

"My Lord, why do you push thing too far to this point? You can destroy them all, with it…" Zeke glanced at the dark cave, where you would occasionally saw a pair of red eyes, flickering in the darkness. It would give you chill down your spine, because in a glance you would know this predator screamed calamity. "It is ready for you to use…"


Zeke had been feeding all the monsters in the north with Asturi Stem, now this vicious predator had been woken up after a long deep slumber, the monsters gathered around because the creatures could feel it power. 


This was the perfect time for them to move their plan to the next level, but Decratic didn't do it. He took everything very slow, as if he enjoyed this slow torture upon his enemy. 


"If we don't take action immediately and they managed to get reinforcement from the Holy Kingdom once they are able to travel by the sea, we will have hard time." Zeke couldn't follow Decratic's line of thinking. 

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