
Chapter 15: Valentine's Day Dance 2

The party was getting lively; most couples were interacting with each other, and drinks and snacks were being passed out left and right. Narumi and Daiki did their best to act naturally as they mingled in the crowd. However, it's not easy to act as a couple in public, especially when their relationship is fake. In this situation, they can only hope that no one will recognize it and spread it to the paparazzi. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, please gather around!" Mrs. Bakamori announced her presence. She wore a red gown that had white sleeves and white lace at the hem. There was also a white fur collar, which contrasted nicely against the deep red of her dress. "Thank you all for attending our family's Valentine's Day dance. We hope you are all enjoying yourselves."

The applause was polite but loud.

Mrs. Bakamori smiled as she waited for the crowd to calm down. "Now that we have handled the clapping, let's talk about the couple that has been trending for a while: Our ice-cold CEO, Narumi, and Daiki." 

Everyone clapped again and stopped when Mrs. Bakamori started talking.

"I was really surprised when I found out that Narumi has been married for four months, but she didn't even tell anyone." She said with a raised eyebrow. Her voice sounded like she was trying her very hardest to sound disappointed or upset. "Anyway, it's alright. Let's call them over to the stage, shall we?" Mrs. Bakamori said before looking back at her guests. 

Narumi and Daiki exchanged glances before stepping up to the stage. They were trying their best to think about what could happen now. She could ask them questions that they know nothing about.

'Calm down.' Narumi thought to herself. 'What's the worst thing that could happen?'

The two of them went on stage and stood next to each other. Mrs. Bakamori stood up next to them and smiled sweetly at them, but it seemed a little strained. "So, you two," She started before looking over to the guests, waiting patiently.

"Here we go." Narumi muttered.

"Since this is your first time attending, we will have to ask you the normal questions we ask new couples." Mrs. Bakamori said, "It's just two questions, which both of you must answer honestly. If you can't do it, you can leave. No hard feelings,"

Narumi could see a teasing smile on her face, obviously happy that she was going to be able to embarrass her a little bit.

Daiki shifted uncomfortably next to Narumi. This situation felt very awkward for him too because he wasn't sure what kind of questions they would get. He looked over to Narumi to make sure she understood his predicament and noticed that she looked more nervous than he did. 

"Alright, then, what is the first question?"

Mrs. Bakamori cleared her throat before asking, "Is there anything special about your relationship? Like that one unique thing the both of you share."

"Uh..." Narumi glanced down at Daiki before looking at Mrs. Bakamori, who raised an expectant eye. 

"We share common interests and love each other a lot." Daiki stated it simply. He saw Narumi nod slightly in agreement but couldn't read her expression. His stomach twisted a bit, and he felt himself blush slightly when the crowd erupted into cheers. 

"How cute!" Mrs. Bakamori exclaimed. "Well, second question then! Can you tell us how many children you would love to have?"

"Huh?" Narumi's eyebrows shot upward as soon as those words left Mrs. Bakamori's mouth. 

'Children? Why would I be thinking about having kids already?' Narumi thought to herself but couldn't suppress the surprise from showing on her face.

'Damnit.' Daiki cursed under his breath. He wasn't expecting the questions either. "And here I thought the night would end peacefully." He added it to his mind.

"Can we skip this question?" Narumi asked nervously after a few seconds. "Please?"

"Oh, come on, darling! You guys should answer it." Mrs. Bakamori replied with a smile. She was clearly amused by the way that Narumi reacted. 

"Well, I don't mind having a large family, but it depends on my wife. If she wants to have a lot of children, then it's alright because it's her body and she is capable of doing whatever she wants with it." Daiki said. 

"Kawaii!"  Mrs. Bakamori squealed and clasped her hands together. "What a gentleman."

"Is he serious or not?" Narumi wondered to herself. 

"Please, let's give a round of applause for this cute couple." Mrs. Bakamori said, and the crowd complied with a cheer. 

"Care on with your activities because by 11 p.m. we shall have the dance battle for this year's Valentine's Day." Mrs. Bakamori finished before clapping her hands again.

"That's our cue to go." Narumi said. Her voice came out in a high-pitched squeak, much different from her usual tone.

"Let's go to the buffet table." Daiki said, but there was something off about the look on his face, as if he was remembering something bad. Narumi couldn't decipher what it was, though. She took the lead, leaving Daiki behind. Once the two of them reached the table, Daiki turned his eyes toward Narumi. She didn't meet his gaze as they took the plates and cutlery. 

"Daiki." Narumi spoke up, not knowing whether to look at his face.

He looked back. "Yeah?"

"Are you okay?" She asked with concern.

His lips curled upward. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

Narumi looked up at him. "I should just ask him what I want to know."

"What you said back when we were on the stage, did you mean it?" Narumi asked. She tried hard to keep the quiver in her voice.

Daiki's brow twitched slightly. "What did I say?"

"About the children's stuff, most men don't care if their wife wants to have many children." Narumi spoke slowly. "Are you serious?" 

"Yes, I was." He answered simply. He picked up a plate and held onto his utensils tightly as he continued to eat. There was an edge to his voice, as if he were holding something back. 

"Why? I haven't met a man who thinks his wife should be more important than the babies." Narumi challenged him, raising her own voice so it wouldn't crack at the last word.

Daiki gripped his utensils really hard. "Maybe because I believe that a woman should be allowed to decide what to do with her body and have as many children as she desires, not to be forced into having a big family." 

Narumi was taken aback by Daiki's response. She could hear so much anger and resentment in his voice. It was obvious that he was holding something back.

"Daiki, I shouldn't be asking this, but I'm curious." Narumi muttered. "Was this decision made because of a personal experience. Like did something bad happen to anyone dear to you because of childbirth?" 

Daiki tensed. He didn't expect the question. After all, it was always a topic he avoided at all costs, but somehow he felt like talking about it. 

"Yes, actually, there was a time when... when..." He trailed off and clenched his jaw. It was almost painful to talk about the subject. "I had a mother, but she passed away during labor." 

"Oh my!"  Narumi cried out in shock. "I'm sorry to hear that. "Do you care to share?"

"Pardon me, ma'am, but I really don't like talking about this."

Narumi knew when to stop pushing. "Sorry."

They ate in silence for a few minutes and watched as people around them danced and interacted with each other. When it was finally 11 p.m., Mrs. Bakamori announced that it was time for the dance battle between all the couples. Different songs were played, and everyone cheered as they started dancing. All the couples present did their best to dance better than each other. 

Narumi and Daiki both remained standing next to each other. Neither of them was participating in the dancing because they felt uncomfortable.

"I think we have to join them, Narumi." "If we stay here, people will get suspicious," Daiki suggested.

Narumi didn't respond at first; having a man's hand on hers was making her feel uneasy, but eventually, she nodded in agreement before getting dragged along by Daiki.

The music changed from fast and exciting to slow and romantic. Daiki placed his free hand on her waist and pulled Narumi closer to him. As much as he hated to admit it, the way that his heart beat faster as Narumi's head rested against his chest made him unable to help himself. Even though the music was slow, it still got him hot, making him feel lightheaded. 

'She looks so beautiful.' Daiki thought to himself as he stared at Narumi's face. The dark strands of her hair that fell loosely in front of her face gave her a soft and gentle appearance. And the way the moonlight highlighted her pale cheeks and skin made her almost ethereal, especially in contrast to her icy blue eyes. Narumi was feeling all kinds of emotions; the way his hands were on her made her feel like butterflies flew inside of her, which was completely new and weird.

'Let this dance end quickly.' Narumi thought desperately as he felt his grip tighten ever so slightly, causing their bodies to press even closer together.

The music eventually died down, and everyone stopped dancing. Mrs. Bakamori stood up from her spot and addressed the room.

"Now it is time to announce the winners of this dance battle. The winner is Mr. and Mrs. Tsukumo!

A few cheers filled the auditorium as the two walked to the front. 

"Congratulations. Your slow dance was so beautiful and perfect." Mrs. Bakamori smiled.

"Thank you very much, Mrs. Bakamori." Daiki bowed politely. "

"Your price is a three-week vacation to Paris!" Mrs. Bakamori exclaimed happily.

"What.....wait?!" They exclaimed simultaneously.   

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