
Chapter Twenty: Preparations

The next day Jasmine came to the courtyard with different intentions then normal. Ylda and three others had gathered in the courtyard. Ylda stood in front of the three students giving them instructions.

When Jasmine arrived at the courtyard it became silent, as the older students observed the young newcomer.

"Hmm, aren't you Jasmine, that new girl that's said to be super talented? If I remember correctly you're twenty-five. Aren't you a bit young to come with us? Shouldn't we be pushing the age restriction barrier as much as possible?" an older girl asked. She was the only girl out of the three. Ylda didn't count as she was well over thirty. She was just there to help them get started on their journey to the south.

"Great question Asiana, according to our senior who will graduate very soon she is more than qualified to join you three. Plus there's no restriction on who can enter, it's not like we're risking a spot for her!" Ylda told the girl.

Asiana nodded at Ylda, accepting the simple explanation.

Asiana walked up to Jasmine and reached out her frail hand. "Sorry if I came off as unfriendly, it's just that the ruin we will enter might be dangerous. So if you can't lift your own weight the team and yourself might be in danger!" Asiana apologized to Jasmine.

"No offense taken, we'll be working together for a while. So let's be good friends!" Jasmine said.

"Well, it's as you say, so let me introduce myself and my friend! I'm Jack and my friend over there is Harkolth!" one of the men said and pointed to his friend who was talking to Ylda. In what seemed to be a pleasant conversation between two friends.

Jasmine made small talk with Jack and Asiana for some minutes until Ylda was done talking with her friend.

"We will leave in half an hour. Gather at the southern gate of the city by then. Go get the stuff you want to bring, nothing else. Staff, clothes, snacks if you want, but food will be provided! Just be there in half an hour!" Ylda said and left. Leaving the four younger students in the courtyard.

Jasmine bid her farewells and quickly rushed towards her room. She grabbed her diary and left, this time running towards the library. She was going to grab the books she was planning to read on the way to the ruins. She couldn't waste precious time after all.

Jasmine grabbed three books in the library and borrowed them. They were the following. "Basic Beastification", "Blood Circulation" and "Icework". The "Basic Beastification" is a branch in transfiguration magic. It gives the user the ability to transform itself or a part of its body and even friends, into a beast. It gives them a specific characteristic of a different being. Sadly this magic has overwhelming potential but it's one of the hardest transfiguration magics to master. Even if Jasmine spent the whole ride trying to learn it, it's unlikely she'll become efficient enough to use it.

"Blood circulation" is a complicated magic that doesn't belong to some special category and can be said to be simple blood magic. It's supposed to help the user circulate their blood better and therefore increase the body's potential power, while also increasing the mana flow within the body. All in all a very useful spell all mages should learn.

"Icework" is a magic used to control ice. As long as ice is available the user can manipulate the ice into any shape. Now this by itself is pretty useless. But it's very useful when a magician knows basic ice magic that can cretae ice. As Jasmine knows such magic, this spell will become very useful to her.

Jasmine reached the gate at the designated time. She was the last to arrive, but she was still on time. Ylda and the rest were already waiting fot her in a carriage big enough for eight people. It had doors and was protected from the outside world through walls and a roof. The carriage had two windows without glass. Instead it was enchanted with basic ward magic to keep out the cold, while still circulating the used oxygen and replace it.

Jasmine entered the carriage and sat down next to Asiana. The girls had their own corner, just like the boys. The seats where the boys sat and the seats where the girls sat faced one another.

"About time you came!" Ylda said and waved at the coachman who would be taking them to the ruin.

"Now now, she was on time, don't be a killjoy, Ylda" Asiana said, protecting Jasmine. Who for the record was unbothered by Ylda, as the two had a love-hate relationship. Under the years Ylda and Jasmine had gained a rivalry between one another. Due to their talent in magic. Even if Ylda was a bit of a one trick pony. As she only liked to use fire magic. For that's where her talent lies. While Jasmine is a bit more talented in fire magic, she also has great talent in everything else. Making Ylda a bit jealous. Nothing serious like hate, more like an older sibling not liking being outdone by their younger sibling.

"Thanks Asiana, but Ylda is just a bit bitter." Jasmine said and took out her book "Basic Beastification". Without wasting time she opened it and started reading the first page.

"Oh, basic beastification? I haven't started learning that yet. Is it hard? I've heard it's one of the hardest transfiguration magics to master!"

"I don't know yet, I just hope to learn this magic before we enter the ruin. So I'll practice whenever we let the horses rest!" Jasmine answered. She hoped that would quench Asiana's curiosity, so she could focus on learning.

Thankfully Asinan didn't bother her anymore and talked to the others. Jasmine wasn't antisocial, she just didn't have time to talk to them.

'Jantyr, what do you think of the ruin?' Jasmine thought. Trying to reach out to her deity, through the totem she had on her at all times. But no response came. That's when she realized something was wrong. She just hoped it was on her side and that nothing had happened to Jantyr. She tried to keep her calm and just read.

Hopefully this adventure will turn out great!

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