she wasn't calm or humble, she was the boss of their marriage. She was the controlling one. I loved her already imagining what it would be like to have Alex wrapped around my fingers.

       Moving into what seemed like the master's bedroom, I strode towards the first golden box I found in a corner. Checking its content, I realized what was in it. In there were pictures, pictures of his family. Their family photos together. His mother was gorgeous, though I've seen her before, she wasn't this beautiful then. This photo did justice to her.

         He took after his father, the man's features and height, the only difference was Alex's built muscles and cold aura. Alex was the evil version of him, the one with a devious heart. I placed the pictures back in the box, as my mind wandered around the many other treasures I found. I could use her first instructions in the book on Alex and see what his reaction would be.

       I stepped out of the room and out of the underground mansion back into our real mansion as I awaited Alex's arrival. He didn't come back home early so I spent time reading more on the book I found, finally realizing I've been a bad wife all this while. He's done more than I've done for him.

       Just as I thought about it, I watched him step into the mansion in what seemed like a terrible mood. At this point, I wondered if it was right to talk to him, or just let him be as usual. "No Hazel, you need to spice up your marraige," I said inwardly staring at him. "Welcome back babe." I paced to stand before him helping him take off his suit.

        "Are you alright Hazel?" Alex asked. "Yes, I'm perfectly fine, I've been waiting for you." I grabbed his shirt pulling him to myself before successfully tip-toeing to smooch his lips with mine only for a brief moment. "Come let's get you changed my love." 


            We arrived at the general Wilson's mansion the next day, I was nervous even if Alex had told me a thousand times not to join him if I wasn't ready to, but I didn't listen. Great-grandma was as important to me as she was to him, "Welcome back Master and Madam." Leonard greeted us as usual taking the kids' bags from them. I knew attending this meeting meant we were going to stay here for a few days so I came mentally prepared.

        There was nothing to be scared of, especially after Avery reassured me she was only upset with Alex. I hope they settle their differences soon even if it's almost impossible. 

         Just as we stepped in, I noticed a familiar presence, one that irked me more than anything. I had no idea a day would come when I'd have to see her again. Mother and father were seated alongside grandma, I noticed Carie and Avery were yet to attend.

         "Grandma, grandpa." Leah and her innocent brothers ran in to hug Mother and Father while I and Alex stared at the woman sitted on the couch. Leonard took the kids into their rooms since this meeting was for adults.

        "What are you doing here?" Alex asked placing me on the couch as he sat next to me staring at Beverly.

       "No need to get all feisty around her Alex, Beverly is a part of us, her visit should not be questioned." Mother said with a smile. Everything happening at the moment felt like a dream, I didn't want to believe any of it. Maybe I was in a trance and have to wake up.

      "Don't stop him, mother, it's all my fault, I've done so many wrongs to Alex and his wife. I shouldn't even be here in the first place." She said gloomily. "You shouldn't not after murdering her," Alex said plainly. I stared at him with wide eyes, now I understood his reasons for his questions that evening. She's the one who murdered great grandma.

         "What are you talking about Alex? Who did I murder?" Beverly asked seeming bewildered by his words. Alex didn't go into details and just kept staring at her. "You're indeed brave taking the next possible turn the moment you heard the price, your minion told you? Is she another accomplice in the crime?" He asked calmly, collectively.

        "I still don't understand what you're talking about," Beverly said. I understood what they were talking about, and for the first time, I understood most of the things they talked about. "You think my family would save you from what I will do to you?" Alex brought out a fu**ing weapon from his pocket pointing it at her only for mother to step in front of her.

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