

"What kind of information?", Dr. Kbom said as he took out his comm and took a look at Kita's message.

"Whoa! So much happened when I was busy? Interesting!", Dr. Kbom began to study the information and data sent by Kita.

"What do you think? Who or what could've done something like this? Or do you think that this might be a natural formation and we're just worried about nothing."

"It's not a natural formation that's to be sure. No matter what so many coincidences don't just happen randomly, Either they're the result of someone's planning and involvement or they are the product of something else entirely.", Dr. Kbom was genuinely curious about the 4 planets and the tech behind this phenomenon.

"Moving around such enormous astral bodies is not possible with current technology, So whoever is responsible is way higher in the tech ladder than humanity or the other major races. But, Why did they do it? What's the purpose behind their actions? What's the purpose of these 4 planets?", Dr. Kbom asked while in deep thought.

Kita also fell into thought when he heard Dr. Kbom. It was true that at a glance there was no real purpose for this arrangement of planets. The temperatures were really hostile, so barely any life form could live in them. There wasn't anything on those planets that potentially served any purpose. 'Not anything we've found yet at least.' That may change in the future, but as things were, these planets were seemly just arranged that way for the sake of it. Although it was highly unlikely, but it was seeming more and more probable.

"If we can find out the motivation behind this phenomenon then we can get a glimpse into who might have built them. As they might be someone we should definitely avoid, it will help to know more about them.", Dr. Kbom said as he turned back to the terminal.

"As it stands there's hardly any information on any civilization who could've done something like this. We should send a exploration team down to each of the planets. That way we'll know if there's anything funny going on in the planets. There's only so much we can learn from the long range scans. As good as the scanners on the Shore are, Much of the planets still stays a mystery to us. Going in and taking a look is the best possible course of action.", Dr. Kbom said as he was thinking looking up the latest scan results on the planets.

"That's not possible, Our current mission forbids us from deviating from the goal, We don't have the time or sub-light fuel to spare. Going of-course now may prove detrimental to our current mission.", Kita shook his head. He also agreed with Dr. Kbom, Going in and taking a look was the best course of action, Cause as mundane as the planets might seem, No one would create such a phenomenon for them to serve no purpose. 'There has to be more to them that meets the eyes.'. But alas, The mission outline was clear. There was to be zero deviations from the goal. Studying the Super structure around V0 was the most important thing on agenda.

"Those old fossils are really stuck up about this, even if we figure out what the super structure does, what're the chances that we'll be able to recreate this elsewhere? Blindly focusing on this is not efficient. I'll see if we can get them to agree on a little detour, The planets are quite close to each other right now, if we wanted we'd be able to visit and investigate all 4 of them within 2 weeks!", Dr. Kbom said as he already calculated the time required to investigate the 4 planets.

Kita looked baffled at Dr. Kbom, 'While talking about investigating the planets, He already calculated the time it would require! It seems that he really wants to visit these planets.'

"Let the captain know that we might be making a visit to these 4 planets. I'll talk to the old fogeys and figure something out." Kbom said as he began to make plans to get the necessary permissions for the investigation.

"Okay, I'll let the captain know. Another thing, Doctor, Have you made any progress with the main mission? From what I can figure out, This supposed super structure isn't made by any of the major races. Even if one of them is responsible for it, It's probably just one of their secret projects.", Kita asked Dr. Kbom.

"I haven't spared much thought to it, From the initial looks it indeed doesn't match the existing super structure created by the other major races. But you may be right, It's probably one of their secret projects, You can't slack off from Innovation if you want to still be alive in this galaxy. Every other Species is doing the same, It's just a matter of time before someone else catches up-to you current tech level. So you always gotta stay a step ahead if you don't wanna die.", Kbom said with a serious tone. He didn't like when humans stopped progressing, in his opinion stopping progression was the thing that'll kill off any species be it human or alien.

"Yes, I agree with you, Progress should never be stopped, no matter what!", Kita held similar outlooks as Kbom. Much of it was cause Kbom was his mentor, but it was important for humanity to keep progressing, threats such as the ones responsible for the 4 Planets can never be too far away. It's only a matter of time before someone more powerful than humans come into the play. The galaxy was inherently an unstable and chaotic place, No matter what, if you wanted to live, being more powerful is the only way of making sure you're alive when everyone else around you is dead.

"I'll take my leave doctor, I'll notify you of any updates.", Kita said before making way towards the door, he knew that Kbom wouldn't answer to him. He never did.

Hello again! Thanks for reading this chapter. Seems like our Scientists are gonna make a visit to the 4 planets. I wonder what awaits them there. As Always, let me know your thoughts in the Chapter and Paragraph Comments, I'll read them all! Also, I seem to have unlocked Power stone voting. So if you have any spare stones, I'd love it if you could help this novel reach more audience. Thanks again <3

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