
The Blair Forest (End)

Jacob and Grace sat down by the fire and the two began to eat as naturally as possible. The surrounding adventurers were jaw-dropped to see them eating their meat, but since Jacob and Grace were going to help them survive, they decided to leave them alone.

After eating, the adventurers finished setting up their makeshift leaf huts and went to sleep because it was already dark. Before going to bed, they left four men on guard and the rest went to rest.

Jacob, who was getting ready to go to sleep, asked one of the men, confused:

"Only one hut left?"

"Yeah, we couldn't make enough for everyone, but that's better, right? Who will want to sleep alone in this forest."

Hearing that answer, Jacob sighed deeply and Grace seeing that reaction, said while debauching him:

"PffffHahahaha, You'll sleep smelling my foot again!"

"That fate is very cruel, I'd rather go to sleep with the witch."

"Ah, guy! My foot smells so good and it's so cute, look at that." Grace spoke excitedly and proudly as she looked at her princess foot.

"Sigh... I'll stand guard with the others."

"Okay!!! I'm going to sleep on the same side as you! Are you happy?"

"I am, thank you." Jacob spoke as if he had won the war and went inside the cabin. Soon Grace followed him and entered along with him.

The cabin didn't have much space, it was literally a pile of sheets shaped like a mattress for exactly one person and Jacob seeing that, looked at Grace and asked

"Are you going to sleep in that overcoat and those sticky leather clothes?"

"No, I'm going to take those clothes off. I didn't take them off before because those men might stare at my body."

"You know I wouldn't let them look, right?"

"I know, but I don't feel comfortable around other men, and last time you gouged the eyes out of those men who were spying on me, so I'd better avoid it."

"At least they understood that one shouldn't spy on women."

Grace gave a slight laugh and started to take off her overcoat and Jacob asked:

"Do you want me to leave?"

"You can stay if you want, after all, it's not the first time I've changed in front of you. But don't worry, I won't show you any important parts of me, if you're curious."

"Cough-cough, I wasn't."

"Pfffff, Guy, you need to learn to lie, pfffhahahah."

Jacob also had a few laughs after being caught in the lie and left the cabin as he spoke:

"Since I am a knight, I will wait outside."

Grace smiled proudly as she saw the respect Jacob had for her and quickly started changing clothes so that he wouldn't be waiting outside too long.

On his way out, Jacob found Helena in front of his cabin, but since he had already sensed her presence, he was not startled and asked:

"What is it?"

"Hm, you seem to be another man when you are alone with her."

"Did you know that spying on other people's conversations is inelegant for a nobleman?"

"You are right. I'm sorry for spying on your beautiful conversations, now how about we talk?"

Jacob sighed deeply and started walking to a secluded spot. Helena seeing him walking to a dark, secluded direction, thought he had accepted the conversation and followed him.

The two stopped behind a large tree and Jacob asked without patience:

"What do you want?"

"What do I want? I want to know about you."


"Why, it's because you are different from the others and more handsome..."

"Hm, and does your husband know that you are interested in these types of people?"

"Haha, he must be fucking some maid by now."

"And that's a reason for you to do the same? Why don't you divorce him if it's so bad?"

"Because my husband despite all his faults, he is a feared man, so being his wife means I have power."

"Immanuel Kant..." Jacob spoke that name as he remembered who he was, thanks to his knowledge of the novel:

Immanuel Kant, A man with an ironic and sarcastic personality, he usually makes deals and partnerships always aiming for profit, even if it means betraying his allies. Like Astrid, he also served the first war between the demon race and ended up becoming a war hero, being decisive for the victory of humanity.

"Yes, my husband is Immanuel Kant and that is exactly why I will never divorce him, no matter how many times he cheats on me, I will still remain his wife."

"I can see that you have a lot of respect for your husband, but unfortunately you can't show that with attitudes."

Helena smiled mischievously upon hearing those words and kissed Jacob suddenly. being caught off guard, Jacob could not react in time, but he was not shaken by it and let her kiss him.

After a few seconds of kissing, Helena pulled her face back from his for a few moments and asked:

"Why did you let me kiss you? I thought you didn't want to."

Before answering her, Jacob looked into her beautiful blue eyes and beautiful red hair and said:

"Because I now know the kind of woman you are, so it will be simpler to deal with you."

"Simple? You talk as if I am a whore or a slut who will fuck anyone."

"Your interpretation is not wrong, Miss Shelley."

Hearing that, Helena backed away in irritation and said:

"I've known men like you, men where ambition has no limits, but do you know how they all ended? They ended up committing suicide because of frustration or ended up being killed by their own ambitions."

Jacob noticed her angry tone and could tell that she was trying to affect him psychologically, but he didn't let himself be affected one bit and replied calmly:

"Miss Shelley, men like me do not fear death."

"Oh? And what do you fear then?"

"Our only fear is not being able to finish our goals before we die."

"Hm, you talk a lot for those who haven't conquered anything.... As far as I know, I have never heard your name before."

"Really? That's good, then. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go to sleep."

Jacob muttered as he sneered and tried to walk past her to get away from that futile conversation, but Helena stopped him and said as she brought her face closer to his:

"Where are you going? I haven't had sex with you yet."

"Sigh... If you're in heat, I'm sure some of the men will be interested in satisfying you."

"I don't want them, I want you."

"Again... Why?"

"Because you are just like me. For us, sex is the solace we have when love doesn't reach us."

Hearing those words, Jacob let out a few laughs as he found that woman depressing, but decided to give her some advice before saying goodbye:

"Miss Shelley, Love is not seen with the eyes but with the heart. If you stop acting like a slut, you will find love someday." Jacob coldly muttered those final words and walked out of there at the same time. He was fed up with that conversation, but fortunately he managed to reap some important fruits...

Paralyzed after hearing that sentence, Helena stood motionless without even moving or saying anything, she was still processing everything Jacob had said... After a few moments, she wiped her watery eyes and went back to her cabin.




"Are you asleep yet?" Jacob asked Grace as he walked inside the cabin, but unexpectedly, she didn't answer him. Jacob found that attitude strange, after all, he could sense that she was awake thanks to her heartbeat, so he asked concerned for her well being:

"Hey, are you okay?"

"I saw you kissing her..." Grace answered sadly as she hid her face over her arms. She was dressed in a pair of sexy white pajamas that she had found in her enchanted ring.

Hearing that melancholy tone, Jacob immediately realized he fucked up, but he didn't answer her right away, he just lay down next to her and hugged her tightly as he spoke:

"I didn't know you were jealous."

"I'm not..."

"No? Then I guess I was wrong."

"Okay, I am a little jealous."

"Just a little?"

"Okay, I am jealous."

Jacob let out a few laughs and told her his plan to try to justify himself:

"Helena shelley is going to die, so you don't have to worry."

"Why? I thought you would save her."

"I won't anymore, now I know that her dead or alive makes no difference to me or the conversation I will have with the Duke of Paris."

"Hm, but why did you kiss her?"

"She who kissed me and believe me when I say I didn't want that! At least not with her..."

Grace blushed upon hearing that hint and whispered as she sank into the leaves:





Hours later, they awoke but unexpectedly did not find the men on the lookout and realized that 10 more men had disappeared... All they found were lanterns hanging from various branches as they lit and extinguished themselves...

At the same time, Erick, the heroes and the soldiers were thrown into that loop... The deadly reunion between Erick and Jacob was about to happen. A reunion that would end in pain and carnage...


Author's note:

Sorry for the lack of action or the slow pace, but action will happen in the next chapter with lots of shooting, punching and bombing and the pace will be electrifying, I hope.

"Hatred without desire for revenge is a grain dropped on granite."

Thanks for Reading (^•^)

Fabio_Henrique_5198creators' thoughts
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