
Everything, Everything

Sarah was inside the room waiting for her sister to show up. As the door was opening Madi and Lexa showed up inside the room.

"You look worried what is going on with you?" Leda asked as she sit down the bed beside Sarah.

"It's Sasha, we had a fight earlier but since then she doesn't want to speak to me, I mean literally I can see the way she avoids me"

"Give her some time, she need that" Lexa speaks Madi was getting on her bed.

"You guys saw it earlier too right? She was standing with Nadine and Lexi at the gathering" Madi asked

"We saw her, let me go and look for her, It's bed time already she's supposed to be inside" Sarah walked outside and left the two of them alone.

She was walking in the corridors searching for her sister as she went out and find her sitting with Liam behind the dorm's smoking as she hid beside the corner.

Few minutes ahead Sasha stood up with Liam they climbed the wall and went outside.

Sarah couldn't stop her she turned around and returned back to the dorm.

Outside the college fence Liam and Sasha were walking heading to the club. Sasha was focusing on the road head as Liam was walking staring at her.

"You have to look where you're going Liam"

"I quick question Sasha, Have you ever been in love before"

"Love I don't believe in such things"

"Why is that?"

"Lovers are people who share the same interests, creating memories, honest to each other, believe in each other, sacrifices for each other, and am not that kind of a person. i am cruel and anguish and hot tempered.

"Well you can give it time, am sure he will change you for good" Sasha stopped walkig and face Liam with a smile on her face.

"My dear, One should love you the way you are, not the way he wants you to be, because If someone tries to change you, then that's not called love, but a compromise. And darling, One doesn't compromise in love" As she finished talking and walk away inside the Pub.

Liam followed after, he walks inside the Pub and saw her having a drink beside the table. Sasha saw him walking towards her.

"Mr Romeo, waiter a glass for Mr Romeo please." Liam was given a glass of drink and started drinking. (Music sound burst)

"Don't drink too much" Liam walks towards her and whisper at her Sasha held his hands and pulled her on the stage to have a dance.

"Dance with me handsome" They started dancing.

Later on leaving time people were leaving Sasha was dancing all alone she was drunk already. Liam was sitting staring at her.

A man showed up from nowhere and started dancing with her Liam was still staring the way they were dancing. Sasha liked the man and started kissing him. The man couldn't refuse the kiss as he was slowly groping her back. Liam stood ip and walked to them.

"Hands off" Sasha letted go

"Whats your problem man?" The man faced Liam in terms of fighting and punch hin hardly on the face. Sasha walks to him.

"Are you okay Liam?" He stood up and picked a chair nearby and hit the man straight on the head the man fell down. Sasha set the eyes aside more people were going after them.

"Sasha" Liam called her while preparing.

"Yes Liam what is it?"

"Run" Liam held Her hand and started running away outside. They ran and ran until they reached the college walls as they stopped and take a break.

"Whooo" Sasha shouted as she was having fun.

"I liked the way you stood up with a chair and hit that man gees you are one hell of a person, why did you do that by the way?"

"Because I love you Sasha, and I'd do that for anyone who touches you, I love you and I want to he with you" Sasha was quiet staring at Liam very closely

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

milliyfahcreators' thoughts
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