
Flavian's New Ability

While Flavian was inside the chamber, he started to feel a minor headache coming along. There was nothing he could do as he didn't want to gain the attention of the scientists. Also, the glass used to keep him trapped was surely strong enough to keep a regular-born caged in.

But he had gotten stronger, right?

Flavian theorised this but he didn't feel any change in his body. All he saw that he had gotten taller and, while looking at his longer legs, he noticed that he had even more muscular mass and less fat than before.

Surely, he had gotten stronger. The project was apparently at 97% and he definitely saw some changes.

"Alright! Here goes nothing!"


With a single punch, he was able to shatter the entire chamber and the green liquid started flying across the entire room. However, he was left flailing from a weird electronic device that was strapped to his back. Utilising his heightened strength, he was able to break free from that too.


Before he could even finish the sentence, Flavian charged across the room then launched the scientist into an adjacent wall. The remaining scientist, in fear, started to back up.

"Stay away! PULSAR BEAM!" He shouted hysterically, while raising one of his hands.

A large light beam then shot right towards Flavian but he just swerved right out of the way seamlessly.

This light beam then hit one of the lights in the roof and even cracked the roof.

Flavian, who now stood at 6'3, grabbed the scientist by the neck of his shirt, launching him across the room with a single throw.


Since he had nothing on but black pants, he took one of the lab jackets on a hanger, on one of the walls of the room. Finally, there were no trousers in the vicinity but those on the scientists.

"I'm sorry, man." Flavian said, taking off the taller guy's shoes.

Now, he looked quite clownish with a terrible outfit but, out of nowhere, the door came crashing down.


At the door, was a man with a red mohawk and pink energy flowing around him. His eyes were blazing pink and he charged right towards Flavian, with two glowing gauntlets.

Somehow, Flavian was able to react to his speed and evade his attack. Doing a quick analysis of the surroundings, his only escape was blocked off by many people, who were all equipped with various forms of battle equipment that ranged from knives to breastplates.

Or, he had a window behind him that he could jump right out of. To him, it looked to be around 4 stories high but it was the only option he had. Or else, he'd lose all his mental freedom.

So, facing his fears, he charged for the window with amazing speed then slammed right through the glass, shattering it almost instantly.

Flavian then noticed how far down the ground was and got incredibly scared as there was no way out.


However, as he landed, he felt his legs just crouch and handle all the force. If he remained a regular-born, he could've died from that. However, he felt just fine.



Around him, there were the bustling streets of Primos and he was blocked off to the streets by a 10 ft high gate. Once he saw this, Flavian just smirked and ran right towards it fearlessly. As he approached the gate, he jumped right over it as if it was a hurdle, to land gracefully on the ground once again.

"What do I do now? I just have to get out of here." Flavian concluded, beginning to cross the road to begin his escape.

However, he heard something weird on the TV in a cafe beside him.

"BREAKING NEWS: A local school in Salham is being subject to an assault from a supposed 'Sniper' and a schoolboy, Harry Delgado. The sniper is apparently here to kill another student, Brandyn Santiago."

"Harry? Brandyn?! need to get there now!"


With his axe above his head, Brandyn could no longer do anything to resist. He clenched his hand, that was wrapped around his axe then drove it right down to try and kill Brandyn. However, using the last of his energy, he was able to catch the axe by its long handle and push as hard as he could.

The power struggle was intense, and the axe vibrated energetically. Bruiser's strength seemed to be insurmountable, but Brandyn's will to live was nothing to look over.

"NO! I can't hold out much longer!" Brandyn thought as he pushed against the axe.

Luckily, Bruiser seemed to be losing his stamina faster than him, and the axe head retreated from a mere inch from his chest, to about an arm's length. Due to this, he thought that he was gaining the lead but Brandyn had overlooked the fact that Bruiser was doing this all with a single arm.

As Brandyn felt more confident, Bruiser shot this right down by placing his other axe behind his right axe, doubling his force output.


In just seconds, the closest axe head was already stabbing into his chest and in no time, it had punctured through his skin. Brandyn's chest heaved in and out as he tried to put up with the agony, but the pain got worse as the blade dug deeper into his chest.

Eventually, it was pushing against his bone, which was a new and almost unbearable amount of pain.

[HP: 18/60]

[HP: 16/60]

His HP was gradually lowering, and his arms were starting to give out. He couldn't continue pushing.

"I can't lose! I must collect reparations from those pieces of trash above me!" Brandyn shouted in his head, in rage.

"This can't be the end! Not after everything I've been through! I still need so much more! So much more power!!"

From beside Bruiser, Flavian had arrived and slammed his tough knuckles right into his jaw. The force behind his punch was so high that it launched Bruiser's burly body into the adjacent lockers, breaking one.

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