
CHAPTER 145 – Run and hide

  Emma POV

  The pain was almost completely gone. It still hurt, but not nearly as bad as yesterday. I still needed Logan’s touch, but not all the time. I could go without it for a while, and even if his skin wasn’t on mine, the pain wasn’t unbearable anymore.

  Logan was running a finger up and down my back gently. Just because I didn’t need his touch to help with the heat anymore didn’t mean that I didn’t want it. Goddess, I wanted it so bad. I enjoyed each and every second of it.

  I was lying on my belly with my hands under my head. Logan was lying next to me. He kept touching me, kissing me, and playing with my hair.

  I had a small smile on my face. I was so happy. I forgot about every single thing that was waiting for me at home. I only saw Logan. I only felt Logan. I could only hear his voice and smell his scent. I was completely devoted to him.

  It was heaven, and I never wanted to leave.

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