
Into The Wild Part 3

“Something catch your eye Wiyot?” Takoda asked as Wiyot’s right eye remained focused on the bushes off in the distance.

“Show yourself!” Wiyot shouted.

“The hell is going on?” Calian asked.

“I said come out!”

The crow’s shadows became smaller as he began to walk out. It was a little one. He stood there with a slight shake, not saying a word. Wiyot’s eyebrows and eyes soften as the little crow got closer and closer to him and the other three.

“Oooh”. Calian let out. “He sure looks dangerous”.

“Can’t afford to take any chances”. Wiyot said.

Halian crept over to the young crow as Wiyot, Calian and Takoda stared at him. Halian stopped, now squared up with the young crow as he looked him in the eye. The two of them said and did nothing as birds chirped in unison nearby.

“Hey”. Halian said.

“Hey”. The young crow responded.

“Well, at least he speaks”. Calian commented.

“What’s your name?” Halian asked.

“Nodin”. The young crow introduced himself as.

“Well, what do you want?” Calian demanded, looking down at Nodin with his eyes crossed and his eyebrows and forehead tensed down.

“Calian, be nice!” Halian pleaded.

“I just have never seen you guys before”. Nodin answered.

“We’re sorta new here”. Takoda said. “You can call us the new kids on the block”.

“I hate you so much right now”. Calian snapped.

“Where’s your family Nodin?” Wiyot asked.

“This is our home”. Nodin answered with.

“You didn’t tell us that we we’re trespassing Halian”. Calian said.

“I didn’t know that’s how it works out here!” Halian said.

“It’s okay”. Nodin interjected. “There’s a lot of room”.

“And yet something tells me that this won’t end well”. Calian said.

“Lighten up there Nostradamus”. Takoda said. “You never know what’s gonna happen”.

“You’ve lived your whole life with that attitude huh?” Calain asked.

“Damn straight”.

“And how far has that gotten you?”

“I’m still here, aren’t I?” Takoda said with a wide bright smile on his face. Meanwhile, Calian rolled his eyes.

“Is it okay if we stay here?” Halian asked.

“I think so”. Nodin said. “I don’t think anyone would mind”.

“Yeah”. Calian said. “We’ll see about that”.

“Anyway”. Takoda started. “So tell us kid, what’s good to eat around here?

Nodin had taken Wiyot, Calian, Takoda, and Halian to a different part of the forest. It was filled with even more green as there was an abundance of trees, vines, branches and leaves galore. Through the leaves cracks of the sun were able to come through as if it they were beams of light that were focused to the group from up above.

“Aight then”. Calian said. “I’m just hungrier now”.

“I suppose there aren’t any cafes around here?” Takoda asked.

“We’re not those kinds of crows”. Nodin said.

“What kind are you?” Calian asked. “The Caviar eating kind?”

“Wait!” Nodin said.

“Huh?” Wiyot asked.

“Go up to that branch”. Nodin told everyone as he flew up to the right branch up above to the left.

“Hmm”. Calian began. “Do you think he’s trustworthy?”

“Depends how much of a driving force hunger is”. Takoda answered.

Wiyot flew up to the branch above as Halian, Takoda, and Calian followed suit. As they got up there and joined Nodin Wiyot saw a group of squirrels frolicking in about five feet away. In the corner of his eye, Wiyot caught that Nodin had a firm focused on the squirrels below, eyeing them without a word being said.

“Great”. Calian said, his face filled with a mixture of hunger and disgust. “A lunch time massacre”.

“It’s just the circle of life”. Takoda said. “Eat or be eaten”.

“Just been a while since I’ve hunted”.

“Yeah”. Halian said. “Me too”.

“When’s the last time you hunted Wiyot?” Takoda asked.

Wiyot’s pupils dilated once he heard Takoda’s question. His body tighten up as his breathing was blocked. He looked down to the ground where he saw that the squirrels were still there before he returned his gaze back to higher ground.

“?” Calian asked.

“…I don’t know”. Wiyot said.

“Come Again?” Calian said.

“Must have smoked too much weed or something”. Takoda said.

Nodin shot down to the ground and swooped in on the squirrel, causing them to scatter. Wiyot watched as Nodin was able to corner one squirrel at a tree before he stabbed his neck, causing the squirrel to bleed out. He then dug in and began to devour the squirrel while Wiyot and the other watched from above.

“Sheesh”. Calian said.

“That’s what’s it’s like out here”. Takoda said.

Wiyot flew down and aimed for one of the lingering squirrels. He grabbed the squirrel with both of his talons as he punctured the squirrel’s body. Blood began to on Wiyot’s talons as he blew back up to a nearby branch before he enjoyed the fruits of his hunt.

“Guess it’s like riding a bike huh?” Takoda asked from the other tree branch next to Wiyot. “It always come back to ya”.

“Taste any good?” Calian asked?

“Why don’t you see for yourself?” Wiyot responded, shoving some of the squirrels towards Calian and the others.

“It’s pretty good!” Halian said, having had hunted down his own squirrel and was digging into it himself.

“Tc”. Calian let out. “Desperate times call for desperate measures”.

“Fuck it”. Takoda said as he made a swift flight to a squirrel that was hiding in a hole in a tree. Takoda came out of the hole with a now dead squirrel in his beak.

“Classy”. Calian said.

“Look man”. Takoda started. “It’s the rules of the wild. Gotta keep up somehow”.

Wiyot made eye contact with Calian as Calian’s eyes widen before they tensed up. Calian then dove straight for a squirrel hidden in the brush. He came back with the squirrel, a clean snap of his neck as Calian carried it with his beak.

“Glad to see that you concurred”. Takoda said.

“I guess we got our host to thank here”. Calian said.

“Yeah!” Halian let out. “Thanks Nodin!”

“I’m glad you guys liked this”. Nodin said. “I was hoping you would”.

“Better than starving”. Calian commented.

“We really do appreciate this”. Wiyot said. “Thank you”.

“It’s nice to have some friends around here”. Nodin said, catching Wiyot and the others off guard.

“Yeah”. Halian said. “I know what you mean”.

“Why are you guys here?” Nodin asked. “I mean, you guys must be from the city, right?”

“It’s that obvious huh?” Calian asked.

“We want to connect with the inner wild within us”. Wiyot said.

“What does that mean?” Nodin asked.

“Uh, yeah”. Wiyot began. “It’s sort of complicated to explain”.

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