
Uncle Ash

Amy left the mansion hours before Ash's arrival at the airport to drop by the bakery. She brought Avery with her causing Tom to keep on looking at the rearview mirror. Thankfully he is wearing sunglasses and no one can see where his eyes are looking.

Mitch sat in front beside him instructing him where to go, "Amy, which bakery are we going to?"

"The one that sells Ava's favorite cinnamon roll. I forgot the name, do you still remember where it is?" Amy asked while trying to entertain Avery with some toys.

"Yes, I still remember it," Mitch said before pointing the direction to Tom.

"It is Ava's death anniversary and I want to give Ash something that will make him smile when he remembers Ava. From now on, no more crying on this date. This cutie is turning three and he is starting to question things. I don't want him to remember his father in tears," Amy said after putting a headset on Avery while watching cartoons on his tablet.

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