
Uprooted Evil 1

The Bolton Bastard

He stabbed his dagger into the table in annoyance and turned to one of his men, Ben was his name and he was supposed to be the one looking after his bitches.

"Ben! Go and see what the girls are barking at. Let's hope they've sniffed out another game for us to play." He sneered. It would seem the reports on their activities had spooked a few folk and the roads were experiencing less and less people travelling on them as a consequence.

His kennel master grunted as he got up from where he was sat, whetstone left where he'd been sharpening their flaying knives. Those beauties had seen a lot of action in recent days, the latest of their trophies was hanging just outside and the next ones on the list were in the back room of their newly acquired hunting shack, tied up, gagged and praying for a miracle.

He smiled at that.

The pair that they'd captured a few weeks ago had been an interesting hunt to say the least, a lot more interesting than some of snivelling whores they'd used previously. A man and a woman with a 6 man escort was what they'd sniffed out, the guards were taken care of fairly easily. One of his lads, Skinner was his name, he'd lost a hand in the fight. They decided to put him out of his misery, a knife to the heart while he scrambled for his lost hand was the kindest thing to do. His bitches ate well that night thanks to Skinner.

Lord Harrion and Lady Aly Karstark were their prize in this particular hunt, a high value pair indeed. Damon, one of his men, had suggested ransoming them, sending a letter to Rickard Karstark. He wasn't doing what he was doing for money though, no, he wanted to play and play they did.

All the pleading and promises had done nothing to help their cause, they needed to learn that not even the highborn were safe from Ramsay Bolton.

The game was simple, every time him and the boys would come to them, Lady Alys had to let them have their way with her. He would obviously be the one to take her maidenhead, it's only right a trueborn does the deed. Unfortunately, Lady Alys didn't understand the simple rules and refused as much as she could for somebody tied up and gagged. He laid out the rules for her once again but also told her the consequences if she didn't play along.

Every time she refused them, her brother would lose a piece of himself, simple.

12 days had passed and she'd refused every approach, her brother would tell her every time they arrived to not give them what they wanted. The dull man must realise he's only got a limited amount of many body parts before it started to become a real problem for him, and when he did finally die, Lady Alys' time would be up.

He had to give Lord Harrion a bit of credit, he was soldiering on with their game, some might even say he was winning. Ramsay however, he knew the man was starting to struggle and it was oh so beautiful to be there to see it.

At the moment he was 10 fingernails, 10 toenails, 4 teeth and an earlobe down. At the end of the week, they'd be starting on fingers and toes but Ramsay wanted both of his ears by the end of the day. Lord Harrion's stubbornness was grating him a little but he wouldn't show the man his annoyance, no, he'd show the man the sharp end of his flaying knife.

He heard the muffled cries of the man in question and got up out of his chair to check the back room they were in.

The grotty old wooden door banged against the wall as it was swung open, startling the pair of Karstarks cowering within. The smell in the room was pungent, a bucket in the corner of the room filled to the brim of their own making. Damon wanted them to clean it out since the smell was starting to spread into the main room of the building but he was having none of it. It added a new flavour to their game, an increased pressure to get out of that room. A part of Ramsay wanted them to find a way out just so they could hunt them all over again.

Wouldn't that be fun?

"You pair of cunts are making more noise than my darlings out there, what's the matter? Finally seen the light and decided to forfeit in your quest to beat me in our little game?" He said with a sharp grin as he spun his dagger in the palm of his hand. He moved across the room and stood in front of Alys, he slid the flat side of his cold steel against her cheek as she whimpered.

Her eyes were full of tears, she had such wonderful eyes, he knew he wouldn't find it difficult staring into them when he took her. Those eyes he was admiring turned to her right to look at her brother, her unmoving brother. Had he...?

He flicked a strand of grimy hair from the face of the downtrodden lord, a light prick of his dagger against the man's cheek and the blood began to slowly trickle down his face. There was still no movement from the man.

His head was leant down, eyes closed and chest unmoving. What a shame, the game was starting to get interesting but Lord Harrion didn't seem interested in staying to witness the outcome.

"Oh dear" He said as he bent his knees and squatted in front of the seated Lord. He turned to Alys whose eyes were now wide with realisation "No big brother in the way anymore now. The boys will be very excited to hear about dessert tonight, you've kept them wait...."

The top of the assumed deceased lord's head connected with his nose as the pair of them ended up on the ground. He shook his head from the jarring shot and kicked Karstark square in the gut whilst he was laid next to him. The Lord himself howled in pain and writhed on the floor, still completely tied up to his chair.

He lifted Lord Harrion back into a seating position and struck him square in the face with his fist, blood pouring from his nose. Lady Alys cried in anguish at the sight of her brother being struck.

"Clever" He said as he waved and pointed his dagger at the man "Very clever, but you didn't think about these did you" He said as he grabbed the ropes tied to the man and decided to tie them a little tighter. The Lord whimpered at the added pressure.

"We are gonna have so much fun with the pair of you tonight. We might even let you watch as Lady Alys here becomes a real woman, would you like that Harrion hmm? Would you like to see your little sister pay for your little ruse? See her mounted by every man in this shack? Yes, I think I'll allow it with it being such a momentous oc....."

He was interrupted by Damon rushing in through the door "Lord Bolton!" He all but shouted as he gathered his breath "Girls have got a scent, going mad they are, think it might be something big. Ben went to check with a couple of the dogs but hasn't returned yet." Damon finished as he left the room to prepare.

He turned back to his pair of prisoners "Looks like my men will be in a wonderful mood when they return from the hunt!" He said with a beaming smile. He turned to Alys "Who knows, if they're in a real good mood they might make it feel nice for you tonight." He said as he brushed a strand of hair from her face and cupped her chin "I won't though, I want you to remember it, I want you to feel the pain in more than just your cunt, I want you to feel it in your entire being." And with that, he pushed her face away and made his way out of the room, remembering to bolt the door. He smiled as he heard the sobs from within.

Damon was looking through the window with concerned look on his face as he grabbed his bow and his whip "Something doesn't seem right out there boss." He said as Ramsay joined him at the window.

"There's nothing in these woods we should be concerned about, we're at the top of the food chain out here." He looked at Damon who didn't look convinced "Don't worry friend" He said as he placed his arm around his shoulder "We'll get a good hunt out of this, I can just sense it." He then grinned "And we've got afters for dessert." He finished as he nodded his head to the locked room.

He turned to the rest of the room that consisted of him, Damon, Yellow Dick, Luton, Alyn and Grunt. His boys.

"Right you sorry lot! Ben's gone out there already, let's go join him!" His men got up from where they were sat preparing "LET THE HUNT BEGIN!" He roared as the rest of the room followed suit with his cry.

Before they even left the shack however, Ramsay realised something was wrong.

The bitches have stopped barking. They never stop until the hunt is over.

He put his hand up to cease the chatter that had taken over the room. Damon was giving him that concerned look he had been before.

He was now weary.

This could get interesting...

He loved a challenge, it made the prize that much juicier.

He made Yellow Dick, a truly awful man to look at, open the door and go out first. The rest of the group were already prepared for a fight that everybody was now expecting due to Ramsay's change in demeanour.

Yellow dick didn't even get chance to open the door fully before the rest of the dogs were scratching at it and squeezing through the gap to shelter inside. That was unsettling and it only got worse when the girls started whining.

Damon looked at him even more concerned if that was possible, all he could do was furrow his brow in confusion "Wolves?" Damon asked.

He shook his head "We've hunted wolves before, the girls don't have a problem with them as long as they stay in a pack and we're with them with bows. No, whatever it is has to be something new." He looked around the room, the men were waiting for his instructions like the good servants they were.

"Whatever it is, whoever it is...I want its head right there." He said in a cold tone as he pointed above the fireplace.

His men looked worried but nodded their head in affirmation.

Damon and Grunt leashed all the dogs that were in the shack with them and practically dragged them out of the front door, they did not want to go outside in the slightest it would seem. No matter, they needed to follow, they needed to track and hunt, they needed to win.

The group entered the woods that Ben had been last seen entering with a few of the other bitches. He'd not returned and the dogs in question couldn't be heard in the distance at all.

A part of him was telling him that something was very wrong as they tentatively advanced into the thicker depths of the woods.

Damon came up to his left "I think it might be a better idea to hold out in the shack my lord. The girls are dragging their heels and the men seem reluctant to go any further." He said.

Ramsay turned and grabbed Damon by the throat and held his dagger near his neck, he felt the man gulp from underneath his palm.

"You want us to hide, is that it? Ramsay Bolton doesn't hide which means you don't hide, understand?" He growled as he lightly slid the dagger across the length of the man's neck, just enough pressure to break the skin and nothing. He didn't want to kill his men, he begrudgingly needed them right now.

Damon closed his eyes and nodded. He gasped for breath as Ramsay released him from his hold.

"Good! Glad that's all settled then." He said as they started walking again. The rest of his boys seem to collectively sigh in relief now that the little outburst from Damon was over.

He climbed over an uprooted tree along with the rest of them...a freshly uprooted tree.

He held his hand up and let out a small whistle to let the group know he was stopping. The men stopped around him and looked at him for further instructions, they'd have to wait though, he was too busy trying to work out why he was experiencing a sense of dread in the pit of his stomach.

He looked to his right and saw another freshly uprooted tree not too far away from the first one, there was even another one even further away from that one.

Something is very wrong...

Yellow Dick turned to him and "What do we do now boss?" He whispered.

He was about to answer but Alyn annoyingly cut him off from his position further away at the front of the party "Err boss....you might wanna see this." He said, a slight wobble in his speech.

He moved towards the front of the party, passing a few more thick trunked tree's before standing side by side with Alyn and seeing just what Alyn wanted his to see.

He just couldn't work it out. None of it made sense.

In front of them was a large clearing, and not a natural clearing it had to be said. 10 or so uprooted trees completely trampled and broken into the soil beneath them. The earth itself looked like it'd been ripped to shreds like he's seen his dogs do to a whore's face.

"Ben..." he heard Alyn say to his right. He looked at the man and followed his line of sight, Alyn was right, Ben was here.

But he was dead. Very dead.

All they could see was the top end of his body, eyes bulging out of his head, profound veins ready to pop all over his face and neck. The other half of him was under the immense pressure of a fallen tree, he couldn't see the damage but if he had to guess, the tree probably crushed his entire lower half, including half of his torso and without a doubt, killed the man instantly.

He saw Damon shake his head "What a way to go." He said.

"Yes, crushed to death by a tree." He said and huffed shortly after "I can't be dealing with weak links in the group. That tree did us a favour." He finished.

Damon's face didn't change when Ramsay looked at him. He didn't get chance to retort with something that would no doubt get his tongue ripped out as the whole group, including him he begrudgingly had to admit, were shaken to their core by the intense and increasingly stronger rumblings of the earth.

"What the fuck is that!" More than one person said as they looked around the outskirts of the clearing they had all now moved into the middle of. The bitches were whining even more now and Yellow Dick and Grunt were struggling to keep them under control.

"Shut up and let me think!" He hissed as he tried to work out what direction the sounds were coming from. To his left and his right he heard the unsheathing of steel, it seems that his men had made up their decision and were preparing to fight whatever the fuck was about to come out of those tre....

Ramsay Bolton is never speechless.

Ramsay Bolton is never fearful.

"Wha...How..." Was all he could breathe out.

I think I might die now...

He'd never given much thought about his own mortality. He just assumed he'd live till he was grey. It was jarring to think his end was hulking its way towards them at a tremendous speed, each step making his entire being shake. He couldn't run or hide from this. He had to die or fight. He didn't want to die right now, he had too many plans to see through. He would have to fight, yes, fight is what he would do.

Ramsay Bolton will be one day remembered for the many feats and accomplishments he'd achieved but none of them will be more memorable than the day he slayed a dragon single-handedly.

"C'mon then you cunt, let's see what you've g..."

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