
Escaping the kingdom (1)

In a torture room, Jacob was hanging with his hands tied while being punched by a man.

The sound of jacob being beaten echoed through the place and Erick who was sitting while quietly watching the scene, reflected:

'He doesn't talk...'

Erick lost his patience and stood up from his chair and said while putting on gloves:

"Stop, let me take over from here."

The man who was beating up jacob, made a surprised face and nodded and walked away from jacob.

Erick picked up a bucket of water and put it to boil and asked:

"When and where will the demon king awaken?"

Jacob who already had his eyes purple, looked at Erick and smiled saying:

"Go to hell."

Erick sighed and picked up the bucket of water that was already boiling and said:

"Round one."

He picked it up and threw the bucket of boiling water on top of Jacob.

The pain was excruciating and sharp, he felt his skin burning, Jacob struggled trying to get out of that pain, but no matter how hard he tried, he kept feeling that sensation.

Erick calmly took another bucket and put it to boil and asked the same question again:

"When and where will the demon king awaken?"

Jacob bit his teeth tightly and looked at Erick and reflected:

'Even if I did say, I know I wouldn't get out alive and it may be that I screw up the future and these guys don't end up dying...'

Jacob again smiled and said:

"Go to hell."

"Round two then..."




After an indeterminate amount of time, Erick would place an empty bucket on a table and speak:

"We're at round 367, right? You've held up pretty well so far, but... your body can't say the same."

Erick looked at Jacob's body and saw several areas with burned skin, including a part near his eyes.

Jacob who already had his eyes clouded over and his mind was almost gone thought:

'I think I'm almost dead already, but that's good. I just want to close my eyes and never open them again...'

Jacob used the rest of his strength to close his eyes and leave, but to his misfortune, Erick placed his palm on jacob's chest and said:

"Who gave you permission to die?"

Suddenly, all of jacob's external and internal wounds, were beginning to heal and he widened his eyes in shock at that and just as he was about to say something, Erick quickly said:

"Shall we go to round 368?"




In a luxurious room, a woman in a white nightgown was watching the night sky until suddenly, a man came up from behind and hugged her and began to watch the night sky as well.

The man looked almost identical to Erick, but the difference was his beard and short hair.

The woman had white hair and blue eyes, her appearance was exceptional for someone in her forties.

While looking at the moon, the woman said as she rested her head on the man's arm:

"Our son is going through a difficult time in his life."

"Hm... I know, but that's no reason to save the spy from hanging."

At that point, the woman turned around and said while staring him in the eye:

"You know he does everything to bring glory and prosperity to our kingdom, so since he possesses the magic of truth, he must have thought the spy's last words were true and..."

Before the woman could continue speaking, the man interrupted her by saying:

"Malena! He is no longer a child, he needs to know that there will be consequences for his actions, regardless if it is for the good of the kingdom or not."

"I understand harald, but do not give him a severe punishment, I ask that you consider what I had said."

"Sigh, I will..."

After hearing harald say, a smile broke out on malena's face and she said:

"Thank you, but where is Erick? I heard from the guards that he was interrogating the spy, but that news was 32 hours ago."

"Hm... I'll have a guard go check his location, but he's likely asleep by now."

Although Malena was not very convinced of this, she left things as they were and will await the appearance of her son...




In a large luxurious room where there were tables full of food and couches so comfortable it felt like sitting in the clouds, all the heroes were gathered together as they talked.

Raphael, who was devouring the food on the tables while everyone was watching him, thought:

'What a bummer, they don't even know how to disguise when they stare at others...'

He put the piece of chicken in his mouth and took a bite, then thought again:

'But what must be happening to that guy? Must he be being tortured right now or something? Never mind, it's not my problem really to think about it.'

Suddenly Emma approached raphael and sat down next to him and said:

"Hi raphael, you look very hungry do you? Haha."

"If it's on the table it's for eating isn't it?"

"Hm... I guess so."

After that, raphael continued eating in silence while Emma watched him, this went on for a long time until raphael broke the silence:

"Speak up, what do you want?"

"Cough-cough, was it that obvious?"


"Sigh, I just want to know the relationship between you and General Astrid."

Raphael picked up a chicken thigh and replied:

"We are just friends."

"Hm... it's weird for one friend to walk into another's room at three in the morning."

At this point Raphael stopped eating for a few moments, but soon after he started eating again and asked:

"What do you think is going on with that spy?"

"Hm... that jacob voss? I think he must be being tortured by now."

"I thought the same thing, but didn't you find the state he was in strange? It looked like he was a corpse."

"Yeah, I'm not really sure how he was still walking peacefully, but let's get back to talking about you and astrid?"

"Yeah, that guy's stamina must be something absurd."

Emma smiled as she noticed Raphael's brazen attempt to change the subject, but deciding to leave her doubts for another time, she said:

"I couldn't feel his presence either, I could see him with my eyes, but my senses said there was nothing there, it was bizarre since I'm dragon rank."

"Yes, I felt the same thing, but have you ever considered the chance that he has no mana? After all, WE couldn't feel anything coming from him."

"Impossible, the Saint of the church explained to us how this world works and she said that all living things have mana even if they are a drop of it."

"I know that, but something tells me I need to keep an eye on him..."

Emma stared raphael in the eye for a few seconds, but quickly looked away to the other heroes and asked another question:

"Don't you want to go back to our world? When I asked the others that, they said they didn't want to, the boys seem to be enjoying life because of the maids that serve them..."

"Hm, I was an orphan so there is nothing that ties me to our old world, what about you?"

"Me? Let's see... I had people important to me, mom, dad, sister, that family stuff you know? Some important friends, but I don't know... We are treated like Kings here, we can eat as much as we want, stay in the shower as long as we want, we have freedom to do whatever we want, but I still miss that sense of responsibility and duty..."

"I see..."

After that, they continued quietly as they reflected on their world....




52 hours later...

In the torture room, Erick sat in a chair with his body covered in blood and took a deep sigh and spoke:

"You really are someone amazing, even though you had your body completely torn apart, burned and cut up, you still didn't say anything.... You are to be congratulated so far, jacob voss."

He looked at jacob who was hanging from the ceiling while his hands were tied by a rope and noticed several deep cuts on his belly and chest, burns that went down from his face to his legs. Ribs, arms, legs completely broken and both eyes completely pierced.

Erick sighed deeply again and stood up to continue the torture and just as he was about to pick up a hammer, he heard the door opening and someone saying:

"Your highness, your father is calling you."

"You got lucky... Tell him I'm on my way."

The guard bowed in response and left the room.

Erick stretched his back and started walking out of the room, but just as he was about to leave, he turned to Jacob and said:

"I will leave you like this, as you are someone out of the curve, I believe you will not die from injuries of this level."

After saying that, erick left and closed the door.

Jacob had both eyes blinded, his eardrums blown out, and one leg and both arms broken, but even with all these injuries, he gave a slight smile and thought:

'This is the opportunity I've been waiting for...'

Thanks for reading (♡•♡)

Fabio_Henrique_5198creators' thoughts
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