
Chapter 8: When in Rome

Sidia gulped. Nothing yet had frightened her the way Julia’s eyes flared with outrage.

“I’m sorry, Your Grace.” Sidia wasn’t at all sure the title was correct, but she refused to address her as anything less honorific.

Julia shook her head and looked past Sidia. “As for you, Marcus, you should know better. For whatever reason, this human is the one who . . . fulfills the prophecy given to your brother.” Her tone was too careful, and this piqued Sidia’s interest. Why did everyone talk about the prophecy like this? Almost as if it was rehearsed? She thought once again of the way Marcus had openly mocked it when she first arrived.

“Forgive me, Mother.” Marcus dropped his careless and arrogant demeanor. He was nothing but an obedient son in his mother’s presence.

“There is always something to forgive with you.” Julia turned her attention back to Sidia. “If you’re quite finished, it is time to take you back to your quarters and dress you for the feast tonight. Since you refused Catarina’s help, I want to make sure you cooperate. I will not have you barefoot for a royal event.”

No one had ever scolded Sidia for her conduct. Her parents never bothered to make her the perfect noble. Surprisingly, she wasn’t offended or angered by Julia’s treatment of her. In fact, Sidia was shocked to discover that she found comfort in someone wanting her to behave. That internal reaction was more confusing than anything else Sidia had experienced thus far. What was it about this woman that made her want to obey? Was it just because she had always wanted her mother to care about her in such a way? Even this negative attention from a motherly figure felt good?

But she’s not your mother, Sidia reminded herself. In fact, Julia was more of a threat than anything else. While she didn’t seem to hold much sway over Severus, Sidia had the distinct impression that Julia was second in command in the coven. She didn’t need to make an enemy of this woman if she planned on surviving and ending the pact with her family.

The three of them made their way back to Sidia’s chamber, and Catarina directed Sidia to the dressing table while Julia examined the dresses in the wardrobe. It was uncomfortably quiet, but Sidia did not protest or stop Catarina as she used the cosmetics and worked on Sidia’s unruly locks of hair. After some time, Julia finished making her selections and laid them out on the bed. She took a seat on the chaise lounge at the foot of the bed.

“Did your mother and father not educate you in matters of etiquette and decorum?” Julia broke the silence, her voice stern and cutting.

“No, Your Grace. I was not raised for high society.”

Julia scoffed. “That explains much.”

“I apologize for offending you, Your Grace.” Sidia said quietly.

“If you’re truly sorry, then you won’t waste any more time in the library. You’ve spent too much of your life on matters that don’t concern you. If you’re going to be my son’s empress, then you will instead learn how to dress, behave, and present as such.”

Anger and fear warred in Sidia’s heart at the thought of avoiding the library. “Can I not do those things while also learning? Does Severus not want an intelligent partner? Besides, he showed me the library and wants me to use it.”

“My son doesn’t always see reason. After tonight’s feast, I will allow you to rest for awhile and then begin educating you on how to be a proper woman.” Julia’s tone struck the air like a blacksmith hammering away at an anvil. Her word seemed final, forged into law.

But that didn’t sit well with Sidia. However, arguing with Julia was futile for the moment. She didn’t see much of a point to it. She took a deep breath and decided to try winning the woman over. That would be more beneficial in the long run.

“I’m afraid I am sorely lacking when it comes to etiquette, Your Grace. Please forgive me. I didn’t know that I would one day be in this position, and I know I’m not what you hoped for or expected for your son. I am eternally grateful for all that has been offered to me.” Sidia was careful not to say too much. She didn’t want to come across as insincere.

Julia’s shoulders relaxed a little, but she otherwise remained unchanged. “We’ll see how you do. Catarina, hurry up so we can dress her.”

Silence fell over the women again, occasionally interrupted by Julia instructing Catarina or Sidia. It felt like it took hours, but Sidia was sure it wasn’t that long. Eventually, she was laced up, decorated, and ready for a royal feast. Julia directed her to the mirror, and Sidia’s jaw dropped at her reflection. She had never looked like this before.

Sidia didn’t know much about fashion, but she knew the dress wasn’t modern. It didn’t matter, though. It looked stunning! A deep burgundy corset deepened the natural curves of her body, emphasizing her hips and breasts. Silk sleeves sat slightly off shoulder and hugged her arms to the tapered hems on her wrists. From the waist, swaths of fabric draped and folded over itself to the floor, shimmering as she gently swayed in the dim light. The entire dress was the same dark burgundy, but the hem of the skirt and the bodice had been embroidered with black swirls and spirals. Gemstones had been sewn into the neckline, and they glittered so beautifully. Sidia had never seen herself as particularly beautiful, but she couldn’t help appreciating the voluptuous figure with piles of black curls and light cosmetics staring back at her.

“Time to leave now. It’ll do.” Julia’s face softened for the first time as she looked over Sidia, approval creating the softest, smallest smile.

The women departed, and Julia briskly led them down twists and turns. It was difficult to keep track of where they were going, and it was much farther than the library. Julia’s heels rang out with each step, but Sidia wore only decorated slippers, soft and quiet like the ones she had noticed on the rest of the coven.

After quite some time, an archway appeared at the end of the hallway, and Sidia knew they must be close to the throne room. They quickly emerged, and Sidia gasped at the way the room had been transformed.

The throne room was already an impressive feat, but now, a long table took up the middle of the room. There were no plates or silverware, but rather plump pillows carefully arranged at each seat. In the ornate chairs surrounding the table, she was shocked to see humans. They were all well dressed and clean, their teeth dull with no fangs as she watched them speak in low tones with one another, enjoying the candlelight and decorations. They didn’t have the same fluid grace to their movements. It was a welcome sight to see.

At the head of the table, instead of the raised platform for the throne and its riches, two incredibly large chairs with intricate carvings took up the space. The arms of the chairs turned into fierce wolves that appeared to be charging forward.

Sidia didn’t have much time to examine the rest of the room. Julia had drawn everyone’s attention to them. The humans stopped talking and watched them carefully. They all seemed to be very curious, some of them craning their necks to get a good look as Julia led Sidia to the head of the table. Catarina pulled out one of the chairs and gestured for Sidia to sit.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” Julia called out. “I am pleased to introduce you to your new empress, Sidia Amato.”

Sidia had to refrain from cringing at the introduction. She had not yet fully accepted her role as empress, and it made her uncomfortable.

“Your emperor will be here shortly with the rest of the court. Typically, the members of our coven gain their sustenance from you in smaller groups or privately. We rarely have communal feasts. However, we wanted to show our new empress that we are not monsters, and that we appreciate all you have to offer us. We want to show her how you benefit as well.” Julia nodded her head at them before standing behind the man seated to Sidia’s left. He had dark brown eyes and a thick, curly beard. He was sure not to make eye contact with Julia, but it seemed to be out of reverence and respect.

Oh, Sidia thought as she looked at the pillows spaced out on the table again. They were for the humans, so they could rest comfortably while a vampire drank from their neck. It took every ounce of strength she had not to openly grimace. How horrid and violent! They planned to treat these people like food? They wanted to feast on them together? Putting aside the fact that they were drinking blood, the act itself seemed so intimate. How could they be comfortable with such a thing? She hoped this ordeal wouldn’t last long.

Julia clapped her hands, and suddenly vampires lined the table, each one standing behind a human. Sidia noticed Helena not too far away. Her face was blank, and she stared straight ahead. Sidia wondered at her, desperate to speak with her.

Off to Sidia’s right, a group of four vampires gathered with instruments. They were beautiful in matching dark green robes. One of them had no instrument, though. She was a beautiful woman with long, fine red hair and glowing green eyes. She ran her gaze over the room, grinning at the sight of her coven about to feast before opening her mouth. A long, surprisingly low note rang out from her throat. Her companions soon joined with a flute, violin, and small drum. They weaved beautiful notes together and created one of the most melodiously complicated pieces Sidia had ever heard. The singer’s range was incredible, and she inspired such emotion. Almost everyone had tears in their eyes as she performed.

As the song came to a gentle close, the hall erupted in applause from all occupants, human and vampire alike. They clapped for a long time, the musicians bowing and basking in admiration. A slow hush took over the crowd, and out of nowhere, Severus was seated next to Sidia. She jumped slightly at his appearance, and the rumble of applause exploded once more as they realized their emperor had arrived.

“Hello, my dear.” Severus’s voice slipped into the air, brushing against Sidia’s ears like velvet. He was dressed in the robes of a Roman emperor, the laurel crown resplendent in his blonde waves. “You are simply ravishing.” His eyes roved over her, and a cold sensation of fear rushed through her veins. He had not looked at her like that before, and it terrified her. For the first time, she truly felt afraid. She couldn’t explain why either. It was just something on his face as he watched her, something predatory and feral. It didn’t last long though. He was soon smiling again, a gentleness that now didn’t feel genuine returning to his features.

“My loyal subjects! Thank you for joining us for this incredible communion. We have so much to celebrate! With Sidia’s arrival, we will soon prepare the journey to Rome, and I will once again sit upon the throne. Our empire will once again be the shining jewel of the world!” Severus held his arms out as his voice boomed over the court. Loud whoops of celebration and thunderous applause rumbled again.

“And now, let us show Sidia our ways. Show her how much we benefit from each other, and show her how much you love your lives here.”

Based on the way he worded the order, Sidia expected a somewhat rehearsed and monotonous feeding to proceed. However, she was shocked to see the humans look up at their attending vampires, completely enamored with them. Low whispers replaced the boisterous celebration as the vampires spoke with their counterparts. Even Julia spoke delicately and gently to her human. Helena’s blank expression disappeared as she turned her attention to the woman seated in front of her. Everyone was focused on their partner, and the musicians started a sensuous melody. Something permeated the air, some kind of heady desire that even Sidia could feel.

The music swelled, and the talking came to a hush. Slowly, the vampires caressed their humans, brushing back hair and staring down into their eyes. Several of the humans leaned forward, resting their heads on the pillows and leaving their necks bare. A dramatic note vibrated from the violinist, and Sidia could hear the soft squish as vampires leaned down and sank their teeth. Instead of cries of pain, the humans around her moaned . . . Pleasurably? She was confused, slightly uncomfortable, and strangely aroused.

What is this? Sidia couldn’t help the flames of desire flaring deep in her core, a heat burning between her legs she had never experienced before. She looked around for Marcus and was disappointed. He wasn’t anywhere at the table or around them. The urge to see his cutting smirk and hear his low voice burned through her soul.

That’s when Severus’s hand covered hers and she gasped at the lust in his eyes, the hunger. “I know it might be too soon, but I would delight in feeding from you, Sidia.”

She froze, not knowing how to respond. She craved Marcus, and she hated herself for wanting his mouth on her neck. But there was something about the music and the mood of the room. She needed some kind of release. There was too much pent up inside, too much longing in her heart.

“All right,” she whispered. She bent her head towards him, baring her neck for Severus.

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