
Awakening Part 3

“C’om!” Calian yelled. “We got to move! Now!”

Before Wiyot and Calian were able to take flight, the first officer grabbed a large net out of his car and proceeded to swing it in their direction. Wiyot and Calian missed getting scooped but could not gain the momentum they needed for their escape. The two then became cornered by the pillars that surrounded them as the police officer’s swipes cut closer and closer.

“Fuck!” Calian yelled, now caught inside the net.

“Got him!” The police officers cried out, now having caught Wiyot as well. Wiyot looked to Calian, his face tensed up. Wiyot looked at the police officer who had a big smile on his face. His partner ran up to them with two syringes that stuck out of his pockets. Wiyot began to bite on the net. The material was a strong and not easy to cut.

Wiyot and Calian fought with desperation to get through the net. They bit and ripped on the material, their talons swinging all around. Wiyot and Calian started to slow down their movements and the effect of their actions decreased. Soon enough they stopped. The police officers looked down upon with grins on their faces.

“Can you get these birds to chill the fuck out?” One of the officers instructed.

“Easier done than said”.

With that the other police officer took out two tranquilizers. One by one shooting Wiyot and Calian with them. One by one Calian and Wiyot knocked out. Wiyot pushed open part of his right eye lid and saw the police offers reaching for the net. But there was nothing that he could do.

Hours later, the tranquilizer had worn off. Wiyot saw a smidge of light as he began to open his eyes. He scoped the room out and saw cold solid grey walls. There was a window with three bars that guarded it. On the other side was an open space that was guarded by bars just like the window. Wiyot looked out and saw no signs of anyone.

As he looked around, Wiyot caught wind of Calian to his right side. Calian had transformed back into his human form. An expression of disgust came across Wiyot’s face. He stared Calian and Calian in returned stared back at Wiyot with his own face of disgust. The two engaged in a standoff, neither flinching.

“What are you like that?” Wiyot asked Calian.

“Funny, I was about to ask you the same thing”. Calian responded with.

“Why the hell are you in human form?”

“Because it’s going to be the easiest way out of here. Now we just need you to give it a try”.

“Over my dead body.”

“Suit yourself”.

“How fucking could you?”

“You mean to get the fuck out of here?”

“Do you not have any honor as Owl?”

“What kind of question is that?’

“You know what I am talking about. You change back and forth from human to Owl when it suits you. You don’t care about your identity or purpose. All you care about is being able to survive”.

Calian’s eyebrows raised before they became crossed. He maintained eye contact with Wiyot, having his back arched. Wiyot looked up at Calian and as he crunched up his eyebrows and forehead. At that point it was back to square one as the of them two continued to participate in their faceoff.

“You have no idea, do you?” Calian asked.

“It’s better to have less thunder in the mouth and more lightning in the hand”.

“Tsk, taking the hard way?”

“Taking the right way!”

“The right way? Funny how that works. The right thing only applies when it suits someone. When someone else does something that you do not like then all of a sudden it is the wrong thing to do. Am I right?”

“Whatever you want to say to sleep better at night”.

“I sleep just fine”.

“The fact of the matter is that I care about who I am”.

“Oh yeah? And who are you?”

“An Owl”.

“Congratulations. Hate to break it to you but so am I”.

“Could have fooled me”.

“It doesn’t matter how hard you huff and puff that fact will never go away. Your best bet is going to be getting used to it and shut the fuck up!”

“What about the middle way?”

“Which would be?”

“Not being ashamed of who you are and to stop trying to be one of them!”

Calian’s jaw opened up with his pulls expanding as well. Wiyot’s state was static. Calian’s face then turned to an expression of anger as it turned to a fiercer look. Wiyot mirrored Calian’s expression, not backing down despite being on the ground.

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