
Model Simulation

Luna wasn't really sure when she fell asleep, but she woke up to someone calling her up.

She got up to find herself on her desk. She turned to the side to see who was calling her as she rubbed her sleep deprived eyes. There were dark circles under her eyes.

She hadn't been able to sleep properly for the last few weeks, So it had started to take it's toll on her body.

She found one of the Lab assistants standing beside her.

"What time is it?" She said, still in a sleepy voice.

"It's almost noon. You should really take a break and go back to your room." The assistant said in a concerned voice.

It was true, she should go and take a break. But there were more important things to do right now. The matter of the B1 had taken over her life for the past month or so. Everything about it was so fascinating and full of potential that she had given up on all of the rest of her research projects to work on this one.

She had spent countless hours these past few weeks to create a 1:90 scale digital model of B1. Now that it was complete, she could perform simulations of different aspects of the event that would help paint a clearer picture of what exactly happened on the planet.

That was the question she was trying to answer.

Everyone knew that Dr. Kita Thiels in the rage of losing his wife had resorted to mutiny and shot a missile from THS Shore targeting the strange construct known as the 'Monolith'. But that was all.

Nobody really knew what had happened on the planet itself. No one was asking that question. The official statement from the Famed Dr. Kbom was that all the energy stored inside these so called "energy lines" had been released simultaneously and that had cased the planet to burn down and crack itself from the center.

But once someone began to analyze everything, they would quickly find the loophole that the Energy inside the lines were incredibly stable and wouldn't just get released once the lines itself were destroyed.

So, What happened? Why did the huge amount of energy stored inside the lines had been released simultaneously? What had Dr. Kita figured out that was alluding the rest of the community who was also working on this problem?

That was the question she had been fretting over for the past few weeks and was now ready to find out. In fact, she had started a simulation before she fell asleep last night.

"How far has the simulation come along?"

"It's currently at 38%."

"What's the ETA?"

"37 Hours remaining till completion."

"Even with these processors, It's still going so slow. I wish I had access to those military Processor banks. It would've gone so much faster!", Dr. Luna said.

There was an astonishing amount of processors currently working on this simulation. As there were so many factors in it, there were many different calculations that needed to be done and then cross checked with each other, then used as a base for the next calculations. All of this took an insane amount of processing powers.

Part of the reason was the huge amount of energy that was supposedly stored inside the energy lines that ran throughout the planet. Just simulating how these insane amounts of energy behaved took a lot of work. This greatly slowed down the simulation.

Even with the recently upgraded processors that she had at her disposal, it was still going really slow.

These power hungry machines were guzzling a few Petawatts of energy every single minute. These things needed so much energy that a few high-scale planets could run on the amount of energy these things were guzzling every minute.

Although Luna didn't need to worry about these things, it was still astonishing realizing that even simulating a single event took soo much energy. What would happen if one wanted to simulate the whole universe as realistically as possible.

Luna doubted it was even possible, but she could wonder.

She decided to take a break anyway. There were still more than a day to go before she would get any results. So headed out of the Lab and to her quarters.

On her way there, She wondered about just how did Dr. Kita figured out how he could destroy the planet. An within a few days nonetheless. It took her more than a few weeks just to create the models. Simulating it took even more time. Analyzing the results and figuring out things took even more time.

"Just how the hell did he know what to do?", Although one might think it was a fluke and that Dr. Kita just go lucky.

But Luna didn't agree with that assessment. Dr. Kita had carefully planned his every action up until the point he pressed the launch button.

He had been to B1. And even per the reports, the Monolith was completely intangible. So he should've known that it couldn't have been destroyed by just shooting it with a missile. Even so, he did it anyway! And he managed to achieve his goal of destroying the monolith as well as the planet with it!

No matter how much luck she inserted into the picture, It doesn't work. Dr. Kita had to know what he was doing.

But just how could he know what to do? That was the big question.

For some reason, He had been released from military without needing to answering these questions. Either the Military didn't look into the situation that much or they didn't know as much as her.

Whatever the case might be, The whole situation surrounding Dr. Kita reeked of nepotism. His mentor Dr. Kbom had no doubt played a big role in getting him out of trouble.

But what Dr. Luna was interested in knowing how Dr. Kita managed to figure everything out in such a short amount of time.

She wanted to know his secrets.

If possible, she wanted to go find him and ask straightforward,

"What are you hiding Dr. Kita?", Dr. Luna murmured.

Hello again! Here's today's chapter. Thanks for reading my work. As always, let me know your thoughts and comments down in the paragraph or chapter comments. I'll read em all! And if you have any spare power stones, do send them this way, it helps the book reach more people. Thanks <3

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