
An unfortunate turn of events

"Stay away! you monster..!"

And just like that, Izukus' world began to crumble.

His kagune started to disappear as he stared down at her petrified, shaking form. Terrified eyes burning into his own. He could see tremendous levels of fear, from deep with her soul, rise to the surface.

He had finally been caught. After 11 months of careful planning and avoidance, he had eventually let his guard down.

He had acted without thinking, to protect his friend and now he was left to suffer with the consequences.

Yet deep down he knew, even for all the trouble it caused, he would risk his life for her again. His first true friend after the accident. The first person who allowed him to trust and believe in the people around him once more with her kind gestures and words.

Yet as he looked down at her petrified body, the only emotion he felt was pure dread and fear.

Agonizing fear.

Izukus mind was racing through possibilities while his body stayed frozen still. His mouth long since gone dry as he cleared his throat and tried his best efforts to approach her, not knowing what to do.

He quickly refroze with a flinch as she scampered back, shaking violently, and she let out a quite wimpier as her back hit up against the wall, trapping herself a few meters away from him.

Izuku was at a loss. Nothing was coming to his head. There wasn't possible anything he could do to calm her down and reason with her.

In her eyes he was the criminal of the tv.

In her eyes he was the villain who had ended kamui woods career.

I'm her eyes..

He was a serial killer...

As his brain went into turmoil he caught a movement out the corner of his peripheral vision, only noticeable from the cursed eye within him, he picked up a movement heading straight towards the petrified girl in front of him.

His eyes widened in fear as he watched the figure rapidly approaching her. Once again his body moved on instinct along as he moved forward in a flash of an eye to intercept the villain's attack directed towards his friend.

Unfortunately, it seemed as if in Urarakas petrified state, she hadn't noticed the villain coming toward her from the side.

She only saw Izuku running towards her a blinding speed. Hand reaching out towards her head. All the pressure and fear building up inside overflowed it's boundaries as she let out an almost ear piercing, petrified scream.

Izuku flinched back violently at the sudden loud noises as he caught the villain's wrists, holding a sharp blade, only centimeters away from her head.

Panicking, he quickly flung the villain away, who banged their head in the opposite wall, knocking them unconscious before looking down and his friend's face before quickly placing a hand over her mouth to try and stifle the noise, which would alert others to their location.

However, this only made her start thrashing around more as he pleaded at her to calm down.

Izuku looked into her eyes and realized she wasn't paying attention to anything he was saying or anything in their surroundings. Her eyes were both directly focused on his left eye.

Izuku let out a quiet gasp as he released one of his hands off her in and covered his eye in fear and shame. The realization had struck him. That's how she had recognized him. He remembered the whispered conversation at lunch in the cafeteria sometimes about the feared villain with a red eye that glowed in the dark and killed everything in its line of sight.

The story was heavily exaggerated that people liked to gossip about occasionally but he shamefully knew the baseline facts where true. He remembered hearing some of his classmates talking about it at times in homeroom and even heard some of the teachers looking on in interest when they spoke about it in their free time after they had completed their work in lessons.

The side of the room he had been dropped out of the portal was heavily shaded. She would have seen his eye glowing like the moon on a clear summer night.

The sat like this for what felt like hours as ochakos screams quietened down still holding his hand calmed again his unchanging eye. It seemed he was too hungry to control it. He inwardly cursed his body's lack of obedience to control.

Once Izuk felt it was safe, he nervously retreated his hand away from her face. And brought it back to As side as he turned away in shame and sorrow, glancing momentarily at the two villains he had effortlessly removed from the situation before


Ochako was still as frozen as she was 5 minutes ago, skin sickly pale, making her look almost dead if it wasn't for the horror still lurking in her eyes.

Izuku turned back to her and said with a low calm tone, so to not scare her, and let out a saddened filled single sentence.

"This situation is horrible Uraraka but if you want to survive this, you're going to have to trust me."

He sighed with a small relief as he saw he slightly tilt her head up and down.

"This isn't ideal at all but if we get out of this alive you can turn me in or do what you like but please give me a chance to explain myself..."

Ochako stayed still but her eyes showed understanding. Just as Izuku was about to get up a large group of villains entered the building.

"Well well, look at these brats we'be got here bet this will be fun, murdering you both. "

Izuku froze at the sight of the number of villains that had entered their building. His eyes locked onto the villain which had just spoken towards the pair when his eyes lit up in recognition.

"You have a salamander quirk," Izuku states more than asked.

The villain looked at him with suspicion before his confidence overcame him and confirmed Izukus' statement.

luku stood in straight and lowed his hand off from around his kakugan and watched as Flashes of recognition that went thought the villains turned quickly into fear as he turned to look over his shoulder to ochako with his natural eye.

"Uraraka, cover your eyes.."

She flinched at the sudden comment before doing as he asked without question in fear, not wanting the same terrible fate at the villains which stood before them.

One of the villains who didn't seem to recognize him called out with smirk or pride on their face.

"Aww gonna try and take on all of us to save your little girlfriend. Pathetic!"

Izuku ignored him but turned back towards the main group before rapidly releasing all four kagune from his lower back. The light from behind him illuminating the edges of his body while darkening the center drastically. His red pupils glowed in the darkness.

Ochako peaked though her eyes and looked up at his back taking in the noticeable beauty coming of from the scene before her, making her eyes widen in shock.

"It seems you are at a bit of a disadvantage" Izuku began as a ghoulish maddened smile made its way into his face. Eyes brimming with insanity

"It seemed like I won't have to worry about going hungry after all.."

Ochako held her eye tightly shut as she sat petrified on the floor. The sounds of flesh ripping and being slashed rang through her ears, flinching every time the sounds got to close.

She was absolutely terrified of what was going on around her. Her mind was racing at 100mph trying to comprehend what the hell was going on around her. She was so shocked and scared tears began pouring from her eyes. The stress of the situation she said in made her breathing rapidly increase.

All that time she thought she had known Deku, all the times they had laughed together, the times they had discussed things about there lives and pasts.

All the times he had saved her...

Where they all lies? Was everything they had done together been for nothing?

She sat in fear till the shouts of pain and the tearing of flesh and clashing of weapons ceased.

Scared of what she was going to see, she slowly lifted her head which was previously buried in her hands to look at her surrounding. The sounds of her hero costume alerted Midoriya of her movements, making him quickly turn around to tell her to keep her

head down

"Don't Look! Keep your head down!" He ordered her loudly, in fear of what she would see.

His words of warning came too late as her eyes landed on the bloody scene in front of her.

Her eyes opened wide in terror as she took in the scene in front of her. Blood... There was so much blood laying around the room. Villains could be seen with large gashes along their skin, blood trailing out of their wounds, covering their clothes in thick clotting bloody chunks. Some of the Villains were laying around the floor while others were slumped up again the walls and structural beams.

Somewhere groaning in pain while others looked pale and still. Deathly Still... The gore and dead-looking people who filled the room make her stomach churn and without the help of her quirk.

She fell over to the side and proceeded to vomit up everything in her stomach still only acidic bile was left.

She was terrified, she felt the bloodlust that floated around the room paralyzing her in fear.

Izuku had killed those people..

She knew she would be nex-

"Their not dead, just unconscious..."

Ochako flinched at his cold tone of voice and turned to look at its source before immediately regretting it. Izukus had his back towards her but she could clearly see what he was doing. She watched as he bent down over and over tearing at the flesh of one of the villains before shoving handfuls of the villain's flesh into his mouth. W-Was he Eating them! Ochako watched with wide eyes completely full of shock, disgust, and horror.

What the fuck was he doing! Why the hell was he cannibalizing someone!.

Ochako felt like she was gonna pass out, whether from lack of oxygen, blood rushing around her body to quickly, or from pure shock. It all felt too surreal like she was trapped in a nightmare that no matter how hard she hit her head she wouldn't wake up from. She heard laughing ringing in her ears, wondering where it came from not realizing it was coming from her own mouth.

At the sound of her laughing Midoriya turned around to look at her, to see what she was laughing at. His movement caught her attention and she quickly stilled in fear, slowly turning her head towards him.

By this time he had moved away from the body he had been fucking eating and had moved away from everyone else in the room and moved to a structural beam in the building before leaning his back on it. Ochako observed him from a distance and saw after a while he had no intention of moving as he moved his head to look up at her.

His once monstrous eye had changed back to how it had always looked before. She watched his lifeless expression full of grief and guilt before she turned her head around to the other side of the room to look at the villain he had been devouring.

She watched as the villain's limb which he had bitten off was regrowing.

"They're not dead..?" She questioned him so quietly she almost couldn't hear herself.

Apparently Izuku had heard her because he replied in the same cold tone yet this time the sadness in his tone burned at her heart making her feel almost bad for the villain in her class.

"None of them are, don't worry.." He said before sighing. He pushed himself off the beam he was lent on and tiredly made his way towards his friend. She watched him in fear he began to approach him making her panic.

Flirching back against the wall again, she automatically cried out.

"NO! STOP.! D-Dont come any closer.!"

This time it was his turn to flinch back. She watched as his eyes filling with an overwhelming sorrow as he slowed his pace to a halt in front of her.

"I would ever hurt you," He said in a serious tone, contrasting to his previously chilling tone. Quieter then previously he carried on talking "Even if i wanted to, you would already be dead"

The silent threat sent deep chills down her spine making her tense up, but deep down she knew he was telling the truth. If he really wanted her dead he would have killed her before she knew what was going on.

Ochako looked her classmate a good like to see if she could see any lies in him yet everything about his was calm and seemed almost relaxed.

However, she noticed the twisted look of disgust and anger on his face covered in deep layers of guilt. She looked into his eye and saw how normal it now looked.

Midoriya had seen her staring at his eye and he turned away from her in shame, surprising her.

She watched his back as he began to walk away from her. His posture was hunched and looked very downtrodden. She looked down towards her hand and was about to push her self to get up and run away from him when he spoke out a final


"I guess it's useless to try and persuade you not to tell the police about what I am?" He said with a light chuckle making her stare at him in shock. She watched as he sighed and muttered under his breath "Who am I kidding.." before speaking out to her again.

"Whatever you decide to do, I won't hold it against you..

An with that he had walked out of the building towards the exit. Ochako looked up at him with conflicting thoughts before chasing after him.

She knew if she wanted to get out alive from these villains who all wanted to kill them, staying with Deku was her best bet, however wrong it felt.

In the end, only Todoroki was sent alongside Aizawa and the pro-hero Thirteen. Shouto had frozen half of the new monstrous creature, called a Nomu, her classmates had described to her.

Telling her it was the most terrifying thing they had ever seen.

Throughout all the descriptions she knew that what she had seen today would stay with her for the rest of her life as the scariest thing she had ever seen. Still shaking from the whole experience she looked up to Deku who was talking to his frieMds on the other side of the USJs entrance, smiling and talking with relief.

She couldn't get the images of her friend shoving handfuls of Human flesh into his mouth out her mind.

After all the students had been released and all the police and staff had left Ochako was left in a horrible situation of morals. The morals of doing what was right as a hero in training and the morals of being a good friend.

Deku, whether she acknowledges who he was or not, had saved her life today. There was no doubt about that, yet the doubt in her mind about her morals and right from wrong was scarping and digging away at her mind and sanity.

That night, she laid in bed in turmoil, deciding what was the right thing to do, tears flowing from her face.

That Night, the one eyes ghoul struck again.

That Night, he became careless.

That Night, his once a month meals became two.

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