
MANIFESTATION pt2(friends with past)

"It was a wrap, although we were tired, we couldn't stay behind. We grabbed all that we needed and were about to head out. *Noises* It was the crowd... all clustered, all around, all waiting, they were everywhere. The damage was everywhere... LITERALLY...

"I will handle this," Angel proclaimed. -"Precede to and unto the..." *Hails* "All hail, Anon!" "All hail, Miss Angel!" "All hail, Michael!" "All hail, Miss Dorothy!" We were dumbfounded as we were expecting a different, angry, or even violent approach. We were still lost. A villager walked towards us, saying "What would we have done if you guys weren't around?"

Again!! Lost we were... Another approached, saying "That lady, since she came to my shop, she had been acting strangely. I didn't know why, but today, I can see I wasn't seeing a lie, after all." That happened to be the owner of the shop. It comes off to be that the crowd was blinded by our past deeds to the village and didn't even realize the chaos happened because of Angel.

With all the damage caused, they still praised us, and we were amazed to the core... Chants all around, praising and praising. *Footsteps* Hurriedly they rushed to us, grabbed Dorothy, and lent their helping hands. "Is such a shame the place ended up like this," the owner said. "I can do something to help, ma'am," Angel replied, "No!! You have done all you should, dear!!" *faces down sadly* "I will find a way," she said.

"No, ma'am... I can't let you accomplish this all by yourself if I am...Ah!!" "You shouldn't say anything to jeopardize this moment. They all believe we were attacked, yes we were but they don't know it's because of you and we should keep it that way for everyone's happiness," Michael whispered into Angel's ear after bumping into her intentionally.

"At least I can do something to help!!" She replied. Right there, a villager placed his hands on her shoulder, "No need, Miss Angel. People envy you guys so much that they wouldn't allow you to enjoy your meal in peace. You and your crew did a marvelous work today by stopping that out-of-control female. The least we can do right now is to alleviate the stress on Mrs. Simpson by helping her renovate into an even better place."

"Really?!! You will help?!!" Miss Simpson raised a question. "No!! That would be a joke, Ha-ha!!" (she became sad once more) "Not just I will help, the whole village will assist in the rebuilding of this fine bistro." She jumped into tears... "Thank you so much. You played quite the trick on me, sir."

"Sir?!!" Let's rewind... This villager that walked up to Angel happens to not be any ordinary villager. This man happens to be Mr. Salem.

Mr. Salem?! Mr. Salem is the oldest senior in the village 'Mushishi East'. There is no ruler in this village, all we have is elders and their words are the final say.

Back to where we were... "Yes, we will!!" villagers chanted. "Our dear Angel, Michael, Dorothy, and Angel, go and rest. We're not that weak. We will clear the damages."

"Thank you very much, sir," Michael replied. This was unexpected but things happened to work out for us... "Oh, that reminds me!! Where is the criminal?!" We hoped they didn't because Angel had already asked that we took her in. We didn't accept at first but, what's this with women always emotionally blackmailing us, "I wouldn't forgive you guys unless you take her in and I assure you, I will depart from here and you will never see me again." She said all that. What was that?!

She smirked after we accepted. "Don't worry, we will take care of her," I replied. "She may cause trouble for you guys again. You fellas and the thing is, we don't want that," Mr. Salem said. Hmmm, this will be tough... But I have an idea... "Wouldn't it be better for her to stay in the hands of those that can tame her?! Besides, as you can see, we're stronger." We are left to hope this does it.

"Hmmm... That sounds risky. I would totally be against that... But since it's you guys I will allow. Now shu!! Go and have yourselves some rest time." "Yes sir!!" This man has a thing for letting you down and turning it into a joke. Thank goodness he accepted. We got to our home/apothecary, and the villagers assisted in bringing Dorothy by. We entered, and it was time for rest.

"Place her on the chair," Angel said. I did as she said... "*sighs* Today was really stressful. Let's go have the rest they told us to have, Anon," she added. "Really?!" I replied. "What's wrong?" She questioned. "Are you supposed to ask me that?!"

"We are home. Let us just rest. I promise I will tell you about it tomorrow." "What's wrong with now, are you tired?! Well, I am not, and can't sleep in a house inhabited by a person that almost killed all of us." "It's just that I haven't...." "Just cut to the chase, Miss Angelica... Angela." Looking at the chair, Callista was fully awake and vibrant.

I took my stance... "I am surely not in the mood to beat your ass again. I lost due to distraction and that's all." "Then tell me, what are you here for?!" I asked. "The king needs to see her." "And why would the king need to see her?" "Would you ascend the throne in her place?!" she queried. I was not sure of what she meant. "That's enough, Callista!!" Angel shouted.

"No!! If you can't tell me, she would," I replied. "Continue, what do you mean by 'ascend the throne in her place'? Explain."

"Wait!!! Are you telling me you have known Miss Angela for the years she had been with you and you still don't know her background?" Stroke my head with my hand, I smiled, I just realized how much of a stupid friend I had been. "Well, we were friends for the..." "Oh!! Shush... I will just share it."

"Callista, please don't!!" "Angel, please!!! This is something that almost killed us and you still want to hide it?!" "The King is in search of her to ascend the throne because..." "....I'm his daughter!!" Angel interrupted... "Wait... Are you saying..."

"No, not theoretically, nor technically but biologically, your Miss Angel here, is the daughter of the King of the common realm, 'Alexander Silverman.'"

Did you anticipate this??

Shocking right?!

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