
A Look Around

Obviously Verlin had underestimated how long it would take for him to understand how his flying worked, because in super speed mode it had only taken him 5 hours to completely understand how he flies, and he also got an estimation of how much differently time flows in super speed mode and in regular human speed. Although to him, 5 hours might have gone by, but in reality, only 1 minute has passed.

This means 1 second for him can be stretched out to 5 minutes, knowing how fast he could go. He was a bit excited, but he didn't show it. After exiting super speed mode, he looked through the walls and noticed the general was on a phone call in what looked like a make shift office with was seemed like his superiors, but verlin didn't care much of what they had to say, he needed to know what type of world he was in, so he simply walked out of the cell towards the general to tell him, he would be going out for a walk.

As soon as Felix saw him, he immediately stopped talking on the phone and faced him . Although he didn't seem happy, he still asked,

" What do you want?"

"I need to leave this base to take a look around. Staying in here for the next 3 days would be too boring. "

"You promised to stay here in quarantine for the next 3 days."

Verlin rolled his eyes and replied, " Well, I lied, I'm telling you this so you and your superiors don't piss their pants when they notice I'm missing, but don't worry I'll be back before you know it and I won't let anyone notice me."

Before he could take off, Felix stopped him. " You don't have to explore by yourself. One of our trained professionals can escort you." If it was up to Felix, he wouldn't want verlin a single step out of the cell, but knowing that he couldn't stop it, he decided to compromise, and if what he is planning works out, it would be easier to control the alien. Especially since tension have been rising between nations, if they could get a weapon like verlin on their side, world domination doesn't sound too far fetched.

After contemplating for a second, Verlin nodded his head in agreement with the escort, " How long will it take for the escort to arrive?"

"You won't have to wait too long. She is part of the second group of reinforcement, and they should arrive in a couple of minutes."

Verlin just nodded his head and took a seat on a close chair and closed his eyes.

In less than 20 minutes, the rest of the reinforcement arrived, Felix went out to welcome another general that arrived at the base. When all this went down Verlin still didn't move, but he heard everything going on, And it seemed that Felix must have already noted that he had enhanced hearing, because when they talked they tried to keep their voice low and didn't exchange any private information.

After a couple of seconds, Felix and the other general appeared in front of him, a man about 1.89 meters tall 6 in front of him with black hair and dead grey eyes. " So is this the alien you speak of? It looks very human to me."

"You do realize I'm right in front of you right, and also my name is verlin, I'm tired of you calling me alien." Verlin said all this with his eyes closed, not to despise them but because he just awakened another ocular ability, microscopic vision. When he opened his eyes, he could be the cells on The Two generals' skin. He could see them dying and new ones being created , and then he looked down on his arms, and saw how his cells seemed to light up, and none of them were dying,but new ones formed and they become more densely packed, now he understood why his body became so heavy, and why his skin was so tough, after turning it off, he looked at Felix and asked," So where is the escort you spoke off, I'm getting tired of waiting"

"It's only been 20 min, you need to exercise your patience. She is right outside, follow me."

Verlin didn't bother explaining and followed behind him. When they got outside, he saw a girl with blond hair and blue eyes. She looked like a college student in her early twenties. Felix wasted no time in introducing us. " Rachel, this is verlin the Alien. Verlin the alien, this is Rachel. " Verlin was a bit perplexed that Felix just exposed his identity.

Seeing Verlin's confusion, Felix immediately replied, " This is our superiors daughter. She's going to be in charge of escorting you, wherever you insist on going. ".

"So this is the alien you've been talking about, not as intimidating as you made him sound."

" Nice to meet you too, Rachel."

"So tell me, is it a practice of your species to walk around in the nude, or is this a personal hobby of yours."

That's when Verlin realized he was still naked. He immediately disappeared before their eyes and, after 2 seconds, reappeared wearing some casual clothing, black pants with a white t-shirt, if not for his unusual hair and eye color he would look like a regular high-school student.

Seeing him disappear and reappear, Felix quickly took note of it in his head, while Rachel had her eyes wide open and quickly asked, " How did you do that?" Although verlin was cooperative, he didn't really trust any of them, so he lied and replied, " Teleportation."

Rachel rolled her eyes, "Right, and you managed to put on those clothes in less than 2 seconds as well. Do you think I'm a fool." When Felix heard this, he quickly realized that she was right. He had almost believed verlin, He should have known better than to trust the words of an alien. Now he knew it was really the right choice to have Rachel follow him, she can gather Intel much better than others, but this was expected after all, Rachel was also a detective, so it made sense she was quite sharp.

When verlin heard all this, he squinted his eyes slightly but kept silent. Seeing that verlin wasn't going to give her answers, she decided to move on. There would be plenty of time to find out anyway. She shrugged and said, " Whatever, didn't you want to see the world? Let's go." She turned around and entered a nice sports car, with a brand he had never heard of before, he said nothing as he followed behind her.

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