
Hinata’s confusion and Sesshomaru’s sorrowful song.

*hyuga compound secret training room*

Hiashi " so hinata what do you think about our new guest?"

Hinata " ?!?"

Hinata " I don't know he seems far kinder than he looks. I can't believe that he forgave me for ripping him from everything he had ever known and forcing him to endure so much pain I can't even imagine what I would do in his situation."

Hiashi " it's curious. I don't think if I was in his shoes I would be able to be that nice to what amounted to as my kidnappers. Also I'm curious about what he really is. With a 100,000 lifespan if he's not lying then he's not human."

Hinata " w-why didn't you ask him what he is father?"

Hiashi " it's a little rude to ask someone who you basically kidnapped what's his race is right when meeting him don't you think hinata?"

Hinata " y-you h-have a p-point father."

Hiashi " well you have plenty of time to get to know him and I'll let you ask him about his race when you're comfortable enough with each other."

Hinata * blushes from the neck up* " DAAAD STOOP!"

Hiashi " hahaha don't worry dad can tell you already have a place in his heart. I don't know why but he seems to hold you in high regard. Maybe it has something to do with his ability to see souls? Whatever the case all you have to do is make your place in his heart as big as possible. Good luck my daughter.


Hinata " DAAAAD!!!"

Hiashi " Ahahaha. Now why don't you head off you've got training tomorrow."

Hinata *sigh* " ok dad."

Hiashi " oh and your husband will be living next door I hope you don't mind."

Hinata " w-what h-hes n-next d-door?!?"

Hiashi " yep." *Cheshire Cat grin* " have fun getting to know each other."

Hinata " DAAAAAAAAAD!!!"

* Hinata's room*

Hinata " dad's sooo stupid! Why does he keep teasing me?!?"

Hinata " well at least he…?!?

*Sesshomaru starts singing*

Sesshomaru " would anyone notice if tonight I disappeared? Would anyone chase me and say the words I need to hear? That I'm no burden not so worthless I've bent so much that I just might break. All consuming so confusing the questions that keep me awake. Would anyone care would anyone cry if I finally stepped off this ledge tonight? Would anything change would you all be just fine? Cause I need a reason to not throw the fight it just might save my life. Would anyone want me if they knew what was inside my head? Would anyone see me for the person that I really am? I won't lie so hard to hide I've never felt worthy of love. I would give up everything I have just to feel good enough. Would anyone care would anyone cry if I finally stepped off of this ledge tonight? Would anything change would you all be just fine? Cause I need a reason to not throw the fight. It just might save my life. If you're dying inside sick of being alive let me in let me share in your pain. From my lungs through the dark spoken straight from the heart let me give you a reason to stay. If you're out there still lying awake if you're out there still wondering. Would anyone care would anyone cry if you finally gave up and turned out the light the world would be changed if you left it behind you can't be replaced no tonight is the night you take back your life."

Hinata *starts crying* " it's such a sad and beautiful song. I can feel the sorrow heartache and hope throughout the whole song. It's too much! How much pain has he truly suffered through to come up with a song like that? Sesshomaru what happened to you?"

At this moment Hinata thought that the song was not just about Sesshomaru but about her own life as well. She could somehow feel the warmth of Sesshomaru along with the sorrow they both shared. If she knew that Sesshomaru had sung that song to help her she would be unable to stop crying no matter how hard she tried.

Hinata " i need to know more about him. He's going to be my future husband after all." *blushes*

*Sesshomaru's new home*

Sesshomaru " well I should head to bed soon I need to help hinata with her training tomorrow. Well if Hiashi lets me help her that is. What she needs is someone she has no chance of truly hurting to spar with I can even teach her human magic to increase her strength as well. Well again that's if Hiashi lets me… I'll just talk with them tomorrow about it."

Everyone awake In konoha heard Sesshomaru's song there where a lot of people in tears because of the singing voice and lyrics of the song meany people were wandering who sang the song. All anyone knew is that the song was coming from the hyuga clan compound. Some people were crowding the compound in hopes of getting in to see the singer with such a beautiful voice.

Hiashi " it seems sun in-law is a man of many talents! It's a sad but hopeful song. I can see why he sang it at this time after all he was literally taken from everything that he knows and was thrown into a strange world he must be somewhat overwhelmed."

Hyuga clan member " sir there's a lot of people outside the compound asking about the singer of the song what should we do?"

Hiashi " just ignore their questions and don't let them in."

Hyuga clan member " yes sir. But Hokage is going to want you to inform him about hinata sama's new husband to be if Anbu come to ask about him what should we tell them?"

Hiashi " Hokage will probably come tomorrow morning not tonight and he'll probably come himself. We will ask Sesshomaru to talk to hokage and answer his questions tomorrow let him sleep tonight."

Hyuga clan member " yes sir. You should get some rest before the hokage comes tomorrow sir."

Hiashi " yeah tomorrow is gonna be a long day."

*Sesshomaru's new home*

Sesshomaru " so what do I have for weaponry let's see I have the tenseiga no surprise there. I also have the tensaiga? And the bakusaiga huh. Looks like I have plenty I can do besides my own magic demon arts and swordsmanship with these 3 swords I don't even have to put in effort to tern the world on its head."

Sesshomaru " if I'm not mistaken that old pervert hokage is probably going to come to the hyuga compound tomorrow Hiashi is probably going to need some help with that. I can't just kill the old bastard because I don't like him can I? No that's probably not a good idea. Well I'll just practice eating the moon energy and go to sleep."

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