
Chapter 3: Progress and no longer alone

A brand-new day starts with the sun already in the sky Henry was working about in the living room of the house fixing and undenting his armor after his fight with the bear and maintaining his weapons from his hunter's pistol, bow blade, and his nederite axe.

As he does all of this it took him nearly half of his day, but it quickly finished, as he has another task to do cut and butchered the bear. after he has well sufficient rest, he came up with a lot of ideas on how to use the bear's corpse for.

Henry grabbed a dagger that was placed in the kitchen that he made from the crafting table it weights quite a lot for a dagger with a weight nearing hundreds of kg, as the item that he used still retains most of the logic of the world that they came from.

Soo came out from his home as he used much thicker clothes and his winter coat as he walked to the bear's corpse. When Henry saw the bear's corpse, he didn't see any decay even with him dragging it for 6 days.

But when he looks at the size of the corpse it was quite daunting even for him that have multiple years of experience cutting and butchering his game, but this was on another level with a body size of several story buildings.

Henrys stop in his tracks as he seems to be too hasty with this, after he cut the bear where should he put all the meat, bones, and skins of the bear? he couldn't think of any other way other than making a new room to keep it all in.

So, Henry changed his mind as the next task was to build 2 storerooms one for his food and the other for any future crafting material. As he made his way back to his home. As he needs to prepare some items to start this project and finely use his last two 10 draws from point and the coin draws.

After entering he walked straight to the basement as most of the crafting material and many other of his stuff was put. After he arrived in the basement in the corner of the room there was a wooden crafting table that was in a shape of a cube about a size of 1 cubic meter.

He has already messed around with it for the past 2 months and created different kinds of items from the dagger barbells for his training as now he needs to make some items to help him build this underground storage room what could be better than to make a tool from the world of Minecraft where the main point of the world is to build and craft.

When Henry was in front of the crafting table, he pulled out the item that he had put away in the chest from the iron ingot and stick that he has gotten from the system gacha. As of now, he will make an iron shovel like the iron pickaxe he already has.

As the crafting table has 3 by 3 grind on top to make his item, he put two sticks on the middle grind and the bottom and put an iron ingot on top, after he put all the material to make the item suddenly merge into one as now the iron shovel floats on top of the crafting table and spins in a circle. But the material was still in the crafting grid of the crafting table.

He grabbed the iron shovel from the top of the crafting table. Using the crafting table has made life much simpler if he were to make an iron shovel himself he would probably take months or more to create something like this.

But using the crafting table only takes him a second and he has yet to see the limit of the crafting table, but if he used an item from outside the world of Minecraft could it still synthesize it? this question could only be answered for another time, as now he has another task to finish first after he finishes this he could mess around more with the mechanics of the crafting table.

He put the iron shovel against the wall of his house first, he needs to experiment if it works the same in the game, as he pulls out the iron pickaxe from his system inventory. As he felt the weight of it that he could fell is about 2,5 tons, he knew he can't carry this amount of weight for a long time if he doesn't use Hamon.

Golden spark-like electricity moved as a current around his body grew in intensity as he look at the floor of his basement he swung his pickaxe to the ground but it didn't just give way with his first swing, so he swung and swung multiple times to the ground as finely the payment of the ground gave way.

A cubic meter of the floor is gone just like that and the dirt stone of the bottom to was no longer there and creating a cubic meter-sized hole as a tiny block floats at the bottom of it as it spins in a clockwise manner.

Henry could hide his smile as he watches all of this happen his theory was correct as this will make his job that could take a month to a couple of weeks or even a day. He jumped down the hole and grabbed the small block as jumped back up and put it back in place like the game as it works.

With this new discovery now, he has many plans for how to fortify his home he grabs the iron shovel that was resting on the wall and climbed back up, he quickly reaches the front of his house as now wore an article of more fitting clothing as he wore his winter coat and knitted gloves to help him from the cold.

He had already put the pickaxe on the wall of his cabin house and grabbed his shovel to dig a hole. He already planned in his head for the first storage room that he would make, as he need to dig out a hole 12 meters on each side to make it.

And with the tools that he has it would be a piece of cake. But he is missing the material to build the wall and floor of the storage room, with this it could go quickly but at the same time, the material that he will get would not be pure like the world of Minecraft. As they were filled with different kinds of materials from dirt, stones, gravel, etc.

Soon he will need to draw from his gacha the points and the coins too, or he could find a way to use the material that he got and reinforce them for a better quality one. When he was lost in his thought Henry was just not standing still as he already started shoveling that area that he could near his house about 10 meters away to be not too far or not too close to his home.

Time fast by quickly as day turn to night in a flash as now Henry was nearly done with making the hole and collected a lot of material in his digging endeavors. He was quite tired as he need to swing a 2-ton pickaxe for several hours to no end, but the finish line is near, so he swings his pickaxe once more.

Not long after he finish digging the hole and all the material that he collected was put away in one of the chests that he took out from the basement, and Henry was already inside his house clean after he took a bath and was resting, he sat in front of the fireplace that is slowly healing his tired body.

With his task today done now, he needs more material from Minecraft to help him in his ventures on this project to make it much easier, and finely try his last point draw after this he doesn't know what or how could he get any more points from.

At least he has a steady stream of coin draws, but he will try to find out how to get more points from now on for his gacha. As Henry opened the system menu.

[Lottery System]

{You can gain items and skills from different worlds}

{Point 0 <Free 1, 10 Draws> Guaranteed 5* for the first 10 Draws.

Coin 14 <, Free 1, 10 Draw> Every day will have Free Draws. }

{Point summon Rarity from 3* to 5* if you are lucky, might be an unexpected surprise.

1 Draw 10 Draws

Coin summon Rarity from 1* to 3*

1 Draw 10 Draws }

Henry looks at the Draw button that is on the screen as Henry uses his mind to push the coin draw first.


{ 64 Rotten flesh MC 1*

umbrella TR 2*

50kg of sea beast meat OP 2*

a crate full of spices 1*

wooden sword mc 1*

Finch staff TR 2*

potion of regeneration mc 2*

Spinal tap TR 2*

64 of Oak logs MC 1*

64 of stone block MC 1* }

Henry looked at the item that he had gotten he couldn't help but have a frown on his face he did get what he wanted, but this was one of the worst draws that he got as he had only got 1- and 2-star items. He needs to be grateful for what he got he just hopes this will not happen often in his future draws.

As Henry looked at the item that he got from the first the rotten flesh he doesn't know what he can do with it but he remembered a mod that can make rotten flesh to jerkies, but he doesn't know fully well what kind of item and skills will he get from this system. he couldn't even destroy it so might as well keep it and find some used for it in the future.

Next on the list of items is the umbrella from terraria it is just a normal beach umbrella to be more precise but the great feature of this one is if he falls from a high place and he was holding the umbrella he would fall much slower like he was using a parachute and he could use it as a weapon with the nearly indestructible traits that every terraria item that he has gotten.

Mostly the same item that he has gotten from the crate full of spices, sea beast meat, a wooden sword, and the different block from Minecraft. When he looked at it more most of the item that he got was from MC and TR worlds but when he is in this stage anything can help him.

And the new item is the finch staff, the potion of regeneration, and the spinal tap. When he looked at the item that he got the most eye-catching one for him was the flinch staff as the descriptions say.

[The Finch staff is a pre-hard mode item, it's a summoning weapon that can summon baby finches to fight for you. The summoned Baby Finch is invincible and follows the user for an unlimited amount of time, unless the player dies, or the user unsummon the summon. The finch staff is made from an unknown type of wood as the staff has a moon shape top where a nest is resting.]

Henry didn't take long after he read the description for him to pull the finch staff out of the system inventory and hold it, he swung the staff a similar thing that he had done when he used the wand of sparking. As he could feel the staff drain energy in his body which is similar to Hamon as this energy flows out and gets absorbed by the staff in his hand.

But this feeling was only fleeting as the staff drained a large amount of this energy in his body, he now feels very empty, after he trained in Hamon for 2 months he could probably pinpoint how to manipulate this energy. When in the game it will always drain mana when you use it.

So, it was not hard to guess what kind of energy when he uses these magic items, shortly after the staff drain his mana and left him dry the once empty ness on top of the staff now have a small bird with blueish white and an orange bottom for his feathers.

When the finch is in his ness it seems to be sleeping as the finch slowly opens his eyes, he was looking at Henry with his big black eyes.

"Tweet!... Tweet!"

As the small finch jump on his two small talons and tilted his head as he looked at Henry with confusedness on his face of his as he looks at henry, Henry put out his hand to the bird in the nest the finch stared at his hand and his face until he let his beak and body rub against his hand with affection on his face.

"Tweet!... Tweet..."

When this happened Henry couldn't help but has a smile on his face full of joy and happiness, when normally he was stoic as all of the tension in his body was gone for this brief moment as today marks the day he no longer will be alone anymore in this cold icy tundra and have a companion on his side.

With all of the things that happen to him, he overcomes them one by one until he reaches his goals from his death to his possession of this body to hell training for two months to his adventure outside of his cabin house facing the monster of legend and myths of olds holding the guilt of stealing a child's body fighting to the death with a monstrous sized bear reaching death door once more.

Stuck in a world full of unknowns and a stranger stranded in these strange lands he is a fish out of water in this world, and he is tired and wants to just rest but if he did what if a stronger monster came here and he died once more he doesn't want to die once more, he truly doesn't.

But his mental health is waning as he doesn't have anyone to talk to in this world when he first arrived, he is alone every day to night only the cold environment accompanies him to his sleep and wakening hours making the loneliness more prominent in this everlasting winter, he is at his breaking point.

And after his adventure outside his house, every creature that he meets was only trying to kill him to end his life, but now he finally has a companion that will be with him for this new journey of his he will no longer be alone in this strange world.

When Henry was in his thoughts, he didn't notice his eyes were watering and tears flowing put like a small stream, but the finch notice this.

"Tweet?... Tweet!!"

With the sounds of the finch cries he woke up from his thoughts and finely noticed he was crying as he wiped his eyes and face that was wet by his tears as he answered the worry cries of his new friend.

"I am fine little buddy."

"Tweet!... Tweet?"

"Yes, I am quite fine, but now what name would you want buddy?"


"Tweet!" as the finch shakes his head in disapproval.

"Sir Fichalot?"

"Tweet!!" as he shakes his head once more.


"Tweet!!!" The finch only gave Henry a deadpan stare. When Henry saw this, he had a smile on his face with the little companion's reaction.

"Okay – okay, what about Tweety?"

Henry could see the birds seem to be pondering for a bit with this name and he look back at him with clear eyes full of joy and approval as the Tweety nodded his head in agreement with the name that he picked.

"Tweet!! Tweet!!"

Now his turn to have a deadpan face as he looked at Tweety because of the chosen name that he picked as he couldn't help but question the bird.


"Tweet!" as the bird nodded once to Henry.

"Sure, but let me introduce myself Tweety My name is Henry Valentine a pleasure to meet you."

"Tweet! Tweet! Tweet!!"

"Ahh and let us have a wonderful adventure together on this journey of ours."

"Tweet! Tweet!" when he tweety spoke he flew from the staff birds Ness and landed on the shoulders of Henry, when he landed, he raises one of his wings to the air and nodded and approves henrys words.


Today and onwards Henry will not be alone any longer now he has a companion albeit a bird, but he doesn't mind, today he won't be alone.

This is great and all, but he must finish his last draw and try to get items or skill that will help him he now knows his powerlessness in this world he is weak beyond belief and need something a trump card that he could use if he was in the same position when he fought the bear. and not rely on his 'Madden State' to defeat every foe that he faces.

Henry looked at the draw button on the system interface for the point draws he was quite nervous about the item that he will get on it, but he will accept anything now that could help him.

"Wish me luck Tweety."


As he looked at the draw button he didn't hesitate as he press it using his thoughts.

{10 Draw}


{4 Totem of undying MC 4*

Soul of the sun knight DS 4*

Battle Arena goblin invasion TR 3*

Sunlight Straight Sword DS 3*

magic mirror TR 3*

Burial Blade BB 4*

The physique of big mom or 'Iron Balloon' OP 4*

Gandalf zero/f 4*

magic dagger TR 3*

Haki Training Book OP 4* }


"We hit the jackpot Tweety!"

Twetty was confused by what Henry said but he didn't quite care as he joined Henry with joy too.


Henry was quite happy, to say the least even though he didn't get a 5* item like his first draws but this was more than enough as he got six 4* items and four 3*.

As he looked at the first item that he has gotten the Totems of Undying he know quite well of this item and he got four of them as this will be a true lifesaver if he truly died as this could resurrect him from the dead and he has gotten four of them but he just hopes he will not use them in the future.

The next item was quite weird a soul or more specifically the soul of a sun knight he doesn't know what he could use this for, so he looked at the description that the system gave him.

[The soul of the sun knight, known as Solaire of Astora a warrior who purposefully became Undead so he could visit Lordran in his quest to find a sun of his own. When you crust the soul you will gain the memory and experience of the soul, and your soul would gain more strength.

"Oh, hello there. I will stay behind, to gaze at the sun. The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father! If only I could be so grossly incandescent!"]

This item means quite literally about the soul and not figuratively he doesn't know what should he feel about this should he feel angry, scared, or fearful? But he knew one thing this could help him in his journey to survive in this world. As Henry looked at the wisp-like item that glows the same as the morning sun sitting in the inventory space of the system.

He will think of this later as needing to know the advantage and disadvantages if he uses the item that he got from the system, so better off looking at the next item, next item is 'Battle Arena goblin invasion' at least he knows what this is he had played terarria quite extensively but in this case, he better look at the item description.

[Battle arena goblin invasion also known as The Goblin Army is a special arena where you have to survive a month period where you have to face a never-ending onslaught of different kinds of goblins be it defending or killing your way out, if you survive the moth period you will gain a reward. If you can't continue you can forfeit midway in the arena, but you will gain nothing.

How to enter the battle arena you will have to use the key and open a door and walk to the open portal where you will be teleported to the arena where you must survive, as this item is only for one-time use if want to challenge the arena once more you must gain it the same way once more.]

He will only save it for the future as with the strength he possesses now he is not fit for it be it strength and mentality he is weak. So, he just let it sit in the system inventory for a bit until he is fit to use it. But probably he could guess the different kinds of goblins that will show up in the battle arena, he is afraid that a hard-mode goblins would show up.

If that happens, he is screwed this problem probably will appear, and lastly, if he wants to use it he must prepare for a war that he is afraid of, and not prepared for. Better just saved it for the future.

The next item that he got is the Sunlight Straight Sword when he looked at the item in the system interface it was just a normal straight sword, but he didn't know what was so special about it to make it a 3* item but maybe he is wrong. Better he just read the description of the item.

[This standard longsword, belonging to Solaire of Astora, is of high quality, is well-forged, and has been kept in good repair. Easy to use and dependable, but unlikely to live up to its grandiose name with the passage of time it has grown as This featureless long sword contains the very power of the sun as now this Straight sword imbued with the strength of lightning a miracle of the passage of time. Perhaps is a relic of one-sided adoration.

Skill: Oath of Sunlight

Raise the sword aloft when praising the sun to boost attack and damage absorption for self and allies in the vicinity. The warriors of sunlight are co-operators from an ancient age. ]

He is quite surprised with the item description as the sword was the same sword that was used by the soul of the sun knight or Solaire, but he was more interested in the word miracle of the passage of time what does that mean? Is it because of the faith that he put in to find his own sun that turns it into a miracle?

He knew he could gain the answer to his question by destroying the soul and gaining the memory and experience of it, but he is still worried if there's any side-effect if he used it unwisely or prematurely. But this was an interesting weapon that have a skill that could be used.

But now is to the next item that he has gotten he knows the Magic Mirror as it's from the world of terraria like always better just read for a more detailed understanding of the item that he has gotten rather than his biased knowledge of the in-game knowledge that he knows.

[The Magic Mirror is a unique item that returns the user to their home. When used, they will teleport the player to their home or a place that they can call home or a safe place. This teleportation occurs at no cost and can be repeated indefinitely without consuming the mirror.

Gaze in the mirror to return home and imagine the place that you call home as it will appear on the mirror and teleport you back to it.]

Just as he expects it, the item is still the same but has more steps to it than the game as this item would be a great asset for him if he goes on a longer adventure if he got lost or is just lazy to track back on foot, he could just teleport back very quickly using the magic mirror. But that begs the question could he use it when he is in combat or is there a delay before he could teleport?

But he could find this answered very quickly but better just wait and finish looking at what item that he got. As he still put the magic mirror in the system inventory as he looked at the next item on the list, the Burial Blade.

He wonders what the reason this weapon could gain such a high rating and gain its legendary status on the system.

[Trick weapon wielded by Gehrman, the first hunter. A masterpiece that defined the entire array of weapons crafted at the workshop. Its blade is forged with siderite, said to have fallen from the heavens. Gehrman surely saw the hunt as a dirge of farewell, wishing only that his prey might rest in peace, never again to awaken to another harrowing nightmare.

The trick weapon Transforms from a one-handed curved sword to a two-handed large scythe.]

Ahh, now he knows the reason why the weapon gains such a high rating by the system, to gain such a title and forged by steal or ore that has fallen from heaven and with an ingenious design for a weapon that most likely forged a new era of innovation. But he is still confused by the last statement of the description of this item.

What does it mean to wish his prey to rest in peace are they once human to gain that pity and sympathy? And that last one to never again awaken to another harrowing nightmare that begs the question what is that nightmare he speaks of figuratively or literally?

As this item is the same purpose as Simon's bow blade and the hunter's pistol to kill the beast... He should stop this line of thinking and just focus on the useability of the weapon that he got, Henry thought for a bit as this was the same with Simon's bow blade he need a lot of training to use it but it was quite doable.

The next one the item that he gets is quite similar to The Hamon talent of Jonathan Joestar, but this one is the physique of big mom one of the four emperors of the sea in the world of one piece undoubtedly one of the powerhouses of that world.

[When used you will gain the physique of Big Mom or known as Charlotte Linlin, you will not gain the strength of big mom only the potential of her body that when she was 5 years old she killed a large bear instantly with a single smack, as well as broke several of a giant's bones by trying to slap a mosquito on his back and defeat several armed giants without a single scratch.]

After he read the description Henry was tempted to just use it right here and now, but he need to finish looking at all of the items that he had gotten then will he use it as this would help him to gain strength much quicker than ever before, and plush the used of Hamon and the hellish training of the world of one piece he could probably surpass big mom if he has enough time. But this is all but wishful thinking for now.

Now on to the next item is quite familiar but he forgot where it came from, but he knows what Gandalf is as one of the characters of the Lord of the Rings but what kind of ability is it that the system gave him?

[Gandálfr, also known as the Left Hand of God. The primary power of a Gandálfr is absolute mastery of any item meant for combat, from swords and pistols to artillery cannons and fighter aircraft. On physical contact with such weapons, the Gandálfr's runes will glow, and the user gains heightened strength, agility, endurance, and reflexes in addition to complete proficiency over the weapon. These reinforcements linger only for a while when the power is deactivated; a Gandálfr who sustains normally fatal damage while powered up will quickly face the brunt of the damages when he returns to normal, which may cause him to collapse out of exhaustion or even possibly death.]

When Henry finish reading it, he was quite amazed at its ability to absolute mastery any type of item that was meant for combat, and with the bonus of when he activated the runes he will gain a buff to himself.

The next item on the list is the magical dagger from terraria.

[The Magic Dagger is a Hardmode magic weapon that operates exactly as the Throwing Knife but uses mana instead of consuming stacks of the item. Magic Daggers can be thrown limitlessly whenever mana is available and is never consumed.

This is A magical returning dagger that is nearly nigh indestructible. ]

Henry was ecstatic about gaining another magical item even though he couldn't use it because of his ineptness of not knowing how to use mana without the help of the mechanic of the item itself because of this he still could use it but if there was a magic item that he needs to use mana manually that would make a big problem.

But now he could probably understand a little bit of mana by his daily use of Hamon the better thing is he could get a book on how to train your mana or a beginner guide to it but this is only wishful thinking on his part.

Soo, he is still better at training his body and his Hamon for now and the next item that he got would help him greatly because it's Haki one of the core power of the one-piece world. And he has gotten the training book for it if it's similar to the swordsmanship training book that he got then he could fight with another Haki user.

[ Haki is a mysterious power that allows the user to utilize their own spiritual energy for various purposes. All living beings in the world are capable of learning Haki; however, most people do not notice it or fail to awaken it.

There are three different types of Haki that can be used to sense people's spiritual energy and predict their actions, give the user a protective coating of spiritual energy, and, for a certain group of "chosen ones", overpower the willpower of others.

And this book will train you in this power from a beginner to mastering it, this book has the chance to face one master Haki user from the world of one piece.]

When he finished reading it he couldn't help but have a smile on his face, because Haki could be said to be the most versatile power to him, from manifesting the willpower of a person to make it your armor, to perceived, and to intimidate.

And this was only the surface of it all and now he could have the chance to train in Haki this was one of his childhood dreams to learn this power but now he can as now is not a dream any longer to him its reality now.

The smile on Henry's face slowly turned into a frown remembering the thing that got now after his death made him question his reality is this all real or but a dream a lie, he is afraid this would all end, and after the fight with the bear h question himself is this all really worth it.

But he needs to accept it even if the truth is absurd and bizarre it is still will be the truth, he just needs to accept it. Tweety was still standing on Henry's shoulders he notices the change that happen to Henry with the once smiling face now turning to a frown and with every second passed tweety could feel something different or changing from Henry.

As his eyes were slowly turning to a red hue, tweety didn't know what to do as he flew in a circle around Henry's body as he tried to wake up henry from this scary state that he is in.



Henry was pulled out of his thoughts depressing thoughts by the loud screeching of Tweety he was surprised by the sound when he noticed he was out of it after he remembered the past and questioned his reality. After he came out of his thoughts, he finds Tweety now standing on his ness and looking at him with a worried look on his face.


"I am fine Tweety I am quite fine" When Henry said this Tweety didn't believe him so he ask him again.

"Tweet? Tweet?".

"Yes-Yes, I am fine great even".

"Tweet!" as Tweety flew across once more and landed on Henry's shoulder, as Tweety rubs his head against henrys head to try to cheer Henry up. when this happened Henry now had a smile on his face once more as this did cheer him up quite a bit. As henry put his hand on Tweety little as he pats his head.

"Thank you, little buddy,". When he says this the little finch is now resting his head against his body as he seems to be sleeping.

But in his thoughts, he was disappointed in himself, as he slumps in his chair. After all that happened, he still let these thoughts cloud his mind he hates this. now he shouldn't think like this as now he just needs to move as he now has multiple new power that he needs to train and weapon to understand.

But today is time for him to rest, Henry pulled out the pack of cigarettes from the system space that he has gotten from the first Draw as he didn't smoke anymore from the first time that he uses it, and he tries not to smoke any longer after the first time that he did it. But he couldn't help himself as he pulls out one and put it against his mouth and lit it up using the matches that came with it.

As the tip of the cigarette lit up in embers, he took a big puff as he could feel smoke coming into his mouth and slowly traveling from his mouth to his lungs and exhale with all the smoke leavening his body with a plume of white smoke traveling out of his mouth, as now he could feel his mind was in peace his thoughts was clear.

With every puff, Henry could feel his head clearer as the cigarettes that he is smoking now were much more different than the kinds that he usually uses, but he much prefers this one to any cigarettes that he ever smoked before.

The night passed with Henry smoking his worry off with plumes of smoke would come out of his mouth every now and then. and night coming to a close with the now not-so-lonely cabin in the middle of nowhere with now two inhabitants in it one man and a bird. But will they survive the challenge waiting for them in the future or will they buckle and fall only time could tell.


Author notes:

I hope you enjoy it sorry as this chapter is more of an info dump rather than a story progression but hope you still enjoyed it as the next chapter would be moving the story and maybe meeting a new character.

I forgot to tell you as all of the items that he got from the gacha is mostly based on luck soo as I put a list of item and put it on the wheel except for some important story item, but the rest which is mostly luck based.

and any idea for what items and skills to put in the lottery system? please leave a comment.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Psy_duckcreators' thoughts
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