Abby looked a little bit pale and skinnier too. The crows were really a handful for the Serafim, not to mention she had to help Grace with all the patient that got poisoned.
Liam had told her to take it easy, but Abby didn't want to listen. She had this urge to prove herself that she worth it, that she was not useless and helpless. She was the Serafim after all, they relied on her to bring peace.
However, every now and then Abby couldn't help this bitterness in her heart when she was always reminded of how she had claimed someone else's achievement as hers. Though only a handful people knew about this, but she lived with this embarrassment.
She had a mixed feeling about Iris. Abby knew she was not the enemy and Iris didn't even try to compete with her, but she couldn't help with this negative feeling that kept gnawing in her heart and mind.
She felt even worse when she heard Iris was here. She needed her help, but…