
Chapter 13


We spent the rest of the afternoon watching movies so Ana wouldn't get bored. While Ana was in the bathroom, I explained to my future wife everything the doctor told me about the pregnancy and that there was nothing to worry about so much, at the end of the day it's most likely the baby would recover throughout the pregnancy, but I know she still worry about it. Around eight in the afternoon, I go to the kitchen to start making dinner and when I finish I call them and we eat with laughter that apparently helps Gabriela stay calmer and less tense, which is what I intended by bringing Ana.

After finishing dinner, we return to the living room to finish watching the movie they started before going to dinner and during this, I notice Gabriela too thoughtful and we could say a little more worried than a moment ago, so I put my arm over her shoulders, brought her closer to me and with the other hand I grabbed her chin so she would look at me.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine, I promise." I promised and she nodded "I hope so." She murmured, "You'll see it's going to be like that." I gave her a kiss on the forehead and looked at the screen again, until she looked to her side and saw how Ana was falling asleep on the couch, so I suppose she would want to take her to bed.

"Do you want me to take her to bed?" I asked and Gabriela denied "It's not necessary, but thank you, love." She thanked "You know I have no problem." I insisted "I know. "Princess, come on, it's time to go to sleep." Gabriela whispered in her ear, "But I'm watching the movie, mommy." Ana protested, opening her eyes and focusing her gaze on the TV. "You're falling asleep, come on."

"I'll wait for you here, beautiful." I said without looking away from her, "Okay, I won't be long." Gabriela got up and went upstairs with the little girl to the room next to ours. When time began to pass and Gabriela didn't come down, I assumed she had fallen asleep with Ana. It's weird she doesn't fall asleep when her head hit the pillow these days, well, less when we're making love, but otherwise, she always fell asleep, so I went upstairs to check and as soon as I opened the door, I saw them hugging, covered and asleep, making me end up gawking at them from the door.

After a fairly long time, I decide it's better to sit on the chair in the room, more than anything so in case Gabriela has a nightmare it won't take me too long to get to her, but I fall asleep until at a certain hour I wake up on the floor and with a considerable pain in my butt.

"Alex?" At that moment I curse myself for having woken her up, she didn't have to be awake, she should be asleep like she was a couple of minutes ago I suppose. I look up a little to look in her direction and see her with a small smile on her face. "Did you hurt yourself, love?" Gabriela asked, probably holding back her laughter. "No, don't worry. I'm sorry I woke you up."

"You didn't wake me up if that's what worries you." With those words I get up quickly, completely forgetting about the discomfort and sit next to her. "Did you have any nightmares? Are you feeling bad? Is something the matter?" I started asking questions and Gabriela ended up putting her hand on my cheek, "Love, love. Don't worry. I'm fine, I just feel like eating something." She said, "I already told you you hadn't eaten enough at dinner."

"It's not that, I did eat the amount I wanted, only now I want a stracciatella ice cream, nothing more." My fiancée responded, "Oh, are you sure it's just that?" I asked to make sure "Yes, that's just it. I'm fine, unlike you, you took a good blow." She pointed out and I denied "It's nothing, I'm fine, but let's go downstairs so you can eat the ice cream you want."

We got out of bed and before going out the door, made sure Ana is still asleep. When we got to the kitchen, I went to the refrigerator to get her the ice cream, passed it to her and we went to the couch to watch TV. "How long had you been in the chair asleep?" my fiancée asked curiously, "Well, to be honest, I don't know. I fell asleep around one o'clock." I said sincerely, "Well, you should go to sleep, I can be alone."

"I'm not going to leave you alone in the living room." I responded and watched as she rolled her eyes. "Nothing is going to happen to me." She assured, "And I don't mean that, I don't want to leave you alone because something could happen to you, I just want to be with you, is that something bad?" I asked and she denied, "No, of course not, but you should sleep too." Gabriela insisted, "I'm not sleepy."

"Oh, don't try to trick me, love because you look tired, so stop trying to convince me, because you won't succeed." She assured and this time I'm the one who rolled my eyes. "Okay, I might be tired, but I'll wait for you." I replied, "I appreciate love, but it's not necessary, really." She continued "I'm going to do it and let's not talk about it anymore. Really, nothing beautiful happens."

"Okay, but just know that I think you should go to sleep, it won't take me long to go to sleep too." Gabriela assured, "Well, more reasons to wait for you, nothing is going to happen to me if I don't sleep a couple more minutes, we'll get up later and that's it." Half an hour later we went back to bed and she soon fell asleep. I was about to fall asleep too, the bedroom door opens and I feel hands start to move me, so I turn around and see a scared Ana.

"Are you okay, Ana?" I whispered, trying to avoid waking Gabriela. "Can I go to bed next to mommy?" the little girl asked and I nodded "Sure, but what's wrong, princess?" I asked "I had a nightmare and when mommy is with me, I don't have them." She responded, "Do you need a hug?" I asked and the girl denied "Okay, but try not to wake her so you can both rest." She nodded and got into bed, careful not to wake Gabriela and soon she fell asleep, as did I.

When I woke up, I stretched out my arm to find Gabriela, I couldn't find her, which made me open my eyes and I saw I'm alone in the room, so I got up quickly to see if she's okay, it's weird she isn't in bed.

While I was walking, I heard music in the background and Carlota's voice, something I couldn't understand, I guess she came to check on both Ana and Gabriela. I headed to the living room because that's where the voices were coming from, it seemed like they were watching a concert or something.

"Are you ok?" Marcos asked, and from his tone he's not at all worried about them at this moment. "Obviously we're fine, Marcos." Carlota assured without looking away from the TV "So, why are you crying? Do not replied, you always do the same thing." He said with a smile on his face and rolling his eyes. "You just don't understand this part is beautiful, Marcos."

"Of course I understand, little one, I've seen this concert many more times than you and you three always do the same." He informed his sister, "Don't mess with her Marcos, she lives the concerts." My fiance defended the girl. "Like you, I must admit that you did that to my sister Gabriela." commented "When I grow up, I want to be like them." Ana said, pointing at the television. "And you'll be, don't doubt that, princess."

This whole situation it's a bit funny, apparently, they were crying because of a concert they had seen too many times and I found it funny that Gabriela, who's not one to show her feelings, burst into tears with a simple concert. It didn't take me long to reach them, which made both Marcos and Ana turn in my direction, but neither Gabriela nor Carlota had done so, they were looking closely at the television on which the concert is being played.

"I thought you wouldn't wake up today and that Gabriela was going to have to wake you up as soon as the concert was over." Marcos said with a big smile on his face. "I was tired, but what are you doing here so early?" I asked curiously, looking at the girls sitting on my couch. "Apparently your fiancée wanted to see the concert and how they are both big fans of the group, Carlota decided to come see it with her."

"Which group?" I asked, looking to see if I could recognize the group and at that moment the image on the screen stopped and three heads turned to see me, I could say they were offended. "How do you not know what group it is? Are you stupid or what's wrong with you?" Carlota asked in an annoyed tone. "Now you really did a good job…" Marcos murmured next to me.

I looked at them, because I didn't know what group it was, but the looks Carlota, Gabriela and even Ana were giving me were really starting to scare me, as if I had killed a cat with that simple question. "I really don't know what group it is." I admitted "Well for your information, this is the best Girl band in the world. They're great, you offend me by telling me you don't know who they are. Gabriela, are you sure you want to marry him? You have time to repent, I'm serious."

"I'm going to marry him." My fiancée stated, totally convinced, but with that threatening look she had from the moment I said I had no idea who they were. "Even though he doesn't know them? You're crazy."

"I love him, what do you want me to do against that?" Gabriela asked, focusing her gaze on her best friend. "Well, we're going to give your fiance a little culture, because this can't stay like this. Let's get things done." Carlota said, getting up from the couch. "We have them at your house and some at mine, we have to go get them." my fiancée responded "Come on. Are you coming Ana?" Gabriela asked once they finished saying whatever they were saying and the girl nodded. "Don't even think about taking out the concert because then I'll kill someone." Marcos' girlfriend threatened, pointing to both of us, "We won't."

"You have been warned." It didn't take long for them to get up from the couch and walk out the door, meanwhile I stayed standing in the place I had been at the moment they looked at me with a murderous look. "What just happened?" I asked, a little confused by what had happened. "You don't know what you just got yourself into." Marcos said, laughing. "But what exactly did I do?" I asked, trying to understand what had just happened. "Are you going to tell me they aren't familiar to you?"

"No." I admitted, but at least this time without fearing someone would end my existence. "Wait, let me look for something and then you can tell me if you heard them or not." He started looking for something on his phone while I sat on the couch looking at the television and seeing if they had to play something until music started playing, and I must admit I did hear it, it's one of the songs Gabriela listened all the time.

"From your face I must think you heard this song at some point in your life." My fiancée's best friend pointed out and I nodded "Gabriela listens to that song several times a day." I responded, "Well, because it's her favorite song, of the group." He answered, "But why did I feel like they would kill me for not knowing who they are?" I asked with curiosity, since it would be something that would help me learn more about my future wife. "Because they adore them, all three of them. The same thing happened to Carlos and in the end, he joined the fandom, he becomes there and he would also kill you. Although thinking about it..."

"But were they really crying? Was Gabriela feeling bad?" I continued questioning, but more because I'm worried, she was sick or something. "No, she's okay, there just comes a time in the concert they always cry, I don't know why." The man admitted and I nodded. "Who they are?" I asked "It's Little Mix, it's weird she didn't tell you about them. Gabriela adores and admires them."

"Why?" I asked, surprised she never told me about her favourite group. "You can say she met them one of those days when she needed to relax listening to music and she liked the song it played for her so she started looking for all their songs and listening to them. She practically fell in love with them. Do you know what it's like to be with three girls who literally cry for every song they hear from them? They are complete mixers." He assured, letting out a laugh, "What?"

"It's what the group's fandom is called, if you don't end up involved in the fandom it's a miracle, they achieved it with Carlos." He said with a big smile on his face "Is what is coming at me that bad?" I asked, beginning to fear the worst. "They're going to give you a whole class of them. You will end up knowing everything about the group."

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