

  Emily had thought that as well, but she never thought that they had any meaning. They were in a world which a hero failed to save, so it was only natural that they would find more than a few odd things here and there. Regardless, Emily decided to fly as high as possible to confirm if Ethan was imagining things or not.

  Although she could fly and she was completely under the control of her body, Emily didn't like heights. Still, she stopped several times along the way before she could get a clear view of the entire region. At first, she saw several of those signs of destruction, but they appeared in random places, so she couldn't find any meaning in them. However, when Emily was twenty kilometers above the ground level, she managed to see the concentration of devourers in the north, and they were right in the center of something… a weird symbol that started right at their position and went toward all directions.

"What is that…" Emily frowned.

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