
Battel for the train part 2

Walking forward he jumps over the gap between the train carts. As he continues walking he stops for a moment to feel the wind passing by his face.

The cold sensation was nice to feel after he did all of that running and dodging the best he could do. He wipes his arm across his face seeing the blood covering part of his arm.

The stinging Sensation from his face was not Horrible it was Dealable at least.

As Y/n continued his way forward he noticed something far ahead of the train.

In between the fence which is the part where the train is going in between. on the top, they were connected. Maybe it is for the power to be easier to provide power for the fence. Which would chop Y/n in half if he gets hit by that part of the fence,

With not much time Y/n Dives prone on the top of the train as there seems like there is room to do that and not get killed by the connecting part of the fence.

After a couple of minutes, the connecting part of the fence goes right over him a few inches away from his head.

Hopping back onto his feet he looks behind him.

Y/n: Man that was a close one.

Not wanting to waste any more time he started to jog to the front of the train.

As he got to the middle of the train the two hatches from before started to open and people started to come out

Five RDA soldiers came out and brought their assault rifles out and pointed at him.

Y/n moves his hand slowly to the bag to prepare to get the pistol.


With not much room to move, especially now with six people, the top of the train was getting a bit too crowded.

Y/n looks around for anything he could use. With there not being much to use besides one thing.

Y/n gets on his knees and moves his hand away from the pistol and puts his hands behind his head.

The first two soldiers look at each other and then back at y/n.

They both start to walk to him. The four others still had their weapons aimed. As they both got to his side they both went to grab his arms and bring him up.

As they both got him to his feet before they could cuff him y/n turned his head and bash it into the first soldier's head, making him stumble back.

He then spins around the second soldier and grabs him by his collar to use his body as a shield. The only downside was that he was smaller than him because of his tall Navi body.

He quickly grabs the pistol out of the bag and smacks the guy in his head knocking him out.

He aims the weapon at the first soldier who was still confused about what just happened. Y/n shoots a couple of bullets.

They hit him in the shoulder and chest making him stumble back and cough up blood from his mouth.

The other soldiers finally realized what had just happened and started to shoot at y/n using the soldier that he was holding onto as a shield he charged at them.

As he ran he shot one more bullet man killing him. His body falls face-first on the train.

Running to the group he lunches the soldier's body that was full of holes at one of the soldiers.

With two soldiers to deal with now he kicks one in the leg making him fall to one knee and shooting it He screams out in pain.

Before y/n can get the other guy he gets hit in the face with a gun but the soldier tries to hit him again but fail as y/n grabs it and pulls it out of his hands

The guy tackles him to the ground and they start to wrestle around the floor.

Y/n grabs the guy by the neck and lifts him off his body. The guy struggles to break free however to no avail.

Y/n grabs the pistol and slams it into the guy's mask causing air to leak. The guy clutches at his mask as he starts to run out of air choking to death.

Getting up his earpiece starts to let out some voices.

Gold Eagle: what is the status of the train?

Y/n: I'm working on it

Y/n walks over to the guy who was still grabbing his leg

The guy was pushing his hand out toward y/n begging for his life

Gold Eagle: better hurry you will soon be reaching the target spot.

Y/n shoots the begging soldier. Backing away from the fight he takes a couple of breaths in.

Y/n: like I said I'm w-

Y/n gets hit to the ground from his back. The pain was not too much but still not good. Turning around he looks at the person who hit him.

It was the soldier who he slammed the body at. He had forgotten about him.

He was pointing the assault rifle at him ready to fire at him at any moment.


His fingers inches away from the trigger. His breathing has become erratic.

Y/n tries to cover his body before he gets shot at.

A loud bang could be heard. Opening his eyes y/n did not see any bullet in him. However, for the RDA guy, his body was gone.

All that was left are two legs left in his place. Looking towards the back of the train he sees the connection part of the fence. He was most likely killed by the collision.

Not wasting any more time y/n get up and run towards the front of the train.

Finally, at the front of the train he looks around to see if the contactor door could get him in. Jumping down he tried to open it but it was locked.

With time running out, he looks around till his eyes land on one spot that could work.

Walking over to the connector of the train cart and engine he placed one bomb he had left and armed it.

Getting back top he looks at the tree and sees the sign of how close they are to the spot.

He gets ready and runs for his life to the back of the train.

As he got in the middle with the body the front cart exploded launching the train off course.

With all the train carts affected they all start to lift upwards. Y/n got the last cart and jumped off it well whistling out to his banshee.

Just as he was about to hit the ground his banshee flys in and grabbed him it flys around and drops him down close to the train with the fence down and the train derailed.

The Navi and avatars were already scavenging for whatever they could get their hands on. Another banshee landed close by him.

Hoping the banshee was gold eagle or better term Jake he was looking around at the train and then turn his attention to y/n.

Jake: y/n you did good work out here today. You have shown me that I can trust you.

Y/n: Happy to do so Jake.

Jake: I've always known that I can spot good people miles away.

Y/n: yea * slight chuckle* Anyway, what should I do now?

Jake: can you go and make sure lo'ak is not causing any more problems

Y/n: you got it, boss man.

They were hoping back onto the banshee they flew away to where lo'ak was set up.

They fly around for a while till he reaches loak and Neteyam they were keeping watch for no backup to the train. Loak look like he was bored and wanted to do something.

Y/n: what's up you to?

Neteyam: oh Y/n good to see you I assume that everything went well after the last time on the earpiece.

Y/n: as good as I'm going to get. Is there anything wrong up here?

Loak: nop nothing in sight.

Y/n: that's good then we should finish soon hopefully.

Loak: maybe for you, we have been stuck on watch all this time.

Y/n: I'm sure you will get some action next time or whenever you do.

Neteyam: he is right loak but not during a mission however that is not a time to be having fun.

Loak: come on there's nothing in sight we can take a look down there now.

Y/n: we should stay on watch loak.

Loak: come on you to Y/n.

Loak looks sad about his responses to his question. They spend the rest of their time watching for any reinforcements. They never showed up so they finished looking for anything they could use and went back. They went back to Jake's base of operations.

Kiri was there helping everyone to the best of her abilities.

After getting back to his hut he went to the bed and fell face-first into it.

After switching back to his normal body Y/n went to his computer as something has been bugging him as it had been a while since he got any message from Rick.

Logging in he looks for anything his eyes land on one message. It was locked behind something but after unlocking it the message said something that made Y/n wonder what he should do next.

"Hey Y/n this is Rick this is top secret so don't tell anyone even your navi friends. Yea, I don't care what you do now as your mission has been put to a stop. That means that it is over. Because there is something big in the works that we have been working on."

" You could say we learn how to clone people. Anyway just be careful of what the future has especially from our new projects he is a real killer"-Rick

So not only did they say that the mission was canceled there, they were sending someone down here to finish the job of killing Jake Sully.

Y/n is not sure what to do but the one thing he does know he needs to be careful in the future.

Walking away y/n finally decided to head on over to the mountains in person tomorrow morning.

He has the feeling that it will be a "great day tomorrow "

Word count 1813

Word count for both chapters is around 4000

Looks like things are starting to fall into pieces wonder what can go wrong in y/n first actual time going to mountain base

Btw if you wondering about happened to me talking about patreon well that might get removed so I'm stopping plugging it in for now anyway hope you enjoy this chapter

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